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Hell. Aka, New Hampshire.
Member Since
Killing myself.
Real Name
I've made honor roll a lot and had plenty perfect attendance trophies for dance.
Anime Fan Since
1/26/08 Brittany's fault. =p She said to put it was cause of her.
Favorite Anime
Elfen Lied and Green Green, Only two I've watched that was interested in in the slightest way possible.
Live a happy life and get out of here. Or kill myself if I can't.
Sleeping, playing with my dogs, talking online, and doing colorguard.
I'm not sure, you tell me.
| Asphyxiated Lapse
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Not my fault I don't have a door.
Not my fault I can't control the puppies and make them not go in the trash.
Not my fault mom yells becuase of it.
Not my fault not my fault not my fault.
But I get blamed.
So, yes it is yes it is yes it god damn is.
Not my fault you don't give a shit.
Not my fault you can't take the time to care about me.
Not my fault you always yell.
But somehow, it is.
Not my fault I was concieved.
Not my fault all the things they said were wrong weren't.
Not my fault I was a healthy baby.
Somehow, oh somehow.
Not my fault something worse hadn't happened.
Not my fault I haven't died yet.
Not my fault I had instinct to fight back.
My fault I didn't just sit there and let you hurt me.
Maybe I would've died if I hadn't tried to get away.
Not my fault I just can't stay happy.
Not my fault I try to be and am, then it gets torn down by something, someone.
Not my fault I just don't sit there when something happens.
And you have to ask why I'd seem so fucked up to you?
I'm fucked up I know that.
Not my fault you laughed at me when I told you I thought I was depressed.
Not my fault I don't like telling people things.
Not my fault everything I've ever told you, you just have to tell the world.
Nothing can ever be our little secret.
Not my fault you told me she lived in that house.
Not my fault it reminds me of it all.
Not my fault she molested me...
Made me scared of the dark.
I'm not anymore though.
Cause I know you wouldn't be there to protect me anyways so I toughened up.
Not my fault I was just a little girl still and if I got hurt you were just, "Oh, suck it up."
Not my fault I didn't make a more severe cut on my hand when I was little.
Maybe I would've died then.
These what, ten years is it now?
You wouldn't have had so much torture of having me around.
Not my fault all you do is criticize me.
Not my fault nothing can ever stay good.
Nothing nothing nothing, ever.
I'm sorry I can't please you.
Sorry I can't be the perfect daughter.
Sorry all you make me want to do is die.
Not my fault I'm afraid to get close to anyone enough to make a friend.
Afraid they'll just up and leave cause I'm such a horrid person.
My fault I can't protect the one person that's my best friend.
My fault she can't be happier...
I can't protect her from things and could lose her.
I don't want to lose her.
I'm so selfish like that.
Stupid stupid stupid girl.
Your fault, your fault, your fault.
Your fucking fault damnit.
My fault for anything and everything.
My fault you made it so I can't trust anyone.
My fault I didn't let you just choke me till I'd finally die.
Or that I held to the railing so I couldn't fall downstairs.
My fault I ran and hid.
It's all my fault.
I see it all now, all my fault.
All my god forsaken fault.
My fault for any pain I've had.
My fault I was afraid of hitting a vien and not dying from it.
My fault I avoided ones I can see.
My fault I never pressed hard enough.
My fault I'm not gone from this place already.
My fault thinking someone would mayb, just maybe care if I died.
My fault thinking what would happen if I didn't.
My fault all those meds never worked worth shit.
My fault I have no friends.
My fault I hide everything because I can't trust anyone.
My fault for all your tortuous pain.
Allllllll my fault.
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