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myOtaku.com: artist0625

Friday, March 31, 2006

All Good Things Must Come To An End
Awww man! Its friday, which means my spring break iz just about over! Well, it was ok while it lasted. Today I had my TB shot looked at. Im negative, which iz a good thing. I did some other stuff with my dad. "Call Me, Call Me" iz such a good song. I'll be moving into my new house in a month, which I cant wait to do. At the hospital on Wednesday, I saw a FMA fan. How do I know she was an FMA fan?? She was wearing a FMA shirt, which looked cool. Im thinking about changing my theme soon. If you cool otaks have any idea what it should be, plz tell me. Im thinking about posting Zion City, my story, on the otak again, but I need someone to proofread it. Can someone plz voulunteer?? I while ago I saw this hella funny vid, so today I have it for u guys. "Living in the Fridge" + Cowboy Bebop. Enjoy.

O daiji ni!!
Ry-kun, tha artist

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