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myOtaku.com: Asphyxiated Lapse

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Woke up.
Called mother.
Did a shitload of dishes.

Ew, pruney hands.

picking up garbage.
Hung out in my room for a bit.
Dad got home.
Yelled at me to hurry up and get in the car.
Went to town hall.
Registered my car.
Booked it to the state DMV.
Missed it by literally two godamned minutes.
So I didn't get my license plates.

Went to mom's work.
Got dinner.
Went to the mall.
Go some clothes.
Got a trim on my hair.
They lady wouldn't stop saying how long it was.
It's only a littleish beyond halfway down my back I think.

Went to A.C.Moore.
Headed home.
Got a McFlurry.
Came home.
Sat staring at the hutch aimlessly.
Come here.
Here I am...

Clothes I got were.
- tan pants.
- red long sleeve shirt.
- jeans,
- jean capri things.
- comfy pants.
- green and blue shirt.

I think thats all I got.
Woo hooooooo....

Someone take me driving.

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