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Almere, The Netherlands
Member Since
60 hours of non-stop anime and games
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Favorite Anime
Genshiken, Elfen Lied, Hunter x Hunter, Saikano
learn to draw smthing better then stick figures :)
watching anime, gaming and hanging out with friends, reading manga
dont have any, although some say i can chess quite well and solve some nasty sodoku and i've done some speed swimming (dutch championships)
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
more news :)
I found some comic store were they have 18 of the 25 volumes of GTO, so i placed my order, he is trying to get the other parts :) On the other hand, I'm going to Lowlands in a few days (thursday evening) we prolly stay till monday :) Anyway, im off to bad and i'm really tired ttyl :)
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Movie marathon
I had a movie marathon with some friends yesterday, we started at 20.00, and finished today at 13:30 :).
Best movie was 2LDK, biggest disapointment was Stevo's Gross Misconduct, we didn't even watch the whole movie. To repetetive. Overal the movies were not so good. But the 2LDK was really nice :). I'm home now for some 12 houts, (02.40 atm) so I'm gonna get some wel deserved sleep :) The 2LDK movie was about 2 starting actresses living in the same room, they can't really stand eachother and get into a fight... Real fun. I can give you some statistics of the marathon :). We were with 5 people. We drank a total of 14 Liters of Cola 4 Liters of fruit juice 6 Liters beer (we forgot to buy more while shopping :x We ate 2 bags of potato chips 12 Bakpao 16 Fondant cakes (the pink ones ^_^) 1 pack of noodles a person I ate 3/4 of a big piza (30x70cm) and some more random things. we saw a total of 9 movies.
It was a fun night even though the movies were not the best ones we have seen...
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Friday, August 11, 2006
Quick music recommendation....
If you're in town or something you should check out "Electrocute" with the album "Troublesome Bubblegum" it's a bit electro and a bit girl-rock/alternative thing or whatever you want to call it. I think its like "Chicks on Speed" mixed with "They were Giants".
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Daily thingy things :)
So today I got some invitation to go on a "intro day" from my new school. Pretty fun and all, except that it's a survival trip... and i dont really like those kind of things :). Guess I'll try to cancel it, because it's not a obligated part of the course (I hope at least). Today was pretty boring, with me drinking no coffee a whole day. You dont want to see me if i drink no coffe in a day, i get pretty messed up (restless, uninspired etc). According to my mom i'm beginning to get addicted to cafeine or something. So i decided to watch some nice Happy anime episodes. Luckely i found out that a new ep. of school rumble was released, so i watched it and enjoyed every bit of it. It's pretty simple, fun and makes me laugh out loud on some parts. After School Rumble I decided to watch a couple of eps of Love Hina, I had it them lying around a couple of weeks now, and since I had nothing better to do I decided to watch a couple of them. Strange enough I really liked them. Most of the time I don't like this kind of anime... but the simplisity (I wrote it wrong, I know but hey, I'ts 2:36 am here right now) it was really fun and the animations and sound are of a good quality too. Guess i'll check another ep. when i finished this post :). I got an idea about how to change the lay-out on this page, i'll check it out in a moment (after i finish this post). By the way, it appears following some Launch dates of Ubisoft games for the Wii, the console is comming out at the 5th of October (or close to it). But as always it'll probably be the Japanese or the American Launch for it. I really hope they launch it Europe soon after it. Because it's my birthday on the 10th of October and that way i really know what to give to myself ^_^(just an excuse to buy get my hands on it right after lauch date :p). I really hope the controller gets some nice uses, but i'll think about buying a PS3 also. Only not right after the launch... $600,- for a console is a bit too much for me... You're still with me? (not that anyone is actually reading this (I think at least). Pretty chaotic post, but thats just how my mind flows (bear with me :p )
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
On the other hand.....
I hate to edit my posts, but sometimes it cant be helped cuz im such a cluts :) I've heard today that I can start on my new school next schoolyear. Finaly, after 6 years of otakuness without Japanese, I'm going to learn it. :)
I also read 400 and a bit more pages of Death Note today, brining the number of finished volumes to 5. The story is really beginning to pick up, although I didn't really like the turn the story took. Not that it really matters, it's still great and one of the best manga i've read in a while :).
As is was Thursday, i got my weekly fix for Bleach and Naruto... While the Bleach episode was fun (as usual) ^_^, the Naruto fillers are really be getting on my nerves, this one was pretty decent. But i want the story to go on :p.
I've also checked if i could buy the Shonen Jum p magazine here in but alas, I couldn't find it :-(, and they dont ship subscriptions to Europe...
Whaoah!, that was a lot of text... but then again I have the time as most of my friends are on vacation now, so I have some more spare time :) Sorry for the simpel HTML im using in this thing, I can do better, but I'm to lazy to get a proper template up, and this is nice and simple isn't it? When i'm bored i'll try to get something decent up, but dont expect any Web2.0 stuff :)
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Some quiz i took today....
i <3 to do some Internet quizziez... and this was the result of the one i took today....
What is your hidden power?  Your power is to be able choose who dies and lives. It might not seem a great power to someone who has never lost someone in their life. But its one of the powerfullest ever given. [Good points] The power is one of the most strongest and is very very rare. To have this power means you are not afraid to let go. You see change all the time and you are not scared of it. You don't usually trust people. And they might not trust you... You can see the dead. With more time, you could be able to talk to them phisically as well.For some reason you are intreaged by death. You can flutter between emotions very swiftly. You might of one time in your life felt suicidal.But you found out the hard way that you don't always feel like this. Be careful.There is many bad points to this power which you will soon find out. [Hidden Emotion] You sometimes might feel clingy. (Want to keep hold of something)But you wouldn't sweat over it if change comes. Take this quiz!
This quiz was actualy pretty close to what i expected to be my "Power" neatly done :)
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
A manga recommendation
Just read another volume of Death Note, damn this thing gets really good ^_^. Here's a short intro to the story: Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects-and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. But when criminals begin dropping dead, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer. With L hot on his heels, will Light lose sight of his noble goal... or his life? A real recommendation this one... Also if anyone can send me a PM with the genres of GTO, im really thinking of buying this one, but im not really sure if i'll like it.
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forgot something.
I really like small lettersizes. So dont expect to ready something in some bigg assed font here :)
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first update in a while.
Lol, my mom and dad are gonna kill me, but i just bought for $300,- on manga's in some online store :x... I was just shopping nicely and then came to the checkout. good thing i have some vacation money i can throw on it :). On another note, i started watching a new Anime. I will try to give some reviews here over the anime i watch. I like to watch complete series, and have never reviewed anything before. So bear with me.... The new anime i watched was the First episode of His and Her circumstances. I didn't like it really, to soft and not fun at all, so i hope the rest will be better. I also watched the Bakazou version of Blood+ ep.34 . And I really liked it, lots of good things, Saya and some new plot movement. The only bad thing in it was that we like missed a year in the story. Between the episode Riku died and ep. 34, pretty strange hopefully they'll fill up this gap with information about what saya did in this year. We already know what kay end the remaining Red Shield members did, so why not see Saya's part of the story. I'm really sure she has a better explanation for it then the "You (Kai) are not strong enough to beat Diva, so i was away for a year." I really hope this was a mistranslation, because else we still dont know what Saya was doing. Was she training, or was she just slacking off? Anyway, this was an enjoyable episode, and i hope to review naruto and bleach tommorrow. Dont know if they will be aired both (I'm a bad fan, I know it) Prootje, Over and out...
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Friday, July 14, 2006
my darker naruto chara

What Darker Naruto Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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