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myOtaku.com: artist0625

Monday, April 10, 2006

   A small Hiatis+GUESS WAT??!!
Hey guys. I'm back from my small (very small) hiatis. Not a lot has happened. Had to do a lil cleaning, got the newest shonen jump, and found out that I only have 4 days of skool this week. Next subject. Theres one more thing that happened this weekend. IM BORROWING KINDOM HEARTS 2 FROM A FRIEND AND AM HALF WAY THROUGH!!!! (I THINK) Its a really good game. Im at The Land Of Dragons for the second time, right after the 1,000 heartless battle. Ahh, what a good battle. The water guitar guy was a pain, and The Pride Lands was cool. I cant wait to play after i finish my homework. Oh, yea, JD, stop bugging Mir, or I'll slap the taste out ur mouth. Well, thats all I have to say, so ttyl!
P.S. I will be posting my story Zion City by the end of the week. Past readers, expect a few changes. And thanks for the Comments on my KH1 pic. Workin on one for KH2.

O daiji ni!!!

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