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Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Eh, I haven't updated in a while.

w00t! I got FLCL on DVD... Well, the first two episodes at least. Greatest. Anime. Ever.

I changed my display pic to Canti, and I used the only line he... er... 'says' in FiSta, where he returns from the store. That's my favourite scene so far, it's just so blunt.

Bah! I'm starting swimming training again for the season (I've been slacking off these holidays) at 4:30 PM today. I've been the swimming champion at my school for the past 3 years, and since I'm in my final year of high school this year, I really want to win it for a fourth time. So I've been working out which events I need to place first in... I worry about the strangest things, don't I.

So yeah, so that's it from me today. School starts up again in a week, which kinda SUCKS, but I guess I have to live with it. Cya.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Ok, a cool thing happened last night: In our new house, you can see the sea from the kitchen (which is pretty damn good since it's a 20 minute drive away), and there was a thunder storm happening with lightning and crap. So on the horizon, there was all this lightning flashing over the sea, and it was probably the sweetest damn thing I've ever seen. Yup.

Ok, since all my posts seem to be random and unconnected, I'll change the subject entirely. Who agrees I need a new avatar? I've had that Venus & Braves one ever since my old layout. I might let you guys and ladies decide on one for me, I'll give you a selection or something. If I remember.

Whoop, new keyboards rock (musical keyboards, not computer ones). I wrote some new music last night, and I've been spending most of the day recording it.

BTW, good news, for me anyway. Ganon6d9 spotted some FLCL DVDs at Harvey Norman (An Australian department store, Non-Aussies), so hopefully I'll have 'em by the end of the week. Now I just have to wait, and work on finishing Mario & Luigi. And before I go, here's a question: Do any of you actually like random battles? In most RPGs they piss me off, so I stop playing, but in Mario & Luigi you can actually see enemies on screen, which is probably why I'm still going with it. Just a thought. Cya.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Whoa, I'm back. We just moved, so I couldn't get on the internet for 3 days. Hmm. I guess that's not that long, really. But I'm back so... yeah.

So anyway, about my psychic/mystic/whatever powers. The freaky thing about the chair incident was that it didn't have wheels like normal computer chairs. AND IT STILL MOVED! I haven't sneezed since then, so I haven't had the chance to try and manipulate other objects yet. Maybe I should go grab some pepper.

Or not. Anyway, it's time to go download stuff and make quizzes, so cya. Looks like another short post.

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Friday, January 23, 2004

Just a quick post to say that:

1. I bought Linkin Park: Live in Texas today and;

2. I just sneezed a minute ago and the chair moved, which kinda freaked me out.

What, you wanted more?

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Thursday, January 22, 2004

TA DA! I made a new banner, see? I like it better than the other one. But why won't it CENTER ITSELF DAMMIT!!! It aligns to the right and left, but wtf is up with the middle of the page?! Bah. Yes, bah to you, html.


Eeeww, this post is giving off freaky stressed-out middle aged man vibes. I think that means...


...Uh, I think I should leave now. Heh.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Ok, I'm back.

So yep, I've been testing blogs out, but I think I'll just stick to a normal image for my header until I get more confident with html. Ahh, I'm just a coward.

Whoa, someone just screamed outside.

Uh... anyway, my page is up to 600 hits now, which is pretty damn cool. I was excited to get 100, but now it's like... six times better. Thanks to everyone who keeps coming back.

Looks like another short post from me. The whole someone screaming outside thing was going to branch off into its own paragraph, but I couldn't think of anything to say. I'll just make this post look longer by adding some quizzes...

Which 1990's Subculture Do You Belong To?

[Another Quiz by Kris
@ couplandesque.net]

Don't get blood splatters on you when you shoot
your victim. Your methods are a bit uncouth but
your finesse and sense of style is impeccable.
With a bit of guidance you could live among us
in the world of vampires.

How would you Murder?
brought to you by Quizilla

eating people

what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ok, that's enough quizzes. Cya.

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Thursday, January 15, 2004

Hmm, ok then. I guess the orange looks ok, but I still want to change the banner. Yep. By the way...

What the hell is a blog?

I've heard them mentioned, and Noshi suggested I should use one at the top of my page, AND I have a fair idea of what the are, but I just don't understand 'em. Please help my humble html skills to grow.

Ok, embarrassing questions aside, I'm going away for a couple of days so I won't be able to update. I feel like drawing some more fanart, too. Maybe some M&L stuff? Hmm. I just remembered that I have to light the lighthouse for Tortimer, so cya.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2004


Yep, the AU$100 is gone. Whittled away with a simple flick of the wrist. Well, two actually, because I went to two stores.

Now, I know that your sleeps of late have been troubled, as I'm sure the suspense of my impending purchase has been invading your thoughts. Ok, that's probably not true, but still.

Ok, so I decided to follow G6d9 and Tony's advice, and I bought Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. I almost got LP: Live in Texas too, but then I went to another store and saw... FINDING NEMO DVDS! The reason that deserves bold + capitals is because FN is supposed to be out on January 16th here in Australia, but yesterday it was January 13th, so I got it 3 days before the official release date. It also came with a limited edition sparkly cradboard slip that goes over the case, which made the whole deal even cooler (What, I like shiny things). So I just HAD to buy it. Put simply:

AU$100 - (RPG + Sparkly Cardboard) = Entertainment + Not Much Money

Time to change the subject. Isn't this new style editor thingy awesome? Now we can easily make our pages colourful. Oh yeah. But I think I've overdone it with the orangeness. And my new banner just seems to throw the whole page of balance, it needs to be below my avatar, longer and centered. *Sigh*

Ok, time to go, I'm having M&L withdrawals. Cya.

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Sunday, January 11, 2004

I played an awesome game today. It's called...

F-Zero GX.

Oh yeah. So anyway, I went up to Ganon6d9's place today to play it (Uh... and to say hi, of course), and I was surprised out how sweet it was. Amazing graphics, great gameplay, cheesy Sonic music. Yep, that game has it all. Kinda. So my AU$100 now has another canditate to be spent on. And I can't forgot those FLCL DVDs. I think I need to get a job.

In other news, school starts in about a month down here, which is too damn soon if you ask me. Which of course you didn't. School just seems to interrupt everything, and all the rules really get to me. And some the office staff are just so damn snooty. They're hiding something... I can see it in their eyes...

Unfounded conspiracy theories aside, I did a quiz. Just like everybody else. Because I CAN.

You're Asshole.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


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Thursday, January 8, 2004

Woo hoo, it worked :D. That was actually pretty easy, I thought my whole page was gonna turn upside down or something. Anyway, I need to blab on about things so I can see what the background pic looks like in full.

I've started playing Metroid Prime again, (I stopped playing it about 5 months ago, I just got sick of all the SPs in Phazon Mines). I'd forgotten just how atmospheric that game is, and the sweetness of the morph ball. Definitely the best game on GameCube.

I wish this could have been a more meaningful post, but I can't think of anything else to write. Time to go check out that pic now, cya...

*Thanks to LazeChibi for the table*

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