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Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Ultra Super Quicky Post
Ok... I've been gone a while as you all probably know. But I'm back, at least for now, so sorry if I haven't checked any of your sites. I've been kinda busy with school, friends, guitar. Yeah, I've been having a guitar obsession. But I'm back. I'm gonna try to post at least three pictures later, maybe more if i finish 'em. Well that's it.
Oh yeah! Kephren's back!!!! I would never think it would take that long to get a computer... Oh well.
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Tuesday, March 2, 2004
I've really been lazy with my drawings... I haven't drawn something in quite some time now. Maybe I should draw something... Just maybe... Yeah, I guess so. Any one want me to draw something? That's what I thought. Uh, this post has really changed to a pointless direction. I wonder how much longer I'll be here...
...Still here...
...Still here...
...Still here...
... ...
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Friday, February 27, 2004
Everyone should check out the skillful color changes in that post down there. Except I think that one brown sentence was too long...
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And they turn into the homestretch... Wait, that one's turning around! Ow, that's gotta hurt...
Finally!I have finished all of my projects and turned them all in!They're all done because they were all due this week, but I'm finally free form projects!And, the picture I've been trying to upload for over a month now has gone up in the fanart section, "Aiel Warrior"!I hope everyone likes it, but if you don't I have some more I just didn't have time to post because of those projects.And, I got the CD Coda for my birthday and it's awesome, and everyone should go get it and then resurect the dead members of Led Zeppelin so they can make another CD.And do some concerts.Well...I'm back... and... I don't know... Requests anyone?OK, I'm out...
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Wednesday, February 25, 2004
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Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Well, today I was going to starting yelling at everyone about the ratings, in particular seifer-sama's... But now, I don't know, I think I'm gonna try to stay calm. Ok, here goes. First off, how do you people rate the art? Some people out there rate by whether or not they like the character drawn. Like "Oh I don't like Trunks. I'm giving it a no." You all can just die. That is no way to rate this art you closed minded freaks. Another way is whether it looks like the character drawn. More closed minds. Anyone who votes either of those way shouldn't be allowed to this site, ever. The point of fanart is to show how you feel through your art, and the best way is to develop your own style. But when people give no's just because "Oh, that doesn't look like Link's eyes" it isn't giving fair treatment. To anyone who does that, go home and try to make your own style. See if you can do it. See how mucj your pictures look like the original characters. Seifer sama has made her own style, and a very good one. So what if in one of the pictures Inuyasha looks a little different. If you voted no for any of Seifer sama's pictures I'd like to see you do better. Look at her art again. Look at the detail, look at the shading. Look at it. Her art is so amazingly good and hard I don't think anyone at this site could draw anything that comes close to hers. If I tried to draw a picture as good as any one of hers, it would probably take me 24 hours strait, and it still wouldn't look HALF as good. Why? Because Seifer sama is an amazing artist. Any artist here can look at her art and say how excruciantly hard it would be to draw that, but not for her. No one has the right to give her art a no unless they can do better. And people who don't draw who gave it no's, draw a picture of your own. Drawing's harder than it seems.
Draw a fanart, see how it looks, then see if you had the right to give her art a no. And those of you who gave her art no's just because you don't like her rating being so high, I think Adam should ban you from this site. And I think you should be banned from any fanart site. Also, this isn't only for Seifer sama's art. This goes for all artist's works. But mostly Seifer Sama's because she deserves much more recognition than what she gets. And just to show you, I think I might do a style imitation of her art (if that's ok with you) to show you that her art is one of a kind. Although, she's probably not going to read this. Why would she? Ah, this post isn't about me. So, keep an open mind people.
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Friday, February 13, 2004
Can I take a gander at that? No. But... Shut up!
Wow.... Amzing. They actually like one of my sketches. That one was really fun to draw. And if you don't know who Homestar is, go to They have some of the funniest stuff there. Anyways, I don't know how many more sketches I've got coming, I think only two, so if any one has any uggestions or requests I'll take them! Yeah. And.... It's Friday! Three day weekend! My birthday's in exactly one week! Only if this wasn't ruined by Valentines day... Oh well, for those of you who like that holiday, have fun! And... ooohhh... something special today. This is an actual label off of some sort of item, guess that item! "Warning: Do not use for drying animals." Have fun with that...
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Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Well... they hate my new picture. Pooie... Oh well, I have some more coming. Which they'll probably also hate. Yay? No yay. No random comment today either.
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Funky Falcon, Hoo-hah!
Looky looky! This is snow fox's quiz, and it's really good. I don't really like much of the quiz's here, because they're wrong, but this one's good. Everyone should check it out. What's Your Super Smash Bros. Fighting Style?
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Saturday, February 7, 2004
Audacious Abuela
Why purple text? Becuase it's purple. Anyways... I've been working on my manga for quite some time now, and I havestill not come up with a title... This is what I've got so far:
Spell Strife
Time Strife
Which one do you think is the best? Or you can come up with your own that's remotely similar. This is a problem because I'm on the cover page, after the prologue and.... I can't finish without a title. Yep. My pictures won't post! My computer didn't react to fire,so any other ideas? Chivalrous Stew! AWAY!!!!!!!
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