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Thursday, June 3, 2004
Good Mornin', Good Mornin'
How's everyone doin' today? I feel like a morning person...weird...I'm up at 6 a.m. and I don't have to be...What is the world coming to!?!?
Enough of that. We went thrift store shopping yesterday. I got purple pants! (how crazy is that?) I also bought a homemade dress that I'll have to sew up a bit, but it's cute and summery. ^_^
We watched The Rutles last night. It's a hilarious "mockumentary" about the "pre-fab-four" group. If you can't tell what I'm talking about, they were supposed to be the Beatles. The "main reporter" for the show was Eric Idle (see Monty Python) who also played "Dirk" (the Paul McCartney character.) It's very funny if you ever have time to see it. (particularly, if you're a Beatles fan.) You might find it better under the title All You Need is Cash.
To Kira, if you've ever had allergies, you wouldn't just say "screw them" and do something to upset them anyway. I have hay fever, and it's the biggest pain in the butt. I would never ask my dad to just "screw his allergies" and put up with us having cats in the house. *shrugs*
That's all for now. I'll talk to everyone later!
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
More quizzes!
![Carefree](http://images.quizilla.com/M/mechangel/1066004723_escarefree.jpg) You're just the happy go-lucky type. You might have your pet peeves, but other than that, you're mainly calm. Blending in with your surroundings, you're the type of person who everyone likes. Usually it's you who cracks jokes at social gatherings - after all, laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you pretend to be stupid, but in all actuality, you could be the next Einstein.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
Ok, I don't know how that really works, but oh well!
![GAME BOY - Born to Play](http://images.quizilla.com/E/EerieFreek/1061477685_opGAME-BOY.JPG) A GAME-BOY. Youre like a tomboy without the love of sports. Reality sucks, but as long as you have your electronics you feel you can cope. Time goes unnoticed when youre locked in your room hooked up to your Nintendo, rocking to your favourite collection of guitar-driven albums.
Your virtues: Intelligence, sense-of-humour, individuality.
Your flaws: Inability to cope with real life, action-freak spirit, reclusive nature.
Your Personality type is the only type that would like this cool online gothic Game:
What kind of girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Anyone who's seen me play a video game is laughing right now...
![Riyo](http://images.quizilla.com/E/EerieFreek/1061511579_cturesriyo.JPG) Riyo -
What would your Japanese name be? (female) brought to you by Quizilla
If only I knew what that meant?
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hi again
Well, annie's asleep again! *grins* We watched Singin' in the Rain last night! *drools over Gene Kelley* I'm a real sucker for cheesy musicals! How 'bout you guys?
Thank you, Willow, for the button! It's awesome!
Annie and I are going to duo's to spend the night and watch anime tonight. Any good suggestions? We probably won't sleep...
I guess that's all for now. Have fun everyone!
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Sunday, May 30, 2004
checkin' in
Just stoppin' by to update you ppl. (Anne's still sleeping, and it's about noon.)
Friday night, after Anne and her family got in, we ate steak at the pool (yum!), and then I crammed 6 ppl into my Cutlass so we could go to the Cellar Door concert at the Bean Scene. The music was awesome! If they ever may an album, I'm definitely buying it. The concert was in honor of RJ Peck, the sophomore from my school who died back in March. (He used to play guitar in the band.) Their lead singer (Adam) is the only kid not from our school. They'll all be juniors (Adam might be a senior) next school year. Want to know a secret? *art has a little crush on Adam* O.o I know..."cradle robber". lol It's not my fault...any guy who can really sing is beyond awesome to me...
Anyway, hmmm... Last night we went to Erin's house to watch a movie and eat homemade pizza. Her brother had a friend over, too, so I got to pick on him a lot. (I knew Paul and Devin from Forensics. Devin's probably 4'8", so I pick on him all the time. It was good fun...) We watched a video project the boys had made for their Old Testament class. It was about David...very scary...they coudn't come up with any girls, so they had this big fat guy play Bathsheba... yuck... They had him in a hot tub... *shudders* It was not pretty.... After that we watched Miracle. It wasn't bad. My sister kept yelling at me for talking (though she wouldn't yell at anyone else.) FYI, when a bunch of friends get together to watch a movie, they're really getting together to be together, not to catch every single moment of the movie... sheesh.
Anyway, that's all for now. We're goin' over to my uncle's house to swim today!
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Friday, May 28, 2004
better tonight...
Okay, so I'm doin' better tonight. Yeah, that was one crazy quiz frenzy last night... I hope you all enjoyed them!
Thank you Shanny and Amy for the advice. I think things will work out.
I may not be on for about a week after this b/c my cousin's coming to stay for awhile! (yay annie!!) We'll probably stay up every night talking. (If you can't tell, she's my fave cousin.)
Have fun everyone!
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
lol my alarm goes off in about 3 hours! Isn't insomnia fun?!?! *spins around in office chair*
hmmm....got this at liamc2's site:
"ACHTUNG! | Artemis may actually be a spider-human hybrid |
From Go-Quiz.com
I'm a hybrid!!! la la la I'm scaring people, huh? *searches for sleeping pills*
sorry couldn't find any....
whoo-hoo! 9 kids! lol I love Hugh Jackman!
lol I probably will say something like that...
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quiz results!
![Linkin Park](http://images.quizilla.com/O/omgitscraig/1078837474_LinkinPark.jpg) Numetal... You make some good stuff! The other genres don't really like you but you reach the masses with your touching lyrics... Just remember it isn't all about fame...
What genre of rock are you? brought to you by Quizilla
(Personally, I think I'm a mixture of numetal, emo, and classic rock.)
![shortmessage](http://images.quizilla.com/F/funkyangel/1060945963_gquizshort.jpg) I post weird poetic stuff no one understands
why is YOUR livejournal annoying? brought to you by Quizilla
(I don't think that really fits me. *looks at previous posts* I don't know...maybe? Yeah. The schizo stuff was pretty deep....lol)
![Morpheus](http://images.quizilla.com/T/truly-dippy/1061401756_topdreams2.jpg) Morpheus
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
(Artemis wasn't an option, but Hectate was...Oh well. Actually, I think I'm more like Athena than any other Greek god/goddess.)
what's your cowboy bebop theme song?
(I know, I know...I'm a hopeless romantic...I know ppl who laugh to hear me say that...)
![You're Perfect ^^](http://images.quizilla.com/V/vinacross/1041991326_fPerfectGF.gif) -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
(Well, let's hope my next boyfriend thinks so...)
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laaa laaa laaaa
Let's see. It's about 2:15 AM, and *yay* I have insomnia!!!! whoop-dee-freak...
Does anyone else here have really odd sleeping patterns? I can never seem to get to sleep unless I'm completely dead tired, and then I can't guarantee that I'll stay asleep. It really sucks, especially because I am tired! *cries* Oh well....
Hmmm....yesterday I went to 13 Going on 30. It was alright, but not worth $5. (I've been seeing too many movies lately. I sound like some lazy couch potato.) After that, I went to a graduation party for a friend. That's when I realized why it was so nice to be out of school: I don't have see all my stupid classmates! So, needless to say, the party sucked, and I went home early. I'm getting sort of worried that I can't maintain a longterm friendship. I don't have any friends from grade school, and, now, I don't feel like staying in contact with most of my friends from high school. In actuality, I think Amy's the only one I'm really going to miss next year. (And that's considering my two "best" friends Ann and Erin.) It's not really anything they've done, either. It's like I've just gotten tired of them. That's the part that scares me. I shouldn't just be getting "tired" of people like this.... I always like meeting new people and making new friends. I just seem to put them in the place of the old friends after awhile. *sings Girl Scout song* "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold. A circle is round. It has no end. That's how long I want to be your friend." I seem to only have the very first part down....
I don't know...maybe I just need to get away from everyone for a little while to realize how much they really mean to me. *sighs* Does anyone have good advice on how to be a better friend? You'd think I'd have that down by now... I guess some things you don't learn in the classroom... I can get all the head knowledge down; it's the heart knowledge I lack....
I'm gonna go cry now...
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
So, I thought I'd have fun today. I looked at my friends list and thought, "Hey! I'll add myself!" So I click "add me as a friend!" And you know what they said? "You can not add yourself as a friend." What kind of crap is that? Why can't I be friends w/ myself? Am I too good for me? Fine. If Artemis won't be friends w/ me, then I won't be friends w/ Artemis!! I'm my enemy now! So there!
Ok, that's enough of the schizo stuff...^_~ Duo and I had fun yesterday. We saw Shrek2 (yeah, 2nd time for me, but it was still great!) Then we went to Border's where I finally bought the 4th Pendragon book, and she bought the first DNAngel manga. *drools* Afterwards we had dinner and realized how stupid Blockbuster is. We wanted to go rent Timeline, but none of us had a card (although, now we're all 18 and can get one). However, you have to have 2 frickin' forms of id to get one (and school ids don't count.) So, we rented it at the grocery store instead. Then, I was reminded how much I love guys w/ Scottish accents....*sighs* If you haven't seen Timeline, I'd really recommend renting it. It's worth it. Let's see, after that, we tried to figure out how we were going to take our trip to see Kim in Colorado Springs. We finally decided to take Amtrak. It's gonna be $113 per person roundtrip. *ouch* I know it's actually not that bad, but it still hurts considering the original plan had been to just drive ourselves.... (However, no one could come up w/ a car after I provided a cabin...*grrrr*) It'll be fun though. I've never taken a train.
Well, my sister's home from school (haa haa haa! school!) and wants to use the computer. talk to y'all later!
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Monday, May 24, 2004
Well, it's all over. I got home from Project Graduation over an hour ago. It's really early monday morning. Nothing really feels real right now. I kinda feel disconnected...hmm....
I guess I'll post my movie reviews!
Despite the fact that the role of the gods was downplayed, I really enjoyed this movie. (I think it actually made the movie better. The focus was on the humanity of the characters, not their manipulation by the gods...) Of course, the movie had the obvious eye-candy: Orlando Bloom (yeah...), Brad Pitt (some girls seem to think so...), Eric Bana (he was awesome!), Sean Bean (Boromir!!), etc. And for the guys...well, I'll try to guess: the chick who played Hellen really was gorgeous.
I appreciated how the movie gave you both sides of the story. There were characters you hated and characters you loved on both sides. If it leaned either way, it was probably in favor of the Trojans. Normally, I can't stand Hellen and Paris (can't you control yourselves?!?!), but Troy helped you sympathize with them a little bit. They both showed attempts of trying to stop the war they knew they started. Paris is a pansy, but it seemed accurate to me... As far as Achilles goes...There were times I liked him and times I couldn't stand him. I'm not much of a Brad Pitt fan (or Achilles for that matter). He kept throwing little temper tantrums, but it was b/c Agamemnon was a greedy jerk. Sean Bean (as Odysseus) seemed to be the voice of reason on the Greek side. Eric Bana (as Prince Hector) was the Trojan counterpart. Hector was definitely my fave character. He was probably the most noble and heroic. Let me know what you guys thought of that one. I'm sure I'll catch much more when I go see it again.
Shrek 2
Now here's an awesome feel-good movie! Two of my fave actors did voices: Antonio Banderas (Puss in Boots) and Rupert Evrett (Prince Charming). I also like Julie Andrews who played the queen (Fiona's mom.) The movie had a plot and motion all it's own (better than you can say for most Disney sequels...) The jokes were a little more...well, adult-oriented. I was embarassed at the fact that there were so many kids in the audience. The movie had too many dirty jokes (Pinochio in a thong?!?!) for little eyes and ears... Overall, the movie was witty, hilarious, and (at times) very sweet. It was just what needed the night before graduation to keep me going. Let me know what you think about this one, too.
*looks at clock* Wow! Katie is going to bed!
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