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myOtaku.com: Asphyxiated Lapse

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Like my new layout?
It's all purply.

I couldn't find a good song.
I've used this one before.

My finger hurts.
I'm thirsty.

-guzzles down cold water-


My fwinger hwurts.

Today gym sucked.
We ran a lot, after we stretched.
And I'm not a good runner.
Especially I hate running with my boobs like.. bouncing around.
Hah >_<
I need them cut off.

Oh yes.
So in the gym, basketball court, right?
Two gym classes were in there.
Each class split in half.
I was the first first group.
We did a ran full court and back.
Then half court, back, full court, back.
Then full court, back running backwards.
Then whole court running sideways going step cross back step cross front over and over and my pants were sliding off.
Then "suicides"
Foul line, back, half court, back, other foul line, back, full court, and finally back.
I got a headache from all the running.
Afterwards were were allowed to either shoot some hoops or sit and rest.
I sat and rested cause I felt dizzyish.
Didn't help I barely ate anything all day either.
Just a few peppermints and a bit of gross baked mac n cheese in foods class.
The other classes teacher game up to me and said I did a good job and put forth a good amount of effort and didn't give up which was good.
Oh and when we were running I heard my teacher say good job Caitlin.
OMG he actually learned names.
Hah, I didn't know if he knew them already.
I don't thinkthe other teacher knows my name off the top of her head.

I was breathing funny too when I got to my dad's truck.
O_o I kept coughing but it wasn't my usual cough either.
Which are either normal type coughs, or loud obnoxious bronchial type deeeep coughs.

I'm gonna go lay down and watch House on DVD some more.
I need to find my glasses so I can see.

AH HAH Got em!

I'm maybe gonna fall asleep soon.
I fell asleep for like.. 2 hours earlier.
I remember getting woken up and bitched at and my parents wanting me to move just cause my mother wanted to sit there.
We have one of those huge corner couch things damnit!
I finally woke up because my mom and brother were in there bitching about the dogs and they hit one of them with a pillow I think.
Then my sister was told to bring them upstairs and she did.
And they were yelping so Icame up to save them.

My stomach hasn't felt well since after i woke up.
I don't know why either but it bugs me
Oh well.

Also, I went the whole day.. well 14ish hours.
Without realizing my mom had actually unhooked my bra when trying to awake me this morning.
I was wondering why the straps were loose and sliding down.
I finally tried tightening them oh.... around ten PM and realized it wasn't hooked.

Oh well.
Off to bed to torment the dogs and wake them again
I think I might go pee first, but thn the dogs will wake up and follow me there.

Oh well!
Ahh it's already 2:31 AM I didn't think it was that late.. or well early.

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