Today and yesterday were the weirdest days I've ever experienced....well, that I can remember at the moment.
Yesterday I spent my whole afternoon organizing the videos and pictures on my computer. I have a whole lot of those, and almost all of them have a folder. I have folders inside my folders, and blah. Some are even unnecessary folders that lead to other folders..I just didn't know how to go back and fix my mistake....
Also, during the course of this time, I made some AMV's. One of them was a .hack//sign vid that I'm kind of proud of (I'm proud of all my vids. If I weren't, I wouldn't upload them) So yeah.
I actually enjoyed myself doing that. Which shows I can really be organized if I wanted to, I just have to feel like organizing (which is a rare occasion and will probably never happen again)
Later on yesterday I wrote new chapters to my fanfictions that I have yet to complete. I didn't upload them because at the same time I was trying to through together a craptastic Language arts Independent book project (which I made harder then need's all detailed and well written(despite the fact that I wrote it in ten minutes) was supposed to be crap but my essay sounds like it was done by someone in a much higher grade then 8th) So yeah.
Also, yesterday I received my homework for the week, which is a lot of homework for math and french. I wanted to do my social studies homework but my internet connection was down so I didn't. Science homework I just plain didn't get (it's not my best subject) so I left it alone. I know she'll let me copy someone else's notes cause I wasn't there for the labs, so why bother anyways?
Halloween was basically a normal day for me. When the trick or treaters did come, I was only downstairs once to see who it was. Some kids from school. When they looked in they're like "Oh, so this is where she lives..." and muttering like I wasn't right there in their faces handing them the candy I didn't want to eat. Luckily though, this year, my mom didn't fill the black cauldron full of's a miracle I don't have any cavities.
Today went by very nicely. I didn't even feel the passage of time, I was so relaxed, lol. When I woke up at around 11 or so, I went on the computer to find the connection was still down, so I made another AMV, and worked on my fanfiction a lil more. I turned on the TV somewhere during that time and while flipping through the channels (which I haven't done in FOREVER, it's always been set to cartoon network, lol) I went to the movie channels and watched a variety of different really strange movies. One was in french and it was called Au Revoir Les Enfants, which was odd sounding to me, but my french teacher will be happy to hear I watched over 20 minutes of it (it was really stupid, the kids were retarded) maybe if I told her that I could get off of doing the rest of my homework? Just a thought.
Another movie I watched was really kind of weird. It was about this one girl and boy who were in love or whatever. Yadda Yadda. The lil boy was from somewhere in Europe, and they lived in Europe, but she was from the US. They try to run away to Venice, Italy. The little girls mom is a bitch. They befriend a pitpocket, but don't find out til later. It was a very strange and disturbing movie. The little boy was a pervert and he tried to get the girl to drink and watch a porno movie that was rated R. She was supposedly a 'smart' and 'genius' young girl, but obviously she couldn't tell that the boy was no good. (I enjoy criticizing movies) He had an attitude problem. If I were her, I would've slapped him shitless from some of the crap he said. In the end though, they go to Venice Italy and kiss under the bridge of Sighs and think that their love would last forever. If I were her though, I wouldn't want to spend another day with a bastard like him. He was worse then the pitpocket. The only thing good for him was that he was kind of cute. Oh well, it's just a movie, like it mattered what she did with her life.
After watching that load of crap, I watched the Notebook on the encore channel. That movie was so GOOD I loved it. I recorded the second showing on my TiVo so I could see the whole thing through. Turns out I didn't miss much, although, I do think it was kind of mature for a 13 year old, lol, but still, that was a good movie, I wanna read the book. I wonder if they have it at my school library....
Well, basically, I had a wonderful day. It's the first I've had in years. Not a stressful thought went through my head. I always think, though. It was strange not having detailed thoughts, lol. I know I sound stupid, but I always think about things in detail. Like if you asked me at any time of the day, "What are you thinking about?" I'd tell you something different and specific almost every time, although, I'm ashamed to say, sometimes I forget my own thoughts and yeah...It's confusing.
Later on, I was given permission from my mother to go onto and shop for my birthday gifts. At first my total was only $130.95 but came out as $310.32....yeah, the list is at the end of my post...
Also, I downloaded limewire, although, I'm not quite sure how it works. I'll find a use for it one day...I only did it cause FMA Kraze711 suggested it and said it was a safe download...
Well, since this post is way long, I'm gonna end it here.
I hope you guys had a happy Halloween and that you guys are doing well. I'll talk to you all later ^-^ take care, byeness ^-^