Birthday • 1993-03-20 Gender •
Female Location • In a house, on a street, in a state, in the USA Member Since • 2004-06-22 Occupation • student Real Name • Jackie
Achievements • getting my butt to high school Anime Fan Since • I started watchin' tv Favorite Anime • FMA,D N Angel, Outlaw Star, Gravitation,Kyo Kara Maoh, DBZ,Inuyasha,Trigun,Cowboy bebop,G Gundam /Wing/Seed,Lain,TB,Hellsing,Last exile,Naruto, Ergo Proxy, Gun Sword, and many many more Goals • now...gettin to 10th grade Hobbies • Sleeping ,drawing,and reading Talents • drawing and breaking the computer Asakura31
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
um a poem i wrote in my history class
this is crap and i'm not sure if i should add any thing or put it on my fiction press(the evil penguins made me do it).tell me what u think k.
He's my prince of DARKNESS
DARKER than the night it's self,
shadowed by DEATH,
Trying to FIND
WHAT'S left
For HIM...
My poor PRINCE
thingy to help site: To make your site transparnet so that your background is seen, put #XXXXXX in all the slots except for the "picture url" and font slots.
I didn't really update did I. I think I got to everyonres site yestarday but i'm not sure. I'm reallllllllllllllly sorry if I didn't get to you I was kinda reading fanfiction. Um.. nothing really happen. School still sucks I hope it burns*starts to laugh evilly*. My spelling is ssssoooooo horribale.Math is even worse cause we got some stupid ratio thing and ther freakin missing steps,my mom even gave up*cries*.
So um...bye k.
The fest
OK the alligator fest was really cool,but my feet hurt like heck even after my hot bath*cries*.I saw some of my schoolmates*dies*.My mom got her alligtor burger and it tasted like chicken,but I don't think i'll try it again.Me and Lanney were buying all this cool junk.I got this black beanie baby called The End he's soooo cute!Um..lets see*starts to look through bags* I got this hot dragon neckles w/ a red orb*jumps up and down*,umm.and I got this soy candle 'Sex On The Beach'it smells soo good.Umm..that's pretty much it Trinity Blood is about to come on so i'm gonna go.ByeBye
Holy Crap i've got a MySpace
OK I didn't update for the last 2 days cause' my mom made me clean my room*cries*.Now with the good news! I'm here with Lanney from school! Say hi Lanney,
Asakura31:Good! Yesterday after school we were kinda high on sugar AND WERE STILL UP AT LIKE 12:33 in the f'in MORNNING!Lanney set me up with a myspace so if you have one please visit me at please and thankyou. It's still new so I may keep changing things around for a while. Guess what Miyavi has a myspace it's so cool cause' Dir en Grey has on too! Anyway today were suppose to go to the alligatr fest and a lot of people from school said they were going to*dies*.My mom whants to eat alligator too and thats just really werid. OK moving on i've started readying this really werid book called The Cobra Event it's got 412 pages. It's got to do with this virus, Russians, and a stupid president(Nixion).It's currently...12:47am my sugar high is startin' to wearoff i'm all sleepy.Um..lets see we've started a cookie dough sale in school and thats about it. I guess i'll talk to ya'll laterz! ByeBye
(Today's song It's really stupid and addicting but its really fnny. If I Were Gay!! LOL)
stupid site stuff
Today was ok cause we only one test. The stupid test had six pages, then my stupid math teach. had us go over this review page*cries*. My classes started getting cool during History cause we only saw a vid.Then lunch came then or Bible class,Cumputer,and P.E.! After school I fially got Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones i've been waiting for everrr for it!
I wanted to do this cccooool thing with my site so u can see my Hellsing BkRd through my thingy but I can't seem to get it to work*cries*.So if u PM me with instructions that be reaaaalllllyyyy great.
Ok today was a goooooooooooood day! School went by fast and I even got soaked in blue Gatorade!After school we had to go to Wal-Mart for Doritos and I found Octobers issue of Shojo Beat*dances around*!Ok Hellsing got the most vote like 3 so i'm gonnna go with that k! Yay for Hellsing*dances around agian, but trips*!
(today's song nothing)
Ne, the stupid thing isn't working but u should get 1 tomarrow!
Nothing much
I didn't update yestrday cause nothin' really happened. My guitar lessons went really well, and my teachers littl' brother was hot hopfully he'll be there next time* ^_^ *. Sunday was just another sunday I saw my friend at church but we didn't get to talk much cause her mom was watching us like a freakin' hawk*cries*. Today was reeeaaaalllllllllllllllly boring the only thing on my mind was food for some ood reason. We had a quix in math and I got a 68,I was hopin' for an A but i'll live. My history class went by sooooooo slow and everyone kept lookin at the clock and the stupid thing move even slower*dies*. When lunch finaly came everyone was like wild bulls. The only thing good thing that happened was me and my friend dicided we'd go to the Alligator festival together*dances around*.THe cool thing about the Alligator fest is all the rides and lots'a food(mostly alligator but thats cool). Wow, that was long!
I've dicided I wanted to change my theme again, but I can't seem to dicide maby you guys/girls can help?
The list:
Kyo Kara Maoh
Yu Yu Hakusho
The most picked wins!!
(Today's song holy crap it's a random question!!)
Any cool festivals where you live?
A New Friend
Hello everyone this is gonna be short and sweet. I've got my guitar lessons today and i'm stuck with my grandmother all day. My friend from school joined yesterday and I would like you all to visit her. Her name is Kagome120 i'm sure she wouldn't mind making friends. My laptop is about to restat to do only god knows what so I have to go ByeBye
P.S. Today is Bou's(guitar)
birthday so go listin to some Antic cafe!
Feelin better
Sorry I didn't update yestarday or visit anyone. I was feelin really bad so ikinda just went to sleep once I got home. Picture day went a lot better than I thought it would. We had a math test and I got a freggin' 81*dances around*. In my Language class I got a...76 I think,it was a lot better than I thought I did. After my nap I had to go back to school with my mom for open house. I was the onley 8th grader that showed up*cries*. After all that my mom made me take some medice that tasted like bad soda*cries again*. But I stll ended up giving my mom back her cold*jumps for joy*,hopfully she won't give it back to me.
Today was kinda laid back. In my spelling class I got a freggin' 81,thats the best i've done sence we started school.During lunch me and 4 other girls were hangin out and started this Reject club(stupid name but it works). One of the girls likes anime a lot hopefully I can get her to join. In my history class the test was pretty easy considering I didn't study we didn't get or results yet,but I think I did pretty good..;). Thankfully my teacher was in a good mode so we didn't do antthing in my bible class. My cumputer and P.E. calsses when't by fast even with us out side in 90 fuckin' dagree weather. I've got homework to do and my soda medicine is wering off so i'm gonna go. ByeBye
Nothing much
Today was ok,but I still feel like crap.We took 3 tests tody and I think I did ok.During lunch I asked my friend Lanney what she thought of me and she said I was complex(what the hell!). In P.E. we had to do situps I did 2 while a seventh grader got 100(dies). After school we had to go to the post office and I got Please Twin vol.1 from Netflix(witch is playing now). Tomarrows picture day so i've got to pickout my outfit! so ByeBye
I usually don't ask questions and we've never meet,but... do I seem complex??
(Today's Song or Vid) It's a vid I found. Proof that J-Rockers are Dorks!