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myOtaku.com: athrunsgurl

Monday, August 28, 2006


Welp, ShikaTem it is, lol, I couldn't find a good shikaTem BG, so I just settled for a Temari one, although, if you have a problem with this (just Temari) tell me and then I'll go and continue my search, I'm not cpable of making my own, I don't know how, lol
Also, thank you guys so much for your kind comments the other day T-T I appreciate them so much, also, FMA Kraze711 came over friday and I felt a whole lot better, although i was still kind of sad. She and I made some AMV's together though, it was fun. We were gonna do a funny one, but she had to leave. After she left though, I discovered something that ticked me off to no means!! I'm so pissed off at my mom, now!! Even more than I was before!! Okies, on July 27th I recieved a letter inviting me to be in a foreign exchange program and allow me to go to Austrailia for a few months and study. I've always wanted to go to Austrailia!! She knows this!! Also, once we I was in fourth grade I was invited to go to Austrailia in order to study marine life and stuff and go scuba diving in the coral reef T-T It was people to people!! An educational program!! Both times!!! Okies, I recieved the note July 27th, right? She just showed it to me YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO pissed off!!!! Registrations for it ended August the 16th!! I could have gotten high school or university credit from this!! This is by far one of the WORST things she has ever done to me. I can understand it if she had shown it to me when it was still going, but NO, she showed it to me yesterday! I can't believe her, she knows how badly I want to go to Australia, she KNOWS this!! I've been given 2 chances to go there for educational experiences and she said no to the first one cause I was to young, but now, NOW she didn't even show it to me when I had a chance...I just can't believe her. Watch, next week, He'll (her husband) will be back and she'll be kissing and hugging him like nothing happened! She can take him and his family to Flroida TWICE in the same month (without us) but she won't even LET me have a chance to go to these kinds of things!! I bet if it was to be a model she'd be ALL over it!! (she actually asks me do I want to be in those pagents that I get invitations to go to, right after she opens the mail!!) I never wanted to be a model, I don't want to be one, but she's always pushing for it! I bet she signs me up for stuff like those, or else I wouldn't recieve one every other week. I also recieved a letter from Who's Who, and I was supposed to be in National Junoirs Honor Society (at my school) and more things! She always has an excuse like: "It's to far" and "Where are you gonna find a way to do those community service hours?" (I NEED community service hours to pass high school, but I can't do them for national honors?) and than when it's some sort of a beauty pagent in some other state she's like: "Do you want to go? You can be a model!" and, "Models get paid a lot of money!!" Man, I'm gifted with brains and all she cares about is me being a model, I don't even think I'm that pretty! I just can't believe this, she finds so many ways to screw up my life, and then she turns around and makes hers worse, which affects me because I, unlike her, care about how sick she can really get, she has multiple slurosis and she doesn't even seem to care about it, also, she says there's a possibility I could have it! I take care of myself better than she takes care of all of us! I wish I could still go to that program though...man, I have homework to do anyways, it's fun math homework (really easy) not due until tuesday (and time? I love this math class >_<) although, I have other homework which includes my mom signing some papers, argh, I really don't want to talke to her...I havve to get her to sign it b4 I leave tomorrow or else I have to 'Call home', like that does anything, I cna't wait til the 6th of september though, I get my braces then, I think, also, I got a new IM thingy (I don't know what to call it, lol) and a new e-mail address, too, yep. If you want it you can PM me so I can know who u r, though, well, down below are the AMV's we made (I'm so proud of them!!) the first one though is a lil weird, it's got athrun and cagalli in there, sasuke and sakura in there and a lil kira and lacus in there, lol, still no moving vids, though. When I find a site that I can get them on, than we'll see, lol)
Also, while she was here, I burned the cascada CD, so now I have it ^-^, yayness, I listen to it almost every time I get the chance, lmao, well, ttyl, okies? take care, beyness

this one's got a lil ShikaIno (like, 4 pics, seriously, not that many, it's really not that much) in there cuz FMA Kraze711 suggested it, like I said b4 though, I really don't have a problem with ShikaIno or ShikaTemari.

lmao, we didn't make this one, Dane Cook rox!!

Omg!! LEE ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, maybe my next theme should be Lee! The song fits him!! this AMV rox!! THIS SONG FITS!!! IT SUITS HIM, THEME SONG!! (didn't make this either)
Man, I'm going fangirl, now, better leave b4 I start ranting, ttyl, okies? Take care, byeness ^-^

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