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myOtaku.com: artist0625

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Hey everyone. I bet alot of you are watching Castle in the Sky, like me. Its a really good movie. I had a dream once. It was kinda based on Castle in the Sky. Everything was black and white and I was trapped in a room, in a floating castle. The locked door suddenly opened and I walked out. I looked out of a hole in the building, and heard a voice say to me this: "If you fall, your freedom will be true, but if you cower, you will be trapped forever." So wat did I do? Well, I jumped. I jumped and fell. The fall felt so good......... Then I woke up. Im also very happy because Mir has returned!!! Im so happy, oh so happy. Ahhh, it feels soo damn good. Alright, next topic. KH2. Yesterday I downloaded Passion, the KH2 theme song in japanese, and today I downloaded Sanctuary, the KH2 theme song in english. THANK YOU KHINSIDER.COM!!!! I really hope I can get KH2, but first I should finish CoM, or just find the ending video on youtube.com. Heh heh heh. Well, the pain in my arm still hasnt ceased. Earlier it was throbbing like crazy. Damn it hurt. Well, thats really all I have to say. Ttyl, my friends.
O daiji ni!!!

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