Birthday • 1993-03-20 Gender •
Female Location • In a house, on a street, in a state, in the USA Member Since • 2004-06-22 Occupation • student Real Name • Jackie
Achievements • getting my butt to high school Anime Fan Since • I started watchin' tv Favorite Anime • FMA,D N Angel, Outlaw Star, Gravitation,Kyo Kara Maoh, DBZ,Inuyasha,Trigun,Cowboy bebop,G Gundam /Wing/Seed,Lain,TB,Hellsing,Last exile,Naruto, Ergo Proxy, Gun Sword, and many many more Goals • now...gettin to 10th grade Hobbies • Sleeping ,drawing,and reading Talents • drawing and breaking the computer Asakura31
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
i havent updated in forever! after tomorrow i'll have a week left of summer school! earlyer this week one of the boys in my class brought syrup to drink... idoit. not much has happen around here. i hope ur summers been better.
blah blah blah blah
i started summer school yestarday. the bus lady said to be there st 7:30 but she was never there so my mom talked to her today and the lady said to now be there at 6:30 in the
i'm glad i onley have s morning class for my math of id... die. my life sucks! Comments (1) |
Friday, May 25, 2007
im a lazy bum
i've been outta school for 2 days now and i've barly been online. and today 4 in the fuckin morning the newspaper lady hit my moms car driving through our yard... crazy ppl Comments (0) |
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
i'M sICK
yesterday and today were half days. AND... today was the LAST day of school!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wont ever have to see those ppl EVER again. i have to see them again tonight so i can graduate. i also got my Gackt Crescent CD and my Kirito Hameln CD me soo happy! i'M LIKE A FUCKIN gAIA ADDICT I LUV IT... Comments (1) |
Friday, May 18, 2007
it's the end of the last full week of school two mor half days and im done!!!!!!!!!! i wont be on tomorrow cause i'll be with Lanney, Ka'jah, and Erin at Alissa's b-day party. i wont get home till sunday after noon but thats cool cause were going to chilis and then were gonna go see shrek the third ^^
were gonna have cake and anime till we burst!
oh, and now i have a gaiaonline account so if ur a member or ur thinking bout it feel free to add me as a freind i'm "LegAL_DRUG22" cute right ^^
that girl came to school in a SLING! everyone was sayin she was lookin at me funny all day and the bitch to scared to say anything to my face. monday is gonna be VERY interesting.
tomorrow will suck cause im pretty sure that girl will want to start somting and im gonna have to tell her off cause she needs to stay out my face and buissness Comments (2) |
Saturday, May 5, 2007
i got this game from gamefly Spike Out i luv it!!! ive played for like 3 hr already.
o_0 *Runs away*
HI its been sooooo long! i missed u guys *crys*
theres not much to say but today ROCKED! My new name is Yah. Blair BROKE the light in class thers this giant hole in the cover! okie know i owe u guys a butt load of pics and vids SO HERE YA GO.
Nihon Seiatsu ~ending~ Undercode Tour(i love this one its funny. keep ur eyes on Rame)
Fanvideo Uruha X Ruki Poisonous Love(this is hot)
Random Jrock - Barbie girl punk cover( i hate the song but its funny)