Okies, so tomorrow I go back to that hell whole called school, lol. I don't really mind going, I'm just not excited the least bit. All I'm thinking about right now is who's gonna sit at my lunch table. I'm hoping that we get to lunch early and find a bare table with no one there and then me, FMA Kraze711, John, XxInuyashaxQtxX, Katherine, and I don't know who else, can sit there, and we can talk about the teachers we hate, and about anime, yep, my anime buds are my buds period, lol, although, John might be the only guys and it'll be funny, and me and FMA Kraze711 can hit him and beat him up ^-^ yep, everythings gonna go fine, except one thing: John's and Katherine are not on my team >_< how could they be on 8-1? The people in the office are at fault for this -_-; they play favorites and I know they hate me, why are they so mean? Anyways, John, Katherine and I have no classes together thanks to them, and so the ADV language arts trio is split, meaning it's now a duo, me and FMA Kraze711 T-T we miss you Katherine T-T anyways, now our encores are in the mornings. Here's my schedule: (if you don't want to you don't have to read it)
period 1: PALS 8 - in this class it's like, hm, you do a lot of stuff like building things, hands on work, u know, and then we do these things on the computer, it's like taking an achitech course or something like that....yeah...I just passed in 6th grade cause I didn't have a partner (this is one of the hardest classes to do alone) and mister Kasten took pity on me, lol, and gave me an A, but this time I have Mister bang the hammer on the desk Johnson O_O he's harsh.
period 2: PE 8- yep, PE early in the morning! How could they T-T also, I have bannes and in her class, we do simple gymnasticts, like back bends, indian rolly polly's that kind of stuff, although we might not do them this year, she's a pretty tough teacher.
period 3: French 8 - it speaks for itself, although I did learn how to say this: Je deteste francais, which means, I hate french, in french, it's missing punctuation of course (cause I don't know how to put them in) anways, this year we're going to build on our french vocabulary and play games ^-^ french is fun, except the french teacher is very strict it's irritating sometimes, but I have to admit, that to some extent, I'd rather be in Doyles class than in Billie the bitches class
periods 4&5: ADV Language Arts - yep, ADV!! Booyah!!!! In my school it's a requirement that we have a double block of LA, anyways, Marcotte is pretty cool, I met her on step up day and she was funny, although she was picking on me cause I hate writing research papers T-T I hate those so much T-T
period 6: Science - hm, ms. Katula was a substitute for a few of my sciences classes last yeah I think, she was cool, although I'm not sure if it was Katula....if not than I really don't have much to say, althogh, this year I might like science a whole lot more cause last year the teacher didn't know what the hell she was doing.
period 7: Social Studies - I wish my school had an ADV SS class, I would be in it for sure, but sadly we do not, and so I come to this one, my favorite subject (although I suck at geography) with my least favorite teacher. The bitch, ms. Billie, yep, that pretty much explains it.
period 8: ADV Mathematics - if it wasn't already good that I got ADV math, I have the best math teacher in the school!! Ms. Plikuhn is in charge of mathletes and mathathon, that makes it easy cause she knows a lot of different ways to teach ^-^ yayness, cool math teacher!! She's pretty fun, too. I met her on step up day and it was cool, she gave us this question, although I forgot what it was, it was a math puzzle, and the only one who figured it out was my friend Patricja (she's polish, that's why her name is spelled like that, although I think I missed a letter, lol) and it was cool ^-^ that reminds, me I have to call her.....anyays, after this class I go home on bus 19, and then, well, I do whatever....
Rest here
Well, anyways, since school is starting I'm trying to slim down my computer time and make room to at least atempt to do my homework (Sometimes homework is fun to me, well, most of the time, but I'm usually to lazy to do it, lol, I'm not like most kids who moan and say oh no, homework, I actually like it sometimes, lol) Also, I'm proud to say I cleaned my room last night, and I don't have to wake up as early as I used to tomorrow morning, but i will anyways, cause my lil bro has to go too, lol, our bus doesn't come until 7:30 this year, but it's always crowded on the first day >_< argh, my lil bro'd better not sit with me, he's annoying and he'd keep asking me questions and stuff and he likes making big scenes and he's hard headed and NEVER listens to me. My friends are gonna want me to sit in the back this year (the stupid bus rule that only 8th graders can sit in the back) I might, I might not, it depends, although I really don't care where I sit, so long as it's not by Josh, I hate him, we're not friends anymore cause he was being an ass, but that's a whole nother story and this post is long enough, here's some AMV's, okies? ttyl, okies? Take care ^-^ byeness ^-^ (oh, I almost forgot, open house is tonight, damn, evil school....T-T also, I'm going back to the dentist on the 6th at 9:30, it's so early >_<)