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What's yer definition of "real?"
Not too many really....I got the Who's Who of American High School Students in 2001...I have been academically accepted to The Citadel!!!! Scholar's List @ MTC for Freshman Fall and Spring. I was accepted into the Acacia
Anime Fan Since
7th grade? 8th grade? somewhere around there, lol....^_^
Favorite Anime
anything Gundam...tied with Rurouni Kenshin!
Be a US Army Ranger, SF, Sniper, and eventually have a family of me own. Grow in Masonry and become a better person through what I learn and through the people I meet in and out of Masonry.
being me, reading, doing things on the computer, hanging out with friends....oh and we musn't forget CHESS! lol...yeah
annoying people, cheering people up, giving good advice from time to time, lol
Army ROTC Cadet, Freemason, York Right Mason - Masonic Knight Templar, Scottish Rite Mason (6th Degree), Knight of Pythias, 21 year old that doesn't go party and "live it up", despises such people, in love with the most wonderfullest person in the world! Not only am I in love with said person ... I'm engaged! ^_^ Still curious? Message me and I might share more...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Well ....
I've wasted my entire Spring Break. I have a paper due either Tuesday or Thursday. Things are not going so well ...
I have a book to finish and stuff to do for the ROTC Dining Out ... I need to re-do the numbers and get everything added up right ... It's a pain in the a$$.
I'm either sick or my allergies are acting up horribly ... it really sucks ...
I ordered my attire today for my wedding ... cost me a fortune ($1,539.90 or so) ... yeah ... but I'll use it more than just for my wedding.
My best friend has finally said that he won't be able to be my best man ... so now I get to ask my other friend and hope that he's not upset about being #2 ... I should have picked him in the first place ... live and learn I guess.
Well, I need to take something for my headache and maybe find something else to eat before trying to get some reading done. Laters...
Love you Irish! ^_^
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009
So ... I've taken all but one midterm and I don't feel too confident about one of them. I've got Japanese today and haven't really studied! I need to study my ass off! Study like the craziness!
Cut my hair ... high and tight-ish. It's a lil lopsided, lol.
Hrm ... I've got more Scottish Rite Degrees this month! ^_^ I've got Spring Break next week but I have a paper to write (due the Thursday we come back) and an ROTC project to do ... plus a book to read for ROTC .... what fun eh!?
The Master Schedule of classes is supposed to be updated on the 9th and I can't wait to see what classes I will hopefully be able to take next semester! Although I didn't want to take a class with Baba-sensei again I think I'll be taking another class with her, lol. I need two Japanese classes to get the minor so I'll take 321 and 500 ... hopefully nothing I want will conflict with those two classes! I'll be very ... very sad!
Well, I need to study now, write more later ...
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Sunday, February 15, 2009
Hrrm .....
Well ... it's about time for midterms and ... I'm far behind in most of my readings ... I can't stand them ... the HIST 449 "book" was a waste of $130 and I can't sell it back ... it is more like a plagiarized POS ... I hate the readings and I hate the fact that the professor willingly states that she has no idea where this class is "going." I feel that it is really a waste of time and that I could've gotten the same information from an American History class (which I've been avoiding like I'd avoid a leper). We have our midterm this coming Thursday ...
ROTC is going so-so ... Not as many complaints as I thought I'd have. I still have a lot of work to do as far as our Dining Out goes and other things (readings for the class and the Book Review). I'm hoping that I get to be OPFOR again for this semester's Field Training Exercise because it's so easy and I get to lay around and be lazy, lol.
Irish and I have a bit to do for the wedding still ... and some things that we should discuss about that ... hrm ... I'll have to remember to bring it up. :-P
Well, I'm going to finish my coke and go hop in the shower so I can be all clean and whatnot. 'til next time...
Love you Irish! @}--'-,---
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Featured Quiz Result:
this is prolly my fave quiz result so far, lol...gotta love Duo and the Deathscythe! :-D
wow...not surprised, lol. yay for those that dream!
 You are a Day Dreamer..
Daydreamers tend to be away from the normal, and have a deeper aspect when looking at things. Most of the time, thier outcasts of the social society, but don't worry. It just means your so deep it scares thier simple little brains.
What kind of Dreamer are you? brought to you by Quizilla