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Friday, November 30, 2007

My Older Posts

October 26 2007
Well everyone says that I rant about certain things. They're right, not gonna deny it, causes it true. So being the bored me that I am I decided to write about my rants here. Yeah I know insane, demented, weird, freaky, and a rainbow of other things. Bet you can't bet where I've been called those things, by my longest friend (Note that I didn't say BEST friend). His name, D, is he an idiot, yes, or at least he is in my opinion,
according to teachers, report cards, and most people he is really smart. I don't really care what people think because I have proof that he's an idiot, he hasn't figured out he isn't funny when he acts all gangster and stuff. It gets annoying after a while, and of course being the true friend that I am I tell him so, often, in fact I tell him every time he does it. So me and my best friend (in real life), midnight, came up with the best way to annoy him. We sing, we sing annoying and pointless songs, most are jokes that she gets of a CD by a comedian. I came up with my own song, just for him, its called T-time, it stands for torture time, because I've been trying to find the best way to torture him without physically hurting him, I mean he is still my friend, but being a boy and an idiot (same thing people) he can't figure out what the song is about. The most annoying thing he's a year older and people say that I like him, and that we look cute together. Well ta-ta for now, I've got things to do.

October 29 2007

Baka thats what I shall call him from now on, Baka is what D shall be called for forever more. And Apa shall be Baka-nee-chan, why because she is my twin sister who tried to set me up on a date with D, my long time friend, who I don't like, at least not romantically, but Apa refuses to acknowledge that. I need to go hit something and my punching bag (D) isn't here. D and I have been taking marshal arts together for a long time, we're a couple ranks apart and we spar together, I normally take out my frustrations one of two ways, the first being I spar with D or midnight, the second being I yell at him for a while and he ells back, basically I take out my frustrations on D or I talk with midnight &/or Apa about it. Well midnight is a bit busy with school and I don't get to see her much, Apa is the cause, and D would just smirk and say that I'm in love with him. So its a lose situation no matter what. Argh this is frustrating, I'm going to go beat up my actual punching bag.

October 30 2007

Great, all of my bros are coming home from all around the world, so my bro who lives here will tell them everything about what happened and that means that D will probably stay in hiding for a while since they all already hate him (kind of). They live in different parts of the world and don't come home often and they are way overprotective, specially of Apa, but of me too when D is around. Just like my dad. Its kind of funny that my bros' best friends are D's older bros. Its something I point out often, it makes them glare a lot. Also D and I just wrote this awesome song for our band so my big bros will probably come to practice to hear it. Apa has finally started to mind her own business, so glad we have separate rooms now. We use to share. Oh and my big bros names are Sparten (22, Japan), Caesar (20, England), Malik (19, Rome) , and Athen (17, lives at home).

October 31 2007

Yay its the day of the dead, All Hallows Eve, D's b-day, and My favorite holiday. Yes, this is one of the many reasons I'm called a vampire, creature of the night, and many other things.

November 2 2007

Someone stole my shoes, they were my favorite pair, my bro gave them to me when he out grew them. The baka that stole them will pay I tell you pay. THey were stolen after awards at marshal arts. So I'll probably find out who took them, but if I don't someone else shall pay. Got to go take my frustration out on D, the punching bag.

November 9 2007

My bros came home early and now 3 out of 4 brothers are being over-protective, it sucks. All my friends, except midnight (a girl) and D (use to it), are afraid to come within three feet of me. Can you believe this, one of them, Malik, has been snooping through my stuff, and he has been thinking I am in a less then innocent relationship with D. Hmph *grumbles* How he can think that is up to him, but how, HOW!?!?! I ask you does it seem that way, NOOO. But he and Caesar and Athen refuse to believe that. Sparten, the normally most protective, is being reasonable, and very evasive when talking about his girlfriend, but hey. Apa is finding this hilarious, and so does Midnight. Really beginning to bug me.

November 10 2007

And here I thought my hard days were finally over. the day before yesterday I went to a concert with friends (D, midnight, Kain) and D accidentally got drunk. I was able to make sure no one found out but yeah annoying day. Yesterday morning I snuck him out of my house and then lectured him for a few hours. The a few hours ago, early this morning. When I got up I went to play pool in the game room with Caesar. Now I don't wear like frilly night gowns to bed but I don't wear pjs either. I normally just wear t-shirts that are twice my size. Well D came over while I was losing at pool, (I suck at the game) and decided to help me. He probably didn't even notice my bros glares, even I didn't see anything wrong with it. But my bros don't want him to ever help me at pool. I was so very confused, till I thought about, a boy leaning over me was his arms leading mine, might seem bad to big bros everywhere if the sis is theirs. So I have spent my Saturday morning making sure my bros don't kill D. he isn't very helpful when he sits down and pulls me to his lap. He does it to piss off my bros and it works, although he is a comfy chair.

November 10 2007

D is probably very happy right now. I on the other hand is very unhappy. D and I were watching a movie while everyone went to who knows where, and fell asleep. I, of course, was still wearing the t-shirt from bed. When everyone got back from wherever they went, they woke us up, we had fallen asleep, and all the males were glaring at D. See we had somehow ended up with me laying on D with my arms around his neck and head on his chest, and with D's arms wrapped around me and somehow my shirt was much to high if you know what I mean. (not high enough to show more then a bit of my underwear but still) Well we kind of sprang apart and D's hand had graced mt butt which didn't go unnoticed my any of my bros or my dad. Well Apa and mom kind of dragged my male family members away and I told D to run, which he did. My mom and Apa of course grilled me on what happen and were very disappointed on the facts (its like they want me to have sex with him). I of course ran to my room and called midnight, who is typing this. And now D is trying to call so we will three way for a while.

November 12 2007

D showed up at the window a few hours ago and asked me to sneak out to go to the skate park, apparently Kain had some news. So I got dressed and we went to pick up Midnight, Benny, and Frankie. When we got to the park Kain was already there. He told us that a skating team had seen us skateboarding and stuff, so they had challenged him, the oldest, to a contest or something, our team against theirs. Since we aren't technically a team, he asked us about it. We agreed to it, and now on December 1st we are going up against a skateboarding team. Its a pretty big deal, it will be the first time any of us will have compete in anything like this except for Kain, he's 17 and has been like 3, he moved here about 2 years ago and we have all been friends since. Midnight moved here 9 years ago, Frankie and Benny grew up here, and D came here when he was 5, and I moved here a year later, and there aren't many things like this around her. Everyone knows everyone and everything about them. So its basically a miracle that no one knows about D getting drunk. Although they all say we look like a couple. Devious Apa convinced them of it. Anyway after we decided when we would practice we all headed home, Frankie and Benny live close to Midnight so they all went together, but D and I are the only ones in our neighborhood so we walked home and Dad wasn't to happy to see us alone in the street when he came out, it ended badly. With D being banned from our house and me being grounded for a week and not allowed near D. So you know this day has sucked. Also I still have to take the annoying class know as drivers ed.

November 13 2007

Well my life sucks everyone at school heard about what happened, see D's and my parents decided to discuss 'D's and my future' apparently I'm going on birth control, and D and I aren't ever allowed to be alone, tons of fun right, well when we tried to explain what really happen things just got worse D's dad was furious he and D started arguing and I swear it looked like they were going to duke it out, his mom was a little worked up and seemed to be trying to hold in her tears, she failed. My mom followed close behind her and D started yelling at D when he said something about how we would do what we wanted, yeah real helpful huh? So I dragged D up to my room and our dads continued arguing and then our moms came up to tell us that they believed us and they would try and convince our dads, D just laughed it off as if it was impossible, with his dad, probably. Really life sucks and I already have a helmet.

November 17 2007

I am officially not grounded anymore, but I am still on probation, as in one false move and I am grounded again. Like it makes much of a difference, but hey. Well D is still grounded, but that never stopped him before, he still sneaks out almost every night, except for Wednesday, he claims thats the day of rest for himself. Him and Kain are coming over so they can help me with my gear so we can board practice.

November 18 2007

Want to know something annoying, Sparten has been engaged for SIX MONTHS and he just told us. We haven't met her, know barely anything about her, and he doesn't want us to meet her for a while. Man, and today started out so great too. I'm now going to go pout in my room, which D is now on my computer in, I'm on my laptop, he's on my desktop. I know I'm spoiled. He's on my gaia account. Talking to his friend (gaia meet) Kusari-Kun.

November 20 2007

I have done it, I have gotten back at D for always using MY ACCOUNTS for his personal use, WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. You see he was annoying me and a friend online by just adding in his 2 cents using my accounts while I am on them , no idea how. So I went to his house climbed into his room through the window, he does it to me all the time, then made a lot of noise to wake his dad. So when his dad started to walk towards D's room, I pulled D on top of me, ON his BED. OS that it looked like something bad that HE was doing. So his dad walked in and they started yelling at each other, and I quietly snuck out. They stop about 20 minutes ago and he was just here, made me promise not to do that again. I won't cause his dad called my dad and now D is banned from my house AGAIN. He was before, but now "They are going to check" yeah right they say that every time. BUt D is now completely miffed at me. Also so that I don't sound to much like a jerk I will tell you this, he does similar sruff to me all the time. Like the time he ACTED drunk. I found that out when he accidentally got "drunk" again. I will also add that he is a touchy feely "drunk". Not that I care to much.

November 21 2007

I don't believe the night I have had. I had to go to this Thanksgiving Ball thing in Washington D.C. for my dad's company (not like his, he is only the VP). Well, both Kain and D have parents that work there, D's dad is the other VP, and Kain's mom is the President's assistant or something. Anyway, they have this thing called the Teens' Dance, well every year, the President of the company, well of this branch, the vile woman, has this "tradition" were the VPs' son and daughter have to dance. Every year, she says "Oh, Apolla, would you dance with my son? Artamis can dance with Daniel." so that me and D have to dance together. Its a bit weird having your dad's boss try and hook you up with your friend, and your dad's "enemy"'s son. Well every year she had us dance, well this year she tried something new, she had me and D sng the song for the dance. We had to sing "Whine Up" by Kat Deluna. (She tries to choose songs that the teens would like) Well, according to everyone, it looked like me and D were "REALLY into the song" if you've heard the song you know why that would be bad. I kind of like the song, its cool and all, but not something to sing with your friend, one of my best friends. Well, then she insisted that we dance together for the next song that, just happened to be, slow, and kind of weird seeing as we had to dance really really really close together. Awkwardness ensued. The weird thing was actually that everyone else kept taking pictures of us. Annoying I tell you. Well I have to get out of this puffy dress, I HATE PUFFY AND PINK, I look like a pink cotton ball.

November 22 2007

Lets see, I will explain, exactly what happened to day in as much detail as possible.

5 AM - My grandparents arrive, and D and I were on the computer chatting with Midnight who was on her way back to town. So when they came up to see me and everyone else. They were way unhappy to see us in there together. Actually I believe the wicked witch of the north (my grandmother) said "What are you doing in here with a boy Artamis, you aren't some slut." Lardo (my grandfather) just whistled. Then after that around ^ 0r & I sent D to get me food. A lot of it, I kept it all in my mini fridge and i will heat it up in my microwave, whenever needed. He also brought me food, and just to freak my grandmother out, he "accidentally" dropped the birth control pills (that i am suppose to be taking, but have no need of.) right in front of her. It was hilarious. Anyway, later on she kept nagging me about how 1. I should have a comming out party when I turn 16. 2. How I look to much like a boy,"But considering the people you have for friends, I am not surprised." and 3.How I should be "You know you really should act more lady-like, like your sister, Apolla." yeah like any of those I actually care about. Anyway, after 8 AM came around I locked myself in my room, until about 8 tonight when I went to stay at D's till later. Which is where I will stay for a while.

November 22 2007

Well today I am in a pretty good mood, so I thought I would wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, I am heading home from D's right now. Yes typing and walking at the same time. Well, enjoy your Turkey Day. I'm there, I will report more soon.

November 24 2007

Last night sucked majorly, the vile woman (my dad's boss) came for dinner last night. She kept making hints about me and D. When D called from upstairs, he had snuck into my room, she laughed and asked "So you and Danny are pretty close huh?" and she kept moving her eyebrows up and down. She even asked when I would next see him.It was so annoying, and my dad and brothers were listening very intently.

November 26 2007

I AM AS HAPPY AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!I went into D.C. with Midnight and D. We were at a mall there and I found this cute little penguin. I LOVE PENGUINS!! More than anything. So I got D to buy it for me, since I paid for the movie we went to. I NOW HAVE 25 stuffed penguins. YAY ME!!!

November 27 2007

I had to go shopping for clothes, *sobs in corner* WHY ME!!!!!!

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