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myOtaku.com: Ashra Lakayi

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

Siaras Kaiba (06/03/07)

Hey, thank you so much for stopping by my site, and signing my guestbook. My site's too wide? It's looks perfectly fine to me...no one else has said it was to wide. Are you only seeing half of it? That happens sometimes on certain computers. But not usually...you see, the Otaku sites are based towards the left, I just centered everything. I found out on Macs...the site look horrible. LOL...well, anyway. Again, thank you...I love the colors on your site! I'm glad to see there is another one who is not afraid to say something. Awesomeness...

Ok, I'm gonna add you, ok? You can PM me for anything if you'd like.

Alright, time for my signature...


"Let angels fly in your sanctuary.
Where fears and lies melt away."

♥ ♥


sonicandtailsrox (04/17/07)

thanks for signing my gestbook. your site is cool. ill add you as a friend if you dont mind. Thats awsome that your a christain too. I am too.

JesusFreak27 (04/15/07)

Thanks for signing my GB!So another of Max's friends ,uh?Nice to meet you!^.^ I glad I have another Jesus Freak to add to my friend collection!MUWHAHAHAHAHA!>~< Thanks again for coming by my site and all I like your color shceme by the way!Well I must be off but before I leave I will add you as a friend!^.^ Toodle loo!
1 Tim.4:12

ChristianOtaku (04/15/07)

Ah, nice to meet you then. I'm glad to see you're Max's other friend. You're a Christian to boot! That's great!

Well, since you're new, if you need any help with anything, just send a PM my way. Or just send a PM to talk.


Jesus Freak (04/15/07)

Hello. Thank you for the GB Sign. I am so happy to meet another Christian on here. I will add you k? C-Ya and Keep It Real!!!!!!

j note (04/15/07)

hey thanks for signing my gb i'm also a friend of max in real life and u have a nice site well later note

Miko of Life (04/15/07)

hella i have a new poll that i really need u to vote on please o btw if u decide to vote the ? is above the poll please and thank u
~miko of life

emeraldsky (04/14/07)

Um thanks for signing my guestbook^_^ YAY! Another Christian!! Can I add you? Anyway, nice site you got here. I hope I can see you around^^

Sazumechan (04/14/07)

hey thanks for signing my guestbook i thought i would just return the favor.yeah im a christian too.