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Kamija Miharu
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My happy place... be back... NEVER!!
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Real Name
Kamija Miharu... okay... fine... its' actually Julia
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Favorite Anime
InuYasha, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Love Hina, Bleach, Fushigi Yugi, Trinity Blood, Ghost in the Shell, Witch Hunter Robin, Read or Die, Please Teacher, Wolf's Rain, S-cry-ed, Paradise Kiss, Hellsing, Code Lyoko, IGPX,
To become a Singer
Acting, anime, Christian music, reading Fantasy, and in the middle of writting a fantasy, working in the technical side of theater
singing, drawing, writing, acting
| arwenundomniel
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
heya guys....
xD i know i know.. i havn't posted in forever!! i'm workign on it!!! I'm apart of another anime forum site ( If you're not apart of it, join and if you are, find me on tehre and add me!!! i'm angel of music on there! I was looking through my friends list and and looks like a good deal of us have all kinda lost intrest in the site. XD
Well... i'm curretnly too lazy to post anything else about my life, so i'll just shut upa nd wait for comments....
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
Listening to: Live Free or Let Me Die by Skillet
Mood: sleep deprived and still up even though it is past 4 am....
okay.. so.. i havn't been on here in like.. forever!!!!!! did anyone miss me??? *cricket chirp*... i feel loved... xDDDD
So what is up people??? i finally changed my layout and decided to go with... right now.. Gentlemen's Alliance Cross. i absolutly love Takanari-sama!!!! i've been reading the manga and it is soooo good!!
oh, i don't know how many of you know of, but i now have an account with them. i am "angel of music". find me and add me. don't forget to tell me who you are on here, otherwise i'll go haybrain and go "ummm... do i know you??" lol
So, i am now a WAITRESS!!!! big money there... or so i'm told. but in less than a month i have been able to make a little over $800 in tips. lots of hard work and good tippers. i've come to hate high schoolers who leave no tips "grrr" and if you ever want to know "what should i leave for tips" just ask me, i'll tell you. (usually a ten dollar tip is much welcome! xD)
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Friday, December 7, 2007
Listening to: "Amaranth" by Nightwish
Mood: meh

The university lost power this morning, annd when it came back on, the Fire Alarm went off in the dorm room. I swear, that thing is the most ANNOYING sound i have EVER heard!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm feeling kinda weird today. I dunno why. I dunno what this is. It feels as if i'm trapped in a wakeing dream and i can't get out of it. It's so weird. On top of that i'm having chest pains, which is annoying as hell. =_= This morning hasn't started out great. I've got a paper to write today. Its due by 5 in my professor's office. I hope i make it in time. that means i'm gonna have to skip work to work on it. I meant to start it last night, but i didn't have teh materials i needed for it. ^^;; so i'll be dropping by the library to get what i need.
Next week is finals week.. eek! I'm not that excited about it... at all. Sure i don't have classes, but i have juries and i'm nervous as hell about those. I have to show off to some judges everything that i have learned in my voice lessons and piano lessons this sememster. I'm mostly scared of my piano one. i suck at piano. I can't believe Mrs. Alderage signed me up to take the juries. =_=
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Saturday, December 1, 2007
Listening to: "Angel of Music" from Phantom of the Opera
Mood: Love-y

ahh... i'm going crazy. Chase is all i've been able to think about lately. He's all i want right now. I want to be with him. I want to be loved by him. Thoughts of him flood my mind so i can't think of anything else. Eveerything about him is driving me crazy. I surprised my heart is stlil working properly. Everything he says and does lately just makes my heart act up.
I was up till 6 in the morning talking with steve, chase and mori on MSN. I was already going insane with all these thoughts of Chase, then mori and steve decided that it would be fun to see how much they could make me blush. I don't think i've ever been so red in my entire life.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
well, i knew that sooner or later during the semester, i HAD to get sick. Today is the day. I threw up in choir today (luckily i was already in the bathroom due to stomach feeling upset). So i'm currently skipping piano lessons so that i can rest b4 rehersals for Festival of Christmas. I'm currently debating whether i feel good enough to go to composition or not. What the problem is, when i'm lying down, i feel fine. But when i stand up, my stomach starts to get mad at me. It just better calm down before rehersals. I can't miss it.
I found a roommate last night. Its a buddy of mine from choir and composition, Heather. I'm excited. We get along great. One of us will move into the other's room at semester's end. We're not sure who will yet. I probably will since i didn't bring that much stuff. XP
I finished Blood+... and had a VERY GOOD CRY. I'm not going to say anything. I don't want to ruin an excellent ending for people currently watching it.... but be forwarned.. episode 50 is the last one.. and you will want a box of Kleenex handy.
FOr me, a sign of a good movie or series is when i cry at the end. I rarely cry during movie and stuff, so when i do... its one hell of a good story line to make me cry
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
XD its two in the morning and i am not tired.. go figure...
Anywho.. i'm currently talking with Chase about nothing. We tend to do that alot. oh well, as long as i get to spend time with him. ^-^
I just got back from my Thanksgiving Break today. And it certainly wasn't much of a break. My parents had me go job hunting for the Winter Break. =_= The whole idea of Thanksgiving Break is to give us a break from the stressful semester. Well, that idea went out the door. To make things worse, this morning i woke up with a horrible headache that has refused to go away.
On Thanksgiving we went to my grandparents house to celebrate. I pretty much sat around and practiced my Italian Songs for juries coming up soon. THen my grandmother wanted to hear me sing one of my Italian songs. I shocked my entire family at how much my singing voice has developed in the past semester. I'm very pleased with myself. In the past semester, i've gone from being a 2nd soprano to a 1st soprano. ^^
When i finally got back to the house (which i had been away from for what seemed like forever thanx to college) the moment i walked into the door.. i had a sneeze attack. Somehow over the semester, i grew allergic to cats. I have lived all my life with cats in the house and then i come home from college and BAM! i'm allergic to kitties, which totally sux in my opinion. I LOVE CATS, especially my baby boy, Sox. I mean, its not so bad that i have to go to the doctor to have it checked out, but its enough that i go around sneezing 24/7 and have to deal with a runny nose. =_= no fun
I changed my site theme today. I was kinda reluctant to do it, but it needed to be done. The new theme is Hagi from BLood+. I decided to experiment with the post boxes, i think it came out pretty great. Tell me what you think
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
I'm heading home today and won't be back until Saturday.
I'm still recuperating from pulling an all nighter MOnday night. I am so grateful to Chase for staying up with me all night.I don't think i would of gotten any of those papers done if he hadn't stayed up with me. ^^ gosh i love him!! Best boyfriend ever. But anyways.. i got all those papers done.. thank goodness
I'm currently watching Blood+.. REALLY GOOD ANIME!! HAJI IS SOOOO HOT! XP
Well gonna go... see you guys around
i really need to update more
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
*sighs* today is gonna be busy.. like all wednesdays are. I have to sing two songs in studio class today.. both by memory. Ugh.. at least the two i'm singing in know very well. I"m curently working on one of the Italian pieces that i have to sing for jury.
Then after vocal lessons, i'm going to (hopefully) give blood in todays' blood drive. If my blood iron level is good, then i can donate blood. ^^ i love donating blood.
I've discovered im not going to be able to stay at OBU next semester. i havn't been able to keep up with the expectations my parents set for me in order for me to stay here. *sighs*
*Sighs* i've gone two days of not seeing Chase, and it has me down. I've discovered that i mostly get onto the chatboxes now just to talk with Chase. I get so sad when he's not around. Love can be bloody painful... i hate it. *sighs* i'm just hoping that he will show up today. I don't know how much longer i can go without talking to him. *pouts* pathetic i know.
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
I woke up today at 5:30 pm. Probably due to me being up till 4 in the morning talking to Chase again. I seem to do that every weekend.
i hit my head pretty hard on the iron framing of the bottom bunk in my dorm room a few days ago. SO now i have this huge knot which REALLY hurts when touched. Someone times it hurts even when its not being touched. =_= so annoying
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Tempest is finally over!!!! WOOT!
That means that i can finally catch up on my sleep. Tuesday night was teh last prformance and afterwards everyone had to strike the set. We were there until 12 in the morning. Not fun. When i got back to the dorm, i collasped. I havn't been back in the theater since. All my free time i have now is dedicated to getting sleep. ^^
I just finished watching .hack//roots. I'm now watching Blood +. ^^
Well, gonna go!
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