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myOtaku.com: athrunsgurl

Monday, June 19, 2006

   My weekend trip to Indiana
Okies, over the weekend I was in Indiana because it was my cousin Mariyah's 15th birthday on Saturday. I didn't want to go at first but her sister Sheneal did that guilt cry crab and I hate it, but I winded up going anyways cause my mom made everyone except my grandma come. I don't exactly know how long it took us to get there cause I was just staring out the window trying not to fall asleep, but when we did, the place Marlene(my cousins mom) made reservations for was closed and we almost ended up sleeping in the car. when we drove up and no one was there we realized the Indiana was an hour ahead of Chicago so it was really 11 something by the time we got there and the place closed at 10. It took about an hour before we could find another place to stay. We came to a place with no pool but a cool view of the lake(I don't swim anyways) so we went to bed and Sheneal woke me up at 8:30 the next day and I was EXTREMELY moody. I woke up swearing and then we realized that they(the adults) forgot to bring food! How the hell do you forget food?! Anyway we winded up going to walmart and while we were there Marlene told Sheneal to buy her sisters birthday gift, so Sheneal and I went looking for a gift while her mom and my mom and Mariyah went looking for food and other stuff(b-day stuff etc) We walked all over the store for about 3hours! (this was sat. the say of the party) I wondered why they didn't already have the stuff they needed anyways! But when we had to meet back up with our moms and Mariyah, Sheneal didn't buy her sister anything! For three hours she complained about having to buy her sister something and we walked around the entire store and she didn't buy her anything! I was even madder than before, but it was a while after that before we left and then we went back to the cabin thingys and Sheneal wanted to go to Indiana Beach. We had just done all that walking and we had to go there! We went with my two brothers and a kid named Ben(who they knew already. I had never been there until then) and he knew his way around. So we went there spent 20 something dollars so one person(me) could ride the rides. I didn't want to! I wanted my lil bro to go cause I wanted to watch, but I went on one ride and then we had to go! The next day, my mom told me to act more lady-like, girly girl, *vomits* so Sheneal said I could borrow some of her clothes. I agreed but I had NO idea what she was going to make me wear. We went through her things and most of her clothes were very revealing... I don't wear clothes that dont reach my hips(shirts) and my knee or lower(pants shorts, etc.) but her stuff stopped right after my chest and barely past my butt. It was hell! It was the worst thing I'd seen in my life! But I wound up wearing the longest skirt *vomits* she had that was about an inch past my but and I wore my own shirt that was a normal T-shirt. I was lucky to get away with that much but then we went to Indiana Beach again and I was so embarrassed while wearing that. What she wore was even worse! It was a bikini top (like a bra) and a VERY short skirt. I felt so humiliated and my pride was brutily damaged. After we came back I quick put on some jeans and a white sox shirt (i don't like baseball that much though, my mom bought me the shirt) and some gym shoes. It felt much better. we went back later on with her aunt Tracy-ann and her friend. That was the best time there, until it rained. We were riding the Chaos ride and I was screaming my head off cause we were going upside down and around at the same time. When it started raining it stung my eyes like mad. when the ride stopped we got rained on and a few min. later it stopped, but then my hair was puffy cause of the rain, but about an hour or two later we came back and left this morning and now I'm safely back home adn on my computer once again! Thank God... Okies.. Now Video!

I was gonna watch the Card Captors anime again cause I haven't seen it in years, but my big brither said not to cause I might not like it any more, but I don't know how that's possible from what I remember, lol, but I won't watch it just in case that does happen. I loved this anime when I was a kid. It was my favorite show on TV and I never saw the movie, lol, and this song is one of my favorites, lol. Alright, bye now...wow I typed a lot...

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