Thursday, March 23, 2006
Digimon Movie 3... Digimon Supreme Hurricane Touchdown
Digimon Supreme Hurricane Touchdown
(Contributed by Kira-chan)
Images prepared by Julie...NOTE: Excellent summary Kira-chan, thank you!
(I've only seen the English-dub version, so this summary is about that version.)
This movie is around 40 minutes long. I'm not exactly sure when it takes place, but I'm pretty sure it takes place during the summer right after 02 (Example: if 02 took place in '94, then the movie takes place in summer '95.) Kari is once again the narrator of the movie.
It starts out with Kari telling the audience about how the older Digidestined have grown up (but she left out Mimi and Joe for some reason). When she gets to Sora, Kari says that Sora's still waiting for Tai, so I'm guessing something happened between her and Matt that made them separate for a while. And you know how Izzy's hair was all flat during 02? Well when Kari's talking about Izzy, his hair is all frizzed up like in 01 (just a bit of info I thought you'd like to know). As for Matt, he's still a rock star, but now he's known as "The Digidestined Formerly Known as Matt" (I'm having a deja vous moment).
After those first few screen shots it goes directly to the three new Digidestined in 02 (for some reason they left out Ken) who are at the beach playing volleyball with Upamon as the ball. Kari reintroduces them to us, probably for those who don't know anything about Digimon. There's a shot of Yolei and Poromon getting a tan (Yolei's in a bathing suit that resembles the color of cow skin), while Davis and Demiveemon are lying on the sand watching a crab that's about an inch away from their noses (any closer and Davis' nose'll be a whole lot shorter).
Kari continues on by saying "Meanwhile, I was in New York with T.K., partly to visit Mimi and partly to make Davis jealous..." followed by a picture of Kari and T.K. (T.K.'s doing the V sign and Kari's standing really close to him; if you ask me, I get the feeling that Kari does have a mischievous side after all) After that, T.K. tries to forward the picture to the others via laptop, but it doesn't go through. He tells Kari that there must be some kind of electrical surge and that it says "all lines are busy" (this gives the hint that the bad guy has something to do with "Our Wargame").
Then Kari says that she heard something, but no one else can hear it (Why is it that everything paranormal always happens to Kari?). She then senses that someone needs their help but she's not quite sure what it is. The next thing they know an ominous breeze is blowing through and a lot of stuff around them is being crushed.
That's when we see Willis as a preteen. He's staring at a fence in an empty alleyway then suddenly the champion form of Kokomon, Endigomon, appears beyond the fence (Willis still calls him Kokomon, but his real name is Endigomon so that's what I'm going to call him). Willis then shouts, "Kokomon/Endigomon, this has to stop!" The reply is, "Go back..." Willis tries to find out where Endigomon wants him to go back to, but then the Digimon's eyes go all dark. He crushes the fence and yells, "Destroy!" Terriermon then jumps out and bites Endigomon's ear, then the two of them start duking it out (just in case you don't know who Terriermon is, he's the twin brother of Endigomon; they hatched out of the same digi-egg). Since Terriermon's still a rookie and Endigomon's a champion, Terriermon's the one who's getting beat up, plus Endigomon doesn't seem to notice that he's being hit by Terriermon's attacks.
Kari, T.K., and their Digimon are now running towards the battle. Just when Endigomon's about to destroy Terriermon, Willis steps between them and says, "This has to stop!" Then Kari and T.K. run by the fence; then see Endigomon and stop. Willis tries to find out what Endigomon was trying to say, but then the Digimon disappears into thin air, just like that. T.K. then calls over to Willis, but then Willis freaks out. He grabs Terriermon, tells Kari and T.K. that they're in danger, and runs away.
A little bit later, Willis is calling his mom in Colorado, telling her that he's at summer camp. Unbeknownst to him Patamon is spying on him. He sees Willis and Terriermon heading to the subway and hears Willis say that they're going back to Colorado then flies off.
In the next scene Kari, T.K., and their Digimon are on a train headed for Colorado. Kari says that she'll send an e-mail to Davis and the others letting them know what's going on and also mentions that Davis must miss her. At this remark, T.K. groans really loud. Back at the beach in Japan, Davis' D-Terminal gets the e-mail telling them about Willis and asks them to meet them in Colorado. After the three of them read it Davis mentions that they don't have the money. Back at T.K. and Kari, their D-3's start reacting to something. Then the outside disappears and Endigomon shows up. He tells them to not interfere and the train hits the brakes very hard causing the passengers to fall over (just to let you know, the two Digidestined and their Digimon are the only ones in that car). Suddenly everything's back to normal except that the train stopped moving.
Meanwhile, Davis begins another one of his questionnaires. (On an airplane) "Okay, explain this again to me Yolei. Why do we have to stop in three different cities?" "We're using my uncle's frequent flier-mile, and certain restrictions apply." (In a taxi cab) "And why do we have to take this particular taxi company?" "I have an uncle who lives here in Houston, and he has an account with them." (Cody, as the car swerves around the highway) "It's not really that bad?" (Yolei) "At least it's free!" (Driver with Southern accent) "Hey kids, ya wanna hear some music?" (Cody) "We prefer something on the slow and easy side!" (Driver) "Sure!"- hums along to a banjo instrumental- "huh, I'm pretty good, huh?" (Now waving good-bye to an old personal airplane) (Yolei) "Bye Uncle Fred! Thanks for the lift!" (Davis, the group now standing next to the road) "Yolei, your uncle's a lousy pilot." (Cody) "According to the map we're about sixty miles from where we're supposed to meet Kari." (Davis) "And how're we supposed to get there?" (Yolei) "I have an uncle who owns some horses around here!" (Davis) "No! No more uncles, no more horses, no more trains, no more planes... It's got to STOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPP!!!" By sheer coincidence, a truck just happened to pass by and stop, so the three of them with their Digimon hop in the back. Who would be there but none other than... WILLIS!
A little while later after they've gotten off the truck, Willis and Terriermon are getting to know Davis and the others. Willis explains that he had never known any other Digidestined until now. Now here comes a funny part. After talking for a bit, Willis gets around to telling Yolei that she's pretty. Davis loses it and Cody explains that he's angry because they didn't meet up with Kari instead. Willis asks where she's coming from and Yolei tells him she's coming from New York. Willis then remembers that Kari was the girl behind the fence and says that she was cute too, causing Davis to blow his top.
Willis then offers that they wait for them at his family's vacation home a few miles from there. He cooks up a plan to order pizza and get the guy to transport them to his house. After Willis is finished calling Davis says that it was mostly his idea, so Willis tells Davis he's paying. Once the truck gets there and Cody, Yolei, and their Digimon are in the back, Davis is making an agreement with Willis that if he pays for it he gets the first half and the second half. "Now that that's settled I guess we're ready to go!" By go, Davis meant get in, but the driver misinterpreted and drove off without Davis and Willis.
At that moment Endigomon shows up again, except this time Willis' Digivice reacts to it. Veemon tries to defeat him but gets defeated with ease. He then armor digivolves into Flamedramon, and Terriermon digivolves into Gargomon for the first time. The three of them battle together, but before disappearing again, Endigomon completes his message: "Go back to the beginning!"
After the Digimon de-digivolve, Davis believes that they won, but Willis tells him they haven't. Davis asks why but Willis tells him not to ask questions for his own good. Terriermon then gets all dramatic and says that since they're a team now it was okay to tell them the truth. Davis butts in and says, "Well, the truth is we don't have a ride anymore." Veemon then armor digivolves to Raidramon and transports them to Willis' home.
Once Davis and Willis arrive, Yolei informs them that Kari and T.K. still haven't arrived. Davis goes ballistic and Willis says that they're probably not coming at all because of Endigomon. Davis yells at Willis to tell them what's going on and Yolei joins in asking why Willis is the only one Endigomon's after. Willis tells them that he created Endigomon but Davis interjects saying that it's impossible to create a Digimon on your own. Willis yells at him saying he's told them too much, also adding that Endigomon makes anyone who helps him disappear and probably made Kari and T.K. disappear then leaves to be by himself. Being the truly insensitive person he is Davis comes with him (I don't think privacy is in Davis' dictionary).
A long time later Davis and Willis find themselves in a forest next to a huge canyon. Davis breaks the ice and tells Willis that being a Digidestined means that you don't have to do anything alone. After pausing for a moment, Willis tells Davis what happened (During this scene, different pictures from Willis' childhood with his Digimon are shown) : "Eight years ago, a digi-egg came out of my computer and hatched into two Digimon, Zerimon and Conomon"- actually he said Terriermon and Kokomon, but those are the names of their baby forms (according to my D-Terminal) - "I finally had someone to play with, my very own pets, and they talked too! It was the best!" (Flashback) Willis is tying a bandage around Kokomon's behind. "You have to give it time to heal, okay?" (What happened to it, I don't know, but how in the world did he injure his rear end that bad?) (Older Willis' voice) "They'd even do my chores for me." (Picture of the Digimon on a water pump) "I thought it would be cool to have more of them, so I got this stupid idea of creating a digi-egg on my computer. That's when it all went bad. Before my digi-egg could hatch, it was attacked by a virus and mutated into Diaboromon." (Picture of when Diaboromon infected the Internet) "When Tai and the others destroyed him I thought my bad dream was over, but the nightmare was just beginning"- no offense to Willis, but doesn't that sound a little corny?- "the virus somehow tracked us down and dragged Kokomon away from me. I've watched helplessly for four years as he became this terrible monster, and now he's obsessed with chasing me." (Corny) Davis tells Willis that they're a team now. Willis asks him if there's anything to know, and Davis replies that he's the only one who gets to kiss Kari. Willis asks Davis if he can give her a little kiss since they were hitting it off in New York (liar) but Davis won't budge.
The next day, Davis and everyone are standing in a field next to the same canyon and who should appear but Endigomon. Veemon, Hawkmon, and Armadillomon armor digivolve into Flamedramon, Halsemon, and Digmon, and Terriermon digivolves into Gargomon. In turn, Endigomon digivolves into his ultimate form, Antylamon (just a little FYI: when Terriermon and Endigomon digivolve they get trapped inside a bubble and come out digivolved unlike the others). All of them start fighting each other, but Antylamon tosses them around too easily.
Antylamon then dives for the water and Gargomon goes after him. Both of them are standing on the water (How'd they do that? Does anyone have any idea how much they weigh?), then Antylamon disappears. The whole canyon starts glowing and a mega level Digimon emerges from the water: Kerpymon (he's actually Cherubimon with a different name in case you don't know). He throws some kind of black balls at the Digidestined Digimon, and they de-digivolve into their rookie forms. He then grabs the Digimon and starts juggling them. Willis says that it's his fault and Davis asks, "Why, are you the one who taught him to juggle?" The Digimon try to destroy him, but every time Kerpymon gets hit he just regenerates.
Kerpymon is then about to eat them when a blast detaches the arm holding the Digimon. The Digidestined look to see what it was and see Angemon and Angewomon along with T.K. and Kari. T.K. apologizes for being late while Davis is jumping with joy at the sight of Kari. Angemon and Angewomon work together to tear Kerpymon into smaller pieces. He temporarily disappears, but then his parts regenerate and reassemble.
Suddenly, it gets really dark. Willis looks over at Davis but is shocked by what he sees. He tells Davis that he looks like a baby and Davis replies that Willis looks like a baby. They look at themselves and find out that they do look like babies (actually more like eight-year-olds). As everyone else starts getting younger, Willis figures out that when Endigomon said go back, he meant go back in time! (Since when could Digimon do that? Also during this scene, there's a shot of Cody running around crying like a toddler) Angemon and Angewomon figure that the only way to defeat Kerpymon is to release the Golden Eggs and digivolve into their mega forms: Seraphimon and Magnadramon (How do they release the eggs by digivolving?). Two lights appear and zoom towards Davis and Willis. Davis' light turns into the Golden Egg of Miracles and Willis' light becomes the Golden Egg of Destiny. Kerpymon then attacks the two mega Digimon and they de-digivolve to Patamon and Gatomon.
Veemon and Terriermon Golden Armor digivolve into Magnamon and Rapidmon and start blasting at Kerpymon but fail to damage him (Haven't they learned anything about blasting him from the outside? It doesn't work!). They figure that if they can't fight him outside then they'll have to fight him inside and zoom into Kerpymon's mouth. Thinking that it's over, Willis, Yolei, and Kari start crying.
Meanwhile, inside Kerpymon's digestive system (not really), the two Golden Armor Digimon see Endigomon pointing at his insides. They decide that destroying the Endigomon inside Kerpymon is the only way to remove the virus. They blast at Endigomon, and on the outside, Kerpymon transforms from a zombie-looking Digimon into his good self. Kerpymon thanks Willis and start dissolving. Willis thinks that since Kerpymon died he's lost Terriermon too, but he sees him flying towards them while carrying Veemon. After everyone's returned to their normal size Willis says aloud that he's lost Kokomon, but Davis interrupts him and informs him about the whole Digimon Life Cycle: they hatch, they disappear, they get reconfigured, they hatch, etc. (I guess no one told him)
A while later, everyone's back in New York. They're all standing on a bridge and the sun's setting in the background. Willis says good-bye to everyone, and just before he leaves he gives Yolei and Kari a kiss each. Either Willis ran off or Davis chased him away (You could see T.K. behind Kari with a look of disbelief). Davis yells after Willis saying that Kari's his girl. She asks him what he means and Davis tells her that it's guy talk.
In the next scene Willis is on a payphone next to a river talking with his mom. He's telling her summer camp's been great; that he made a lot of new friends and that he got into a few fights but got it sorted out (half yes, half no). Once he's done talking Terriermon says he smells a digi-egg. Willis looks up and sees an egg floating in the river. You hear Kokomon's voice calling Willis, and he runs over to the egg and scoops it up.
Kari narrates for the last time in the movie saying things like Willis learned about teamwork the hard way and how Davis was right about the whole life cycle thing. The movie ends with Endigomon singing "All Star" by Smash Mouth. Willis is watching his Digimon sway back and forth and says, "He's tone-deaf." (So true)

Thank you to Julie of anime admirers
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