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In Your Pants!
Member Since
I Clean Yo House
Real Name
Lady M
Anime Fan Since
8 years
Favorite Anime
Neon Genisis Evangelion
To be a good mother!
Photography, sleeping, and more sleeping
to many to name

Hello one and all! I am Lady M. I created an account on here to get my work across to you all! Let me know what you think of my work and send messages if you would like. If I dont reply to them right away that means I am busy in real life. My work consumes most of my life and i spend time with my friends and family. Also I dont get on much cause I am a soon to be mommy so I am always tired.
Life in a nut shell: sleep,eat,work,eat,work,work,sleep,watch a small amount of tv,sleep! Then it starts over ^^ i squeeze in hanging out time some how :D!
But I am a very nice person. Respect me and I shall respect you. Dont start shit and there wont be shit! I am very spunky off the wall crazy. But thats why people and my friends and family love me. That is who I am!
I am also very caring but when you have crossed the line you have pissed me off and then I lose my temper fast. Thats what i get for being a red headed irish girl. I get pissy when I am drunk and people piss me off!
But anyways I am a hard core Marilyn Manson, MSI, and Jeffree Star fan! I really dont give a flying shit if you like these three bands or not! Keep your Opinions to yourself! But that is some of stuff about me.
Wanna know more just message me with question. If I dont answer it means I dont find the question suitable! I am planning on being a really famous model one day and you have to start somewhere i guess :3.…
<3 ~Lady M~ <3
(PS: other sites my work is on:
Also here are some ultrasounds of my baby to come! I Have my baby in March of 2008 :3
This is a pic of my sister who is on here as sakura girl101 and my family

Click To Go To My Art Site

Also here is a list of bands that I love :D
-Drowning Pool
-Days of the New
-Marilyn Manson
-Mindless Self Indulgence
-A Fire Inside
-Within Temptaion
-London After Midnight
-Black Eyed Peas
-System of a Down
-Linkin Park
-Malice Mizer
-Dir en Grey
-Fear Factory
-Machine Head
-Gary Jules
-Lords of Acid
-Mötley Crüe
-Jonny Cash
-Radio Head
-The Cranberries
-Local H
-Our Lady Peace
-The Ramoines
-Black Sabbith
-Crack the Sky
-Venga Boys
-Powerman 5000
-Rob Zombie
-Pink Floyd
-Flogging Molly
- Steven Lynch
-The Clash
-The Cars
-Puddle of Mudd
-Redhot Chili Peppers
-Kill Hanana
-The Bates
-The Beat Steaks
-Family Fource 5
-The Prodigy
-Daft Punk
-Deadstar Assembly
-Blue October
-Redjumpsuit Apparatus
-Dane Cook
-Type O Negative
-Lacuna Coil
-Papa Roach
-Alien Ant Farm
-Lamb of God
-The Used
-Confessions of a Bullet
-Dr. Dre(some)
-Busta rymes(some)
-Christina Aguleria
-50 cent(some)