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Anime Fan Since
Let's see... 1 1/2 year if you're not counting my obsessions with Sailor Moon and Pokemon when I was younger
Favorite Anime
Super GALS! , Chobits, Fushigi Yugi, Ayashi no Ceres, Pretear, Rave Master, Angelic Layer, .Hack//Key of the Twighlight, .Hack//Sign, Ruroni Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho and many more that I can't think of right now
Hello! My name is Leah. I guess I should tell you about myself... Ok, here goes! My most favorite manga is Kodocha (AKA Kodomo no Omocha) Tokyo Mew Mew. This year, 4Kids will be distributing the anime as 'Hollywood Mew Mew.' How lame?! My favorite anime is super Gals or GALS! which is really girly but I love it to death! The first anime show that wasn’t kid crud (AKA it hadn't been edited for little kids... Like Pokemon! Or Yu-Gi-Oh! they cut out the whole first season of Yu-Gi-Oh ;-;) was Sorcerer Hunters
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Uber Bored!
I am so uber bored... oh well... Today, I finished making my Kana costume. I'll probably have a photo shoot next weekend so I'll post pics. And if they cancel the shoot, I'll just find some other way to get pics of my costume (steals Dad's digital camera *evil laugh*).
Well, anyway, all I did today was sew and work on my costume. YAY! And my bro is letting me borrow his Ruroni (sp?) Kenshin DVDs ^^ I so wanna watch them right now! But, alas, I don't have a DVD player in this room XD
Well, I outta go. Peace!
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Hellos again!
Sorry, I have been really inactive. ^^;; I'm such a lazy bum and forgot all about this site. o.O And this journal has been even more dead than my Live Journal. XD How sad... Well, anyway, I've been up to a lot lately. I've really gotten into Jrock and Jpop (and Eurobeat!!). Oh, and am now a cosplay (costuming) addict XD But I think that I mentioned that before.. Oh well. But I didn't make that Chii costume. instead I made Sailor Luna from the live action Sailor Moon ^-^ But my next costume is going to be Chii. YAY! And today, I made a skirt for a costume modeled after the awesome Jrocker, Kana! I need to make the top and I'll be done. YAY!
Speaking of cosplay, I'll be going to Kunicon Denver(<--crapfest XD but oh well, I'm going despite bad reviews), Otakon (YAY, Maryland!), and Nan Desu Kan. I love anime cons ^^ And I love cosplay. Sorry, I should shut up about cosplay...
Umm... well, I better go to sleep. Peace!
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
I'm Back!
I'm back from camping! YAY! I'm sleepy! My face is covered in dirt and my clothes are soggy and wet! YAY! I must change! Blah, I don't have any clean clothes (I have to wash them myself -.-) Oh well! Yesterday (or the day after yesterday...) was the 4th of July. I went and saw fireworks somewhere... I don't know where but it was near a bookstore. YAY! I bought the collector’s addition box set of Peach Girl 100% authentic manga version for $30. Yeah, I saved, like, $10 (4 volumes, normally $10 each) so yay. but I had to pay for it myself -.- I am never going to get that wig that need to buy! Oh well, nighty night peeps! I’ll talk to you tomorrow or something!
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Saturday, July 3, 2004
Hello all!
Hi again. I've been gone for a while. Sorry about that *sweat drop* The evil Internet wasn't working. grrrr! Oh well, I made it work! While gone, I've done plenty of things, like working on my cosplay costume for the con in September that I'm going to. I'm going to be Chii from Chobits. (I know, how original, lol) But still, people will recognize me! YAY! *jumps up and down* Well, I'll be camping tomorrow... Well, later today but whatever. So I guess I better go. Have to get up at 7 -.- but I want to sleep! Oh well! Toodles!
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
Yesterday I went to a flea market and I bought 2 sailor moon alarm clocks and a Japanese doll. One of the alarm clock goes up a second and then down a second, back and forth. so it's not really good for telling time, lol. The other one is shaped like Sailor Moon and the clock is in her skirt. The alarm is tthe theme to Sailor Moon and her saying 'good morning.' It is so uber kawaii! There was also a Pikachu clock like that. And the doll is beautiful. It's wearing this lovely black kimono. Now I have a collection of Japanese dolls ^-^ I had a great time there but they didn't have enough anime stuff ther *crosses arms* oh well! It was cheap and I spent $38 of my parent's money. fun!
Maybe I should draw that O.o ^^
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
Hello! This is my first post! YAY! Anyway, Tuesday was the last day of 6th grade for me =^.^= I'm not a Smurf anymore! (the 7th and 8th graders call the 6th graders Smurfs) Yesterday my brother got in a car accident. Damn stupid lady rammed the driver's side back door. We still don't know if the car is repairable. Oh well! It's summer! I'll do anything I damn want to! hehehe! (I know, kinda off topic but oh well)
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Featured Quiz Result:
 You have yellow Anime Eyes!
You are wild and independant, but also gentle and nice. You make friends easy and you fight for them like a tiger.
The one thing you can't stand is bullying and insulting.
You are very confident and you trust your own skills. But don't go overconfident, it might be the wrong way.
Which Anime Eyecolor are you? brought to you by Quizilla |
 Purple! You have purple eyes! You're a dreamer, artist, poet, whatever. You enjoy all forms of art and literature, and tend to be quite good at creating them as well.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla |