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myOtaku.com: armana

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Monday, November 24, 2003


Why is it that no one can find the power button on my GameCube? I tell them exactly where it is, but it's like it's invisible or something. It's not that damn hard to find, is it??!

I still haven't gotten Animal Crossing yet. How long has it been now? Oh well, I'll get it one day. Probably. But I wonder why it's taking so long? Aren't we supposed to be in 'modern' times? Yet it's been more than a month. I rang the store I ordered it from, and they said I'd have it 'Within two weeks'. COUGH.

So that's about it form me today. Unless something really exciting happens.

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Thursday, November 20, 2003


I'm tired. Last night our drama class had to travel an hour to see play, 'The Importance of Being Earnest'. It was kinda funny, better than the usual plays we have to go and see. Anyway, there was this woman sitting in front of us, and she kept having fits of laughter in all the wrong places, which was strange. Oh well, it was free, and we got to go to McDonalds.

BTW, I've got over 300 hits now, which is cool. Tannks for visiting. I MIGHT BE GETTING ANIMAL CROSSING TOMORROW!!!

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Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Damn kids...

We had to do our drama play for the little kids today (why the hell did I choose drama??!!). It was about this dude who has his dog stolen by Captain Hook, so he goes through a heap of fairytales with Peter Pan to find him. The kids seemed to like it, but I kept stuffing up my lines (I played the boy who lost his dog). I also kept falling over things. Ouch.

This post is short.

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Monday, November 17, 2003

I have to remember to put these header thingies in for each post...

I ran over my IT teacher's foot today, with one of those swivel computer chairs that have the wheels.

So anyway, like Ganon6d9 and SomeGuy said, our Otaku pages come up on Google. Interesting, no? Well, I tried it, and was surprised when 4,620 matches came up. Why was I surprised, you ask? BECAUSE I THOUGHT ARMANA WAS AN ORIGINAL WORD! YES! I MADE IT UP! It's the name of one of my characters, dammit, but now I realise that it also refers to the Amarna Tablets, Belly Dance Florida: Armana, DJ Armana, Armana no Kiseki (A game by Konami) and even Armana Soy Pretzels!!!

Nothing's original anymore. And since when did soy pretzels have a great flavour?

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Sunday, November 16, 2003

The show...

Well, the show was damn awesome. The highlight of the night would have been when most people had gone home, so some friends and I were the only ones on a ride called the FX (one of those virtual reality rides). It didn't even feel real, so we just went mental, jumping over the seats and everything. Now I have to wait another year until I can do it all again :(.

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Thursday, November 13, 2003

Shows and pigs...

Woo hoo! The show's on tomorrow! The rides seem to look even older every year. Last year, someone told me that she swears that a bolt fell out of the cart that she was sitting in on The Zipper. But I don't care, I'm just after some g-forces.

BTW, does anybody know how Chihiro knew that her parents weren't among the group of pigs in Ubaba's final test on Spirited Away? Is it just because she had a special bond with them or something? Oh well. I STILL HAVEN'T GOT ANIMAL CROSSING!!!

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Monday, November 10, 2003


We all like to get comments, right? So, I've decided to go through my whole friends list and give everybody bit of love and support. Uh... yeah.

Unsurprisingly, a few of you have taken me off your friends list, which is absolutely understandable as I usually just add someone to my friends list and never visit their site again, which isn't very friendly of me, so from know on I'm going to try and get around to all of you regularly. But it's been over an hour and I'm only up to LazeChibi (Peesh, heh, I love that word)!!! Oh well, it's good to catch up with everyone. Here's a little gift for you all, but I'm sure you've already seen it so the effect has kinda worn off.


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Saturday, November 8, 2003

Don't try this at home.

Have any of you ever had one of those experiences where you see something in a cartoon that looks kinda possible, and you get the opportunity to act it out in real life? That happened to me yesterday, funnily enough. You know those trees that cartoon characters fall into, that work kinda like a catapult? Me and a friend found one!!

It was in the middle of a pine plantation that had just been logged, so there were no other trees around it. We used this old garden hose, tied a pine cone to it and threw it over the tree, so we could pull it down to the ground. Surprisingly, the slingshot-esque effect that we were hoping for ACTUALLY WORKED! Sort of. Luckily, neither of us were injured when we pulled on the tree too hard and it snapped, sending the hose flying. Let that be a lesson to you all!

Hmm... I wonder what'd happen if I jumped of a cliff with an umbrella?

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Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Spirited Away

Well, I borrowed a friend's PS2 yesterday, so I FINALLY get to play FFX. It's pretty damn awesome.

Speaking of awesome things, Spirited Away would have to be the best anime film I've ever seen. Since it was late at night when I was watching it, I chose to view it with the English dub, so I didn't have to read subtitles, but it still had that authentic Japanese flair to it. Yay for Studio Ghibli :D. I have to see Princess Mononoke now...

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Tuesday, November 4, 2003


Ah, happy days. I got the limited edition Spirited Away DVD today!!! But Animal Crossing was sold out :(. And that's all I have to say, cos I'm hungry.

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