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Kamija Miharu
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Kamija Miharu... okay... fine... its' actually Julia
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InuYasha, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Love Hina, Bleach, Fushigi Yugi, Trinity Blood, Ghost in the Shell, Witch Hunter Robin, Read or Die, Please Teacher, Wolf's Rain, S-cry-ed, Paradise Kiss, Hellsing, Code Lyoko, IGPX,
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Acting, anime, Christian music, reading Fantasy, and in the middle of writting a fantasy, working in the technical side of theater
singing, drawing, writing, acting
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/02/06:
oooooooooohhhhhhhhh!!! Love the picture!!!!
Result Posted on 10/02/06:
love this picture too!!!
Result Posted on 09/30/06:
hahahahaha... ITachi stayed afterwards... adn had a blast.. wonder why.?? *mischevious grin*
Result Posted on 09/30/06:
SASUKE IS MY MAN!!! ^-^ I love sasuke! *glomps him and drags him to bedroom for some fun*
What Do The Naruto Charaters Say And Think About You? (For Girls)
 Your guy: SasukeWhat he likes about you: Your determination. That fact that you never give up.What the characters say and think about you:-Boys-What Sasuke says: "She is very determined...I like that about her."What Sasuke thinks: *She's really pretty and unique. I like her. I'd give up avenging for her, but I know that she'll just join me, which makes me like her more.*What Naruto says: "She's okay. I don't really know her that well. She's pretty though."What Naruto thinks: He doesn't, lol, jk!! *She's really pretty, and I think she's even stronger then me!!*What Neji says: "It's her destiny to be very strong apparently."What Neji thinks: *I wonder how she got that strong. I envy her...*What Kiba says: "She pretty, and she's not bossy. She's really strong."What Kiba thinks: *Damn she's hot!! I wish she'd at least give me a chance!! Last time I asked her if she would be my girlfriend, she said, "I don't associate with idiots."*What Shikamaru says: Very strong, looks like a troublesome opponent.What Shikamaru thinks: *Very strong, looks like a troublesome opponent.*What Rock Lee says: "She's pretty. And strong. Almost the same league as Sasuke."What Rock Lee thinks: *Wow! She's prettier then Sakura! And about a billion times stronger!! But when I asked her to be my girlfriend, she just said, "I'm sorry, I don't associate with idiots," just like she did Kiba. I hate Sasuke.*What Gaara says: "She looks like some tough competition."What Gaara thinks: *She pretty, I guess...*What Kakashi says: "Very strong. I see a lot of potential in this girl."What Kakashi thinks: *She's look even better if she'd just show some more skin!*What Choji says: "Mmmmkdfjak mieodopc jekfja jmvijojderf." (Translation: These barbecue chips are good. lol, jk!! She is very strong. I'm scared of her. She calls me fat, but I can't do anything because she scares me so bad...)What Choji thinks: *She's pretty pretty...I think that her scaryness makes her less pretty...*What Kankuro says: "She could even be tough competition for me!!"What Kankuro thinks: *I'd like that girl more, if she hadn't said to me, "Why do you wear Temari's makeup??"*What Kabuto says: "She's a very strong girl. Very praise worthy."What Kabuto thinks: *She would be great working for Orochimaru! And my girlfriend. Maybe I can scare the idea into her. No, better not. She'll beat the idea out of me...*-Girls-What Sakura says: "I hate that girl!! Everyone thinks she's better then me!! She even stole my Sasuke-kun from me!!What Sakura thinks: *I hate that she can just wear her regular old stuff, with me wearing my best, and still look better!!*What Ino says: "How the heck did she win Sasuke?? I hate her...I was just about to get him..."What Ino thinks: *She always looks good, and she never tries!! Hmm...maybe I cacn get some tips from her...*What Hinata says: "I like her. She is very strong."What Hinata thinks: *It's great that she has Sasuke. They make a cute couple.*What Temari says: "Very strong. Too strong! The wind from my fan probably would even move her a milimeter."What Temari thinks: *A very cool girl. If we were combined, we would be unbeatable, but herself alone, is almost unbeatable.*What Tenten says: "Amazing!! Simply amazing! She dodged all of my weapons!! I don't know how she does it!"What Tenten thinks: *I wonder where she learned all this stuff...* Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/30/06:
~~What do the Naruto Teenagers think of You!?!?!~~(girlsonly)

Naruto thinks: You are a cool person and is glad Sasuke is off limits now. Sasuke thinks:You are cute and caring. Sakura thinks: That you should die. Shikimaru thinks: He would be better fitting for you. Chouji thinks: You are annoying. Ino thinks: You should die a VERY painful death. Neji thinks: You are a horrible ninja. Tenten thinks: You are nice. Rock Lee thinks: You are as beautiful as Sakura. Kiba thinks: You deserve better. Shino thinks: You should hangout more. Hinata thinks: You are intimidating. Gaara thinks: You are hot, and would fight Sasuke for you. Kankuro thinks: You are ugly. Temari thinks: You are pretty cool.
Your boyfriend is:Sasuke he saw something in you no one else did and eventually couldn't get you out of his mind. Your best friend is: Naruto Your rival is:Sakura, Ino, basically every female genin in the hidden leaf village... -_-' Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/27/06:
haha!! Sasuke-kun again... ^-^ although... lost virginity.. GAI???????????? That is scarier that LEe and the Hokage!!! O.o
Result Posted on 09/27/06:
haha... Kakashi... ^-^ still... i prefer that i didn't break up with Sasuke... *pout*
Result Posted on 09/27/06:
*squee* SASUKE IS MY HUBBY!!!... though... losing my virginity to the Hokage... O.o... and Rock Lee me Ex... O.o...
Result Posted on 09/27/06:
*drool* AWESOMENESS!!! ^-^
Result Posted on 09/27/06:
Why'd i have to get Sakura... and why can't the boyfriend be Sasuke dammit!
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