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myOtaku.com: Artemis

Saturday, April 24, 2004

   Blood, sweat, and tears
*cries to self* Ok, my computer's messing up, so twice now when I've tried to go to the HTML Tutorial, My Computer's frozen, and I've had to restart the Internet. So, finally, I just when directly to founderweb.com. Then, when I clicked something on there, the stupid computer froze up again. So, I've restarted the internet again. Screw any formatting....I'm thisclose to either crying or throwing this piece of s*** out the window.
As you may have seen from duorocks17's recent post, we had a Blood Drive at school yesterday. I was really excited to give blood because I felt like I helped people last year when I did it. So, this time, I tried to be better prepared. I drank lots of water all week and made sure I was one of the first people to go. I get into the room, lay down to give blood, and my nurse comes up to me. The first thing I notice, is that she has a bad speech impediment and seems confused. I start thinking, "I really hope she knows what she's doing..." She asks me to start squeezing the little ball. My left hand is pretty weak, but I don't want to give blood out of my right arm becuase I want to be able to use it the rest of the day. So, I already have a bandaid on my left middle finger (they have to prick your finger to check for iron content), and it's a little difficult to squeeze the stupid ball. The lady has a bit of trouble finding the vein, but she finally puts the mark on my arm and sticks the needle in. It hurt more than I remembering hurting last year. I keep squeezing the ball like she asked me to, but it hurts a little bit each time I squeeze. I can feel the needle moving a bit. I tough it out and try to think about the people who can use my blood (I'm a universal plasma donor.) Several people come up to me saying, "Are you doing alright?" I watch, and they're not saying that to anyone else I can see...I'm starting to get worried now.
Suddenly, the lady comes back and looks at the tube connecting me to the blood bag: the blood had stopped flowing. Maybe I hadn't been squeezing enough, I don't know... So, she starts pulling the needle (not completely) and shoves it back in a slightly different spot... OUCH! I don't know if it was becuase I seem to be in pain, but she ends up taking it out and puts the swab on my arm and tells me to lift up over my head. Then she starts telling me about how I should I keep it clean and dry for the next 6 hours and not do any heavy lifting. At this point, I'm a little shocked and rather peeved that I didn't get to give a full pint of blood. I may be small, but I gave a full pint last year. So, for the rest of the morning, I was a little nauseous and somewhat light-headed. My arm hurt, and today I have a bruise on the inside of my elbow.
So, then, after school, I have to set up for the MORP dance. Not too bad. My friends realize that I have a bad arm and are sensitive to the that. I go to the dance in the evening and approximately 50 people show up...we're a school of 1000. *rollseyes* A lot of people don't go to MORP, but this was a lot less than usually. It was a 50's theme, and I had a lot of fun (no crowd!), but I was really tired, and sweaty and gross by the end of the evening. *yuck*
Today's been a long day. I had to drive up to Newton this morning becuase I had State Music Festival...Our Chantrelle choir got a "2" rating...not bad for singing in czech...However, by the time I got to the stupid school I was really frustrated...I can't stand driving in small towns...20 mph speed limits only belong in school zones...good grief...
Combine that with being tired all day and really frustrated with this computer, I honestly am close to tears...

I hope everyone else has had a better day than mine...

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