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Hell. Aka, New Hampshire.
Member Since
Killing myself.
Real Name
I've made honor roll a lot and had plenty perfect attendance trophies for dance.
Anime Fan Since
1/26/08 Brittany's fault. =p She said to put it was cause of her.
Favorite Anime
Elfen Lied and Green Green, Only two I've watched that was interested in in the slightest way possible.
Live a happy life and get out of here. Or kill myself if I can't.
Sleeping, playing with my dogs, talking online, and doing colorguard.
I'm not sure, you tell me.
| Asphyxiated Lapse
Monday, February 11, 2008
Okay so I got back yesterday afternoon.
That car accident my parentsand sister were in wasn't bad.
A lady was speeding and lost control and spun around.
My dad luckily noticed and tried getting out of the way so instead on the whol side of his car getting fucked up it's just the back driver's side corner.
But they're fine.
Right after school, got stuffed into the car with the rest.
Plane, blahblahblahhh.
Finally to Florida.
Hm, next day.
Finally wokeup, explored the place.
Went swimming.
Lunch, where I got treated like I was my sister's age.
"Oh look Caitlin, heres such and such, such, suchhhhsuchsuch, and oh suchnsuch!"
I'm pretty sure I can tell what things fucking are, especially after the first time, I don't need it to be repeated it to me ten times.
Then my dad, sister, and I went and explored because my grandmother had mayonaise and wasn't feeling well.
Uhmm... Swam plenty.
Got a sliver.
Ate pizza.
Got wicked annoyed and pissed off.
Went to Seaworld the next day.
Was good, wouldn've been better if my grandmother wasn't so annoying, yet again.
Saw these shows with whales and dolphins.
Saw Shamu, or my dad's twin as my mother says.
I can't trust my sister with my camera.
She doesn't take any good pictures!
I had to video tape it and I asked her to take pictures.
There's none with any of the animals.
Only close ups on people and pictures of people, or the structures.
That royally pissed me off yesterday afternoon when I was looking at the pictures.
My dad basically got pissed off I didn't want anything at the gift shop at the end.
Cause my mom always complains I don't get anything.
Boo fucking hoo.
i didn't want anything.
He got me stuff though.
A Seaworld mug with my name on it and a necklace with Shamu and a letter "C".
My nails kept breaking.
So when I got home I cut them almost all off.
They're all real short now.
My grandmother repeats herself so damn much it makes you want to kill yourself.
Uhm, car ride to grandmothers house blew big time.
Then I found out we had to stay anyother 2 hours to get Chinese food and cake for my grandfathers birthday which was the 29th.
I was sitting in a chair in the kitchen and my grandmother told me to get up and I did and I was starting to walk away and she pushed the chair hard into the back of my legs.
I was already pissed I wasn't able to go home yet so I figured why the hell ruin it and get bitched at so I went in the other room.
Then sure enough the old lady comes and and says something like aren't you gonna go eat or whatever.
and I interrupted her sentance and quietly said "PLease leave me alone"
I said it another two times and shes like what I can't hear you so I said it again and came closer and started talking to me and I was getting really ticked and said "Leave. Me. Alone. PLEASE."
And she got all bitchy and was all 'That's really rude and insults me for you to say that in my house and hobbled away.
So I put my shoes on thinking fuck this I dont need more of her bullshit and went outside.
Realized my dad was plowing out there and he stopped and put down the wndow and asked what i was doing so I told him and ended up getting in his truck instead of trying and walking home.
I'm too lazy to walk home though, and it was windy and chilly so I didn't wanna be i was pissed off enough to.
Then my dad made me come in after he was done and I ignored her.
And then my mom wanted me to apopogize and I said nope.
Then ate dinner and all that.
Then got into a little conflict with my brother how Mustangs are all-american cars and his is like mainly japanese and mines the only 100% american car.
And how my cars so much better than his.
Mustangs trample Civics.
though my other brothers Civic he had was alright..
Ben's is boring.
And I hate it.
And he never cleans it, and it always smells awful.
Then my mom had my dad go home and take me and my sister and my mom wnted me to say good bye and i refused.
Gave my grandfather a hug and left.
then here I am.
Happy to have been able to see my dogs and Jules ran sraight to my father.
Maple and Cnayd stright to me.
Maple jumped into my arms and i hgged her tight.
Candys a little scaredy cat.. dog rather.
And shes all nervous when people touch her.
Probably because my little shit of a sister.
Oh well.
I'm exhausted.
And my elboww hurts.
It's not midnight yet!
Oh yea.
I'm sick of this bullshit with someone.
And I give up on that friendship.
Because it's deteriorated to nothing anyways,
So I'm not really giving up on anythign because theres nothing there to give up on.
Lasted fine for three years, then highschool they changed too damn much and i don't know if I can take it anymore.
I'm out of there life basically so i don't give a shit anymore.
Hell, it's not like there's anything anyways, so it's a tad easier to give up on.
Also, I need a new god damn cell phone.
It won't keep it charge anymore.
It keeps restarting itself basically every minute almost.
It pisses the hell out of me so that didn't help this weekend.
It's not like it that damn useable.
So I don't know Why I haven't smashed it like I've wanted to yet.
Perhaps because maybe I think somehow it'll fix itself.
Or because I know my parents are too much of jackasses to get me a new one.
My mom complained i wanted a new one before, but then the phone wouldn't let the person on the other end hear me when we we on the phone.
Then now it does this
I've only had it since finals last June!!!!!!!
I don't even do anything wrong to it.
Though I bet they'll think it.
I hate my brothers old phone.
I like mine.
But it's broken, and all cracked.
And all this stupid shit.
I want a new one.
But I know that'll never happen.
So fuck it.
I should go die, because everything's just all fucked up.
And i don't know if I can take it anymore.
I don't need this shit,.
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