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Real Name
Alex with a "c-k-s"
I haven't dropped out of school. That is an achievment in this day and age...think about it.
Anime Fan Since
Some time...ago....yep.
Favorite Anime
Wolf's Rain
To be happy.
Drawing and Writing Novels, hanging with my best friend.
Drawing, Music...anything to deal with "The Arts."
| ArtFanatic1188
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Sunday, September 5, 2004
Happy Labor Day!!!
Today was an overall FANTABULOUS day. My family came over to "celebrate" (eat food) Labor Day, and that was fun. They eat enough for 5 people each...guess that's the downside of living in an obesce (sp?)state...*sigh* But my day was great.
After they all ate their food, I sat at the "grown-up" table and they started asking me questions about my education, what college I wanted to go to, what I'd major and minor in...the specs. It was ok; I like architecture (drawing stick-figures is kinda my thing) and they said I should minor in music if it was going to be in there any where. I love "The Arts", so anything in that catagory would make me a happy person. Not that I'm not happy now...don't get me wrong, but to the real reason I'm mum.
Tomorrow we (my mother and I) are going "Already-Back-In-School" mum's a little slow on the up-take, but I'm pretty sure she'll grow out of's just a stage I'm sure. That's atleast what all the shrinks have told me. That'll be interesting.
Anyway, I'm extra excited about going to school this coming Tuesday. Somethings happened within a time span of 30 seconds that made me really anxious. I can't wait now. Tada. Thats all I have to say now and I think somebody's coming down the steps....I probably shouldn't be on the computer right now...(and by probably I mean, I know for a fact that I shouldn't be on right now.) Dod Gamn Futher Mucker. L8er!
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
Back In Action.
Apparently, school is good and good FOR you. Its amazing how much people take for granted. Oh well...their loss, you can't teach an ignorant person if they're not willing to learn. Unless they're drugged...and thats not how things should work out. Nope.
But anyway, school started a few days ago, and I'm overall very satisfied with how that's going. It doesn't give me much time to draw, but it does give me time to figure out how to make time to talk to people I want to get to know. Yay. There are actually a few people that look like they are worth my time and effort in getting to know. We'll see how that works out. Tada.
We have a freaking 4-Day-Weekend...what do they exoect me to do? My Phy. Sci homework? Maybe. Draw? A more likely possibility. Think about how my best friend sprains her ankle getting OFF the trampoline? Yes! I can't believe that! How do you...I mean, what could you be doing....*sigh*...I worry about her sometimes. Hmmm.
I just finished submitting all the art I feel like posting. Some people on these boards don't believe in being fair, in having their friends vote for their pictures. I mean really, vote for what you like, not for what they told you to do. This is about rating your pictures, not rating your friends. Maybe they'll figure it out.
Thats all for now, more later...maybe.
A/N: I like someone...he he he!
Also, for you politically active people, what do you think about this upcomming election? And if you're not active and you're of age...YOU SHOULD BE! Geesh. |
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Well, this isn't my first time using The Otaku, I just got tired of waiting for people to stop cheating on the picture votes and just hope they get better, so I'm starting over.
This'll be like my online "Journal", Diary's are too cliche for me. Other sites don't let me show poeple my "work" so that's what I'm going to do here. Tada.
I've got losts more I could say, but more work to do then things to say, so I'll talk to the rest of you lot some other time. Enjoy whatever you see here, and don't judge me from what I say, judge me for who I am.
A/N: Weren't the Olympics awesome? Greeks, w00t!

AND: If you want a good laugh, go here:
Foamy The Squirrel. |
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