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Thursday, January 8, 2004

Ok, table testing time. This is either gonna look really cool or completely f*** up my site, so hold your breath... btw, I got 500 hits a few days ago, sweet.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2004

Woo hoo, new banner!

As you may have noticed, I have a new banner, FLCL themed this time. It's very... orange. Anyway, I'm going to try out some new html stuff for my site, so if you come here and find that everything looks wrong, you'll know why.

Hmm... I don't know what to spend my Christmas money on. I have about $100, so I thought maybe some anime, Mario & Luigi and LP: Live in Texas, or even The Two Towers Extended Edition. Or maybe I could just bank it, which is the sensible but boring thing to do. There's always the option of donating it to charity, but that would only benifit my conscience. Ahh, decisions. Even the simple ones suck.

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Thursday, January 1, 2004

Uh... Happy new year.

Well, I certainly haven't updated in a while. Sooooo... HERE WE GO!

I hope you all had a sweet Christmas and a happy new year. I did, thanks mostly to the awesomeness of Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Remember the extra emphasis on 'double dash' because of the two exclaimation marks.) Damn IGN, they underated that game. 7.9! Those bastards.

Uh... yeah. So anyway, instead of asking what you got for Christmas, I'm gonna ask you what the WORST gift you recieved was. Oh yeah, it deserves to be in bold. I'm not talking about the socks or the mugs, I'm talking about the really disappointing stuff. The stuff that makes you wonder if whoever gave it to you did so just to see if you could handle the horror. You know what I mean. It happens to all of us. Cya next post.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2003

It's Turkey Time.

So yeah, I haven't updated in a while. Oops.

Anyway, LOTR: ROTK comes out here on Boxing Day, So I've spent the last couple of days re-watching FOTR and TTT. Ahh, good memories. Apart from the crappy bluescreen usage when Merry and Pippin are on Treebeard. Grrr.

Christmas is tomorrow, That means we all get to open our presents, see family and eat (If you celebrate Christmas, that is). Hope none of you fall victim to IPPLG (Impulsive Parental Purchasing of Licensed Games). Because no one wants to see a brand-spankin' new copy of Nickelodeon Party Blast under the tree this festive season. Eh, touchy subject.

I did have a lot more to say but I've forgotten what it was. So just pretend this was a long and meaningful post, ok? Happy Holidays.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Should have just thrown a brick through the window...

So yeah, I walked home from school today (as usual), and arrived home to find the house locked and empty. So I searched in the usual place for the key, only to find it wasn't there. I tried all the doors, only to find that each one was locked.

I now had two options: sit and wait for someone to come home, or break in to my own house. After contemplating for a bit, I decided to break in, because I was getting hungry. Luckily, a window had been left open, but there was still a fly screen covering it. I carefully tried to prise the fly screen away from the window, and even though I bent it in a few places, I was able to remove it. I then jumped through the window and arrived on the lounge room floor. Then I got something to eat.

Just thought I'd tell you all about that one.

Anyway, why do all music critics seem to hate Linkin Park? Their fan base, especially in America, is huge. Yet why do reviewers seem to think that LP fans have a bad taste in music? I've listend to Hybrid Theory more than any other CD in my collection, and I've had it for more than two years now. None of the songs seem old or stale. Damn mainstream haters.

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Friday, December 5, 2003


Ok then, read this:

Get ya facts straight
Posted by Marche on 12/05/03

Keith For the fucking millionth time i didnt do it. SO GET YOUR FUCKING FACTS STRAIGHT NEXT TIME BEFORE YOU JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS. I Told you that i got a whole heap of email addresses of some chain letters that i had on my email. so why dont you explain to these people how you got your facts whong and accused someone who was supposed to be your friend...

Well someone's been doing a bit of lying. What about the MSN convo we had together after you wrote that, Marche?

Keith says:
why won't you admit it was you
Keith says:
.:Josh:. says:
because it wasnt
Keith says:
it was you
.:Josh:. says:
fine then it was me just to shut you up
Keith says:
was it you or not
.:Josh:. says:
ok ok i got into it BUT i didnt change the password
Keith says:
why did you get into it
.:Josh:. says:
really only to see if bree was on like you said im obbsesed and i cant help myself (god damm bree why do i like her so much)
Keith says:
and why did you get my contacts and put them on your list
.:Josh:. says:
i dunno i was trying to see how many contacts total i could get
Keith says:
how many did you get from my list
.:Josh:. says:
probbably all but ive deleted them all now that ive found out you can only get a total of 150

We're not buying the lies, Marche.

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Thursday, December 4, 2003

Yep, Animal Crossing has finally arrived...

So, for the second time, someone's hacked into my hotmail account and changed my password. The first time this happened, I had no idea who it was. This time, the 'hacker' made a crucial mistake (which he also made last time, but I didn't notice): he added my contacts to his list, at least two of them. And one of them just happened to be my sister, who was on the internet in her room when 'I' came online on MSN Messenger. 'I' then promptly left.

At this time I had no idea who the imposter was. It wasn't until later when I tried to sign in to hotmail that I realised my password had been changed. So, I let my sister sign into MSN Messenger again, and she told me that someone had added her to their list: party_maniac@hotmail.com. This person is also on my list, so the only way that they could have gotten my sister's email address would have been if they had logged into my account. I also found out later that they had added another person from my list to their list, so I was now 100% sure as to the identity of the person who had hacked into my account. Most of you should know him too, actually. Yep, he has an account right here on theOtaku. So who is it, you ask?


I know him from school. He used to be on my friends list, but now he's not, for obvious reasons. So thanks for invading my privacy, Marche (did anyone catch the sarcasm?). Last time I ever help you.

Uh, ok then, on a lighter note, I FINALLY got Animal Crossing! Woo hoo. And an awesome game it is, too. Especially with my home-made Linkin Park t-shirt. I'm having AC cravings now, so I better go. Cya.

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Saturday, November 29, 2003

What a glorious day.

Hmm, has anyone noticed that my site looks DIFFERENT? Well, it's because ANGELFIRE DELETED MY ACCOUNT WHERE I STORE ALL MY IMAGES. Great, huh? It IS my own fault though, I didn't read the terms of service. But who reads that crap anyway? This is the rule I violated:

Unpaid Services in General. Lycos offers versions of the Angelfire, Tripod and HTML Gear services that are free of charge, exclusive of Internet or other telecommunications and computer equipment charges and fees. Any aspect of such services may be modified by Lycos for any reason or for no reason at all, in Lycos' sole discretion, without prior notice, or any notice. Lycos allows one unpaid Angelfire or Tripod membership and one unpaid HTML Gear membership per individual with a legitimate electronic mail address. If a user of the unpaid version of Angelfire or Tripod does not build a homepage within twenty eight (28) days after registering for such service, Lycos may delete such member's Angelfire or Tripod account.

Yippee, now my Otaku page is completely f***ed up, thanks Angelfire! The ironic thing is that I entered Chibichou's layout comp, and the entries close today, which means the judging isn't far off. I bet I'll do just GREAT!

***I've fixed the problem now, I just created a new Angelfire account and moved all my images over to it. I'll be sure to read the fine print from now on...***

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Friday, November 28, 2003

Backgrounds for you!

Woo hoo, Photoshop 7.0 kicks ass. I made two backgrounds with it, and I'm pretty proud of em so I thought I'd chuck em up here.

As you can see, I love the lens flare effect. Brings back memories of staring at the sun in Super Mario Sunshine.

I've made a few *minor* changes to my page, being the addition of coloured text in my intro (Oh yeah, I'm getting hardcore with HTML now) and the deletion (is that even a word?) of my Phoenix pic. The reason I got rid of it was because I didn't really like it, and it's been annoying me a lot. He kinda looked... stoned or something. You could see it in his eyes. Yep, that's what drugs will do to ya. I'm also trying out this font colour for my future posts.

I'm still resisting the shoutbox urge...

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Thursday, November 27, 2003

Golf, Toilets, Art and Photoshop 7.0...

The past couple of days have been pretty eventul. First of all, I'd like to apologise to Marche for hitting a golfball into his head on Wednesday (I told you to move). Hope you get better soon.

In other news, the toilets at our school were blocked today, so all the students who walk home were told to leave. THAT INCLUDED ME, WOO HOO! I have to go back tomorrow though :(.

I was in the top rated artists box yesterday for about half an hour, but I'm not anymore - because the ratings on all my pics have gone down. WTF is up with that? Some immature little brats saying they don't like pictures because they're rated higher than their own? The fanart section of theOtaku is becoming way to competitive.

I've also finally gotten Photoshop 7.0 thanks to Ganon6d9.

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