Well, it's Monday morning. Day lights savings time was yesterday and I missed out on a full hour of sleep cuz I went to sleep late, oh well...Not like I can fully appreciate it, though. I don't have to go to school today because I still need to recover, or get well enough to go back.
I tried doing my homework yesterday night though. I fell asleep trying to think about wut to do next, and silently cursing my french teacher for giving me all those useless worksheets that we went over a million times and I don't wanna do...
Language arts I looked at and I did the easy parts of it, but the rest is all...BS man, I don't wanna do it either. Ironically though, most of the homework I did is from language arts, and I only had a lil bit to do in social studies, lol (haven't even started)
Screw school though, I can't remember anything before the hospital anyways. (school related)
I've been getting killer headaches recently though. I guess that's wut she meant by 'spinal headaches'? My eyes haven't been to healthy either. They hurt frequently as well. The eye examiner (I wanna say doctor, but he looked like a nurse, so I won't) said that I have twenty twenty vision but I may need glasses...that didn't make sense to me.....at all, but that's wut he said. I didn't say anything at the time though, I wanted to go home.
I played video games with my brothers all weekend, although, I think they're tired of me begging them to play with me and then being choisy about wut we play XD I can't help it.
I could be feeling a whole lot better right now though, lmao, my lil bro wouldn't let me take my medicine yesterday cause he thought taking medicine without my mom watching was always a bad thing, I missed three times, lol.
I'm gonna try and be well enough to go to school byt wednesday though, because I FINALLY get FMA Kraze711 as my partner for PALS and I wind up down and out, also homework build up....damn my rotten luck...
Oh, and I changed my theme, if you read it somewhere up there, it says why I did it, lol. This is the best I could do at the moment, my eyes hurt. (I commented this morning though, I forgot how many people I commented, but I did the best I could)
Well, I hope you guys have a nice eventful day today, and take care of yourselves. I'll talk to you all later, Byeness ^-^