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Thursday, March 18, 2004

Hmm, weird week...

I've experienced enough work, so I kinda quit today. I really couldn't be fucked sitting around while people go outside and have a smoke. I had to sit around reading the paper for an hour today waiting for someone to show me around The Examiner (Tasmanian newspaper). So I left in my lunch break, and I'm home now with my new dvds, FLCL 2 and Pirates of the Hard-To-Spell-Place: The Curse of the Black Pearl. You may call that kinda slack (I do), but I have so much to do in the next two weeks, like the Swimming Carnival, homework for EVERY subject, survival camp, AND I have to study and take my learners driver test. So I really couldn't be fucked wasting my life watching computer screens for another 8 hours. Which I guess I'm doing now, but at least I get to actually do stuff.

So anyway, onto the experience. I got my story and a photo of me on the front page of the local newspaper (damn). That just sucks. I'm standing next to the principal like we're best friends. The editor edited my story (Funnily enough, that's what editors do), so it sucks now. He made it sound crap. Kinda.

So after that I went to the state's major TV station, Southern Cross. It was good and shit, shit because it was boring in some places and good because the hottest news presenter in the world said hello to me. And I got in a commercial for a computer store - this ad producer said he needed someone else and I got the role, I even had a close up. It's better being on tv than being in a local newspaper :D. I nearly lost it filming the ad though, it was pretty damn funny. We had to pretend we were working in an office, and I had to carry stuff around, it looked like we were trying to hide our crop. Heheh. They're gonna send me a tape when it's all edited together.

Other funny stuff: I came back from filming the ad, and the weekend weatherman/voice-over guy had just come back from perving on the previously mentioned hot tv presenter chick, cos she was outside in bike shorts (all the office guys had run to the window to check her out, heh). He was saying all this stuff about her, like 'If that wasn't for free you'd pay for it', 'She had her jumper tied around her waist, damn, you couldn't see her ass!' and my all-time favourite, 'I love skanky girls, hell yeah - I wish she'd dress more skankily, I'd like to skank her up a bit'. I nearly fell over, because on TV they're all happy-happy joy-joy at eachother. But he was a real prick, it was the weirdest thing ever.

So yeah, that's about it. At the end of the day I was walking out and she walked past me, and she smiled and said hello. Oh yeah. Uh, ahem.

So that's the work that I experienced. OK in some places, horrible in others. But at least I got to act in an ad. Cya.

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Sunday, March 14, 2004

Hey, I haven't updated in ages.

Work experience started today (it's my lunch break right now), and I'm at the local newspaper. Anyway, they use Macs, and the mouses have one button. ONE! I mean, I try to right-click but it doesn't work. Weirdest damn mouses I've ever seen. So anyway, they're making me type up ads (well, I'm trying to type them up, but the dude on the computer next to me keeps pointing out things that Microsoft copied from Apple). And I'm writing a story on the new performing arts centre they're building at the high school, so I'm waiting on a call from the principal so I can interview her. It's easy to waste time though; I spent half an hour choosing a font for the header on one of the ads, and no one noticed. Or maybe they're talking about me behind my back and they're gonna fire me. See, the paranoia's setting in already.

Anyway, on Wenesday I go to the state's TV station, then on Thursday and Friday I go to a bigger newspaper place, where they'll hopefully have heaps more fonts that I can look at. Anyway, time to get back to work, cya.

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Friday, March 5, 2004

Uh... Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

Look! I made wallpapers. Two FFX ones, a FFX-2 one and a Wind Waker one.

I had something to post but I've forgotten what it was, dammit... Ok, I remember now. Our first debate was supposed to be on Tuesday next week, but the other school pulled out of it. Sooooooo that means we won, I guess. Kinda. Now I can sleep at night.

Ok, well that's about it. I've got Work Experience and Grade 10 Camp in a coule of weeks, so I dunno if I'll be able to post much, but I'll try. Cya.

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Friday, February 27, 2004

Woo hoo, new fanart - for the first time in 50 years or so. It's Samus.

Ok, I'm going away for the weekend, so I won't be on for... a day or so. I guess that won't really matter though. Ok, you can go now. Cya.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2004

*pant pant* Fuck I'm tired today. Uhh... excuse the profanity, I guess.

So it all started when my friend said he wanted to climb the local mountain, Mt Stronach. He's been bugging me for about a year to go up with him, and since it's a holiday today we decided to walk up it, since it's kinda near his house.

So, I rode my bike to his house, which was a couple of kilometres away (I think that's around 1 mile or so). By the time I got there I was already pretty tired, but of course he wanted to leave straight away. So off we went, another couple of k's.

When we arrived at the base of the mountain, I was half dead, so we decided to rest for a while. Well, I rested, but my friend spent about 10 minutes 'hiding' our bikes in the bushes. He covered them with heaps of ferns and crap. We then started to walk up the mountain.

Well, we walked for the first bit, but after a while we started to stagger, since it was so damn steep. Nothing much happened on the way up, and we arrived at the summit about an hour after we started. The view was pretty cool, so we sat down and ate lunch.

The cool thing about the mountain is that it has a huge rocky side, that slopes down. So I got this huge rock, and threw it over the edge, and it bounced all the way down. When it hit the ground it made a huge crash. So, I threw heaps of other stuff over the side of the mountain too. Why is destruction so much fun?

So that was about it. We walked down the mountain and rode home. I must have looked like a bush on wheels though, because all the ferns my friend had used to hide our bikes had somehow become stuck all over mine. But, I guess it was kinda worth it (I can't feel my knees).

Hmm... I drew some Samus fanart, so I have to go colour that now. And I have homework to do. Bah. Cya.

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Monday, February 23, 2004

Dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum.

Uhhh....... heh.

I got an mp3 yesterday from Kazaa (or should I say KaZaA), of Space Lion from Bebop. That's the song that plays at the end of Jupiter Jazz Part 2, and I'd have to say it's the best music in the whole show. Yep.

Ok, so you know how teachers pick on you to answer questions when they think you're not listening? That happened to me today in SOSE (history). I was laughing at something, and the teacher had just been talking about some Australian history crap. He saw me 'not listening', so he asked me a question about it. I could see it in his face; he thought that he'd caught me out. But, since I always make sure to half-listen to teachers, I answered the question correctly. That shut him up. The moral of this story? If a teacher thinks you're not listening to what they're saying and they ask you a question, just dribble crap that's loosely related to the subject, and you'll be fine.

Speaking of subjects, in IT today we're learning how to use FrontPage, and usually it sucks, but today we actually learnt some new stuff. So when the teacher wasn't looking, I snuck into mO and added a mouse-over description thingy to my header. I've always wanted to do that :D. So go wave your mouses about, and I'll do a quiz. Cya.

theOtaku.com: What is Your Japanese Novelty Item?

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Friday, February 20, 2004

Hmm... I really need to start updating more often...

So anyway, I finished watching G6d9's Bebop DVDs. Pretty good stuff. I think I'll buy the best sessions DVD, because I don't see the point in spending $150AUS on the box set when I've seen all the episodes anyway. And I HAVE to find myself a copy of the Bebop movie.

Here we go: 800 hits.

Only 200 to go until I start seeing 4 digits whenever I log into my backroom.

Hmm... oh yeah, I sorted out my Otaku Boards account stuff, they re-sent the activation email. So now I can go give my opinions about stuff. Speaking of opinions, I've somehow ended up on the Senior Boys Debating Team for our school (dammit), which is kinda crappy. The school librarian's organising it, and she's been in love with me ever since I won a writing award last year, so she signed me up. Bah! I don't know why I even try at school.

I think I'll go eat something now, so here's a quiz. Dunno what quizzes have to do with food, you work it out. Cya.

theOtaku.com: What Golden Sun Adept Are You?

Looks like I'm a wind adept. Ivan's my favourite character from the game, too.

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Saturday, February 14, 2004

Hmm... I went to the beach yesterday, and I was digging in the sand with a stick, when I found a condom wrapper.

Happy Valentines day to me.

To celebrate that special occasion, I made this.

Woo hoo, I worked out the Windmill Hut music from Zelda OoT, thanks to Zelda Elements and their sheet music. It's pretty hard though, you have to do about eight things with each finger at once. It sounds simple in the game, but it isn't once you try to play it.

I still haven't started on my homework. It pisses me off because when I want to draw, I think that I should do my homework. Then I get put off drawing, and I don't feel like doing homework. Bah, it's a terrible cycle. Oh well.

Anyway, I think I'll get started on my English homework, we have to write about someone who single-handedly changed the world. Cya.

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Thursday, February 12, 2004


School started again today. It went ok, I guess, except some of our teachers are pretty crap. And we have homework ALREADY! Dammit.

I can't get into the boards, either. I never got the activication email thing sent to me, and I'm 100% sure that I entered the right email address. I emailed James about it but... that was a few days ago, and he hasn't gotten back to me. I guess he's busy.

Hmm... I thought this post would be really long, but I guess not. I'm gonna go make a Valentine's Day greeting now, so cya.

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Sunday, February 8, 2004

Whoa, another update. I got the Manor Model in Animal Crossing today, which means I broke the 100,000 points mark with the Happy Room Academy.

Bah! I drew a pic of Haruko, but it turned out shitty when I scanned it, so I'm not going to upload it. I haven't submitted any new art for months, dammit. Guess I'll just have to try again. I got the pose and everything right, but I really screwed her face up. It ended up looking like she had something stuck up her... yeah.

I'm borrowing G6d9's Bebop DVDs, so I've been spending a bit of time watching them. Uh... what else. I signed up for OB too, so I better go check that out. Cya.

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