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Sunday, November 2, 2003

200 hits!

I'm up to 200 hits :D. That's 100 more than having 100 hits, and 200 more than having no hits at all! I'm good with the math aren't I.

Animal Crossing has FINALLY turned up in the stores - fashionably late of course. Hopefully I'll be getting it tomorrow. I won't get my hopes up though; the availability of games in Tasmania is a lot like a woman - completely unpredictable. Is that sexist? I apologise.

My life is rated R.
What is your life rated?

My life is rated R! Strange.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2003


UPDATE! Well... not really, as I have nothing to say. So why am I updating, you ask? Well, I thought that I had something to post, but it turns out that what I had originally planned to write wasn't actually all that interesting. But now I'm just blabbing, which is probably even more boring than the original post which you would have been reading right now. But I can't be bothered typing up my thoughts at the moment. In fact, you probably stopped reading a while ago, which means that what I'm writing at the moment is completely pointless. So...

What am I doing?

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Sunday, October 26, 2003

Let's hope this works...

The Derby River Derby came and went yesterday, and I'm pleased to say that our team finished in the grand old position of third last. Quite an achievement considering that the board underneath the raft snapped in half when we hit a rock and the back end of the raft twisted upside down, throwing everyone off. It was a fun day, apart from the rain, the drunken idiots and the ponchos (I had to tear mine in half because the damn thing was choking me).

I'm trying to add headers for each post, and I'm just testing it out today to see if it works. I've also tweaked my banner a bit, as I didn't think the DK pic suited it. More Venus & Braves!

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Friday, October 24, 2003

New stuff...

I've added a new header, but I'm still not that happy with it. And I love the new MIDI option! Star of Darkness is an awesome piece of gaming music... listen to it now!

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Thursday, October 23, 2003

Oooh, my first serious post...

Well, camp was certainly memorable, and probably for all the wrong reasons. There were the amazing moments - getting to the summit of Mt Cameron and having a 360 degree view of the land around me was something I'll never forget. There were the funny moments, like when half the class all ended up lost and stuck up on top of a cliff in the orienteering course.

And then there were the scary moments. Not just the physical ones, like jumping off the cliff into Blue Lake, but the mental ones as well. Our whole camp group had to put up with a girl who kept making threats of suicide and having violent outbursts. On the last day of camp, at some sand dunes, she ran off. We were stuck for an hour while the teaching staff and some students went looking for her. The police were almost called in, and she had to be taken home in a seperate car for fear of her own - and the class's - safety.

It's things like these that make you thankful for what you have. Personally, I don't see how I could harbour so much hate towards other people like this girl did, but I can't really comment on the subject because I'm not in her situation. All I can do is sit back and watch.

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Monday, October 20, 2003

Camp time.

Well, I'm off to camp for 3 days! It should be... fun but slightly crappy. Apparently it's going to rain the whole time, which is bad AND good as now we'll have a heap of water in the river for the Derby River Derby. I'll be back to update on Thursday. Cya.

Does anyone actually read these posts?

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Saturday, October 18, 2003

Rivers can be damn cold.

We practiced with the raft for the DRD (See previous posts) today. The stupid piece of crap nearly sank, and we kept getting caught on rocks. Below is a detailed (cough) picture of the raft, which I made in paint. I tried to make it look a bit better with shading and stuff but... oh well. I really do have too much time on my hands don't I.

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Friday, October 17, 2003


I finally got my banner up, thanks to Yahoo Groups. Please tell me what you think if you have time.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2003


Stupid... ARGH!!!! I HATE YOU HTML!!!! THE URL IS RIGHT DAMMIT!!!! NOW I LOOK STUPID!!!!!!!!! Hey, 101 hits! Nice.

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