Friday, October 24, 2003
Oh, Not Again
Depressed Stuff. Now, I first posted in this thread on Thursday, and, at the time, I didn't think it was at all inappropriate. I mean, I showed interest and tried to encourage him to write, and such. And then someone replies to practically flame me for 'passing off [his] emotions for angst'.
Now, I had mentioned that he'd his the 'teenage angst' stage right on time, but I was never referring to his emotions, except for one sentence, where I said something to the effect, 'Don't worry, the teenage years only last another six years!' At that point, I was referring to the fact that hormones run rampant in the teenage years.
So when I get this message: did you know teens hate it when you pass all of their emotions off as angst? I would know, I cut and was suicidal for years. It doesn't help. Its just telling them that their pain is less important. If you ever wanna talk, Akabane, email me at chichiri_toya@sailormoon.com. i almost never check my account here. I'd rather listen to you than my mom, anyway.
in reply, I was actually quite confused. I wasn't trying to pass off all his emotions as teen angst. I wasn't even trying to adress his emotions. I was talking about his poetry.
So I replied and told WiccanSamurai that if he wanted to continue this discussion, he could PM. I don't see the point of wasting someone else's thread to talk about whether I was referring to Akabane's emotions or his poetry.
So, I'm hoping my reply was suffiecient, polite, and got my message across.
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