AIM PM me and I might tell you... OtakuBoards athrunsgurl Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger i don't know...
Birthday 1992-11-15 Gender
Female Location I live in my own world! Member Since 2006-05-13 Occupation I'm still a student unfortunately.... Real Name Call me Dee or Shinn, Whichever you prefer
Achievements hm, I think of it as a bad thing, but I've learned to trust poeple more Anime Fan Since 4ever!(actually ever since I was around four or five.) In my opinion though I haven't seen many different anime. My little bro says I'm an anime freak but I have a short memory span Favorite Anime Inuyasha, .hack//sign, full metal alchemist, and more (can't choose just one!)nor can I remember them all.... Goals I want a mansion and to become a Psychologist Hobbies watching anime, reading manga, drawing, writing, reading regular books and a lot of other things Talents I sing...sometimes......when i'm by myself... athrunsgurl
Saturday, November 4, 2006
My first day back at school was so strange for me...When I got off the bus I was instantly greeted with a hug from Megan and her constant shouts of "Dee's back!" and on my way to the eighth grade entrance I was hug - tackled by my friend Hannah. Right after he I was hug tackled Jolyn. The were all "Dee's back!!" and shouting, and the principal heard them and I had to talk to him...that wasn't fun, but still, they made my back hurt, but I didn't say that, I was stll very happy to see them.
Moments later, FMA Kraze711 comes and she was really gonna hug tackle me, but she didn't cause by that time we were in the building, so I was safe, lol. I talked to them all for a whle until I went to my locker and got my books, but while I was seated in front of my locker, getting my books, Drummergirl93 turned the corner and she gave me the biggest hug tackle ever, she seemed the ultra happy to see me. She gave me some candy from halloween, I thanked her, and she went to her own locker. While she was there though, John had come to my locker and was all...not exactly John - ish, but he seemed kind of worried, but he asked me if I got my 'surprise' yet, and I told him no, but I really wasn't worried about it. He seemed happy to see my reaction to him saying it was the DNAngel DVD box set (I managed to convince him I didn't know what it was) and that was good. He asked me if I was feeling better, and I told him yes and all the usual info I told everyone else. I would have stood up to give him a hug or something, but my back already hurt, so I didn't. I was glad that he'd bothered to stop at my locker to say hi though. Everyone says now that he's got a GF he's changed and doesn't hang around much anymore. He did seem different, I'm worried about him a bit, but I know he won't abandon us, so I won't even go there. I will trust his decision, and quite frankly, I think it was a good one considering his GF is really nice. (she's in my french class, and my PE class, she even came over, talked to me, said she was glad I was back. She was really nice to me) I've known her since 6th grade, but we were never really close, but we weren't enemies, so she's cool with me. They look so cute together >_< I won't tell them that though.
Anyways, in PALS since I missed the module, I don't have to do it, but it would have been ultra fun had I been there with FMA, I'm not gonna get over this...
PE, I didn't have to dress out, I won the game(I forgot what it was called) I told the gym teacher where I was for two weeks, and what had happened. Apparently though, the staff was informed of my incident with my leg and were really supportive, constantly saying things like "If there's anything we can do to help, just tell us!" and stuff like that.
Surprisingly, in french, I wasn't overwhelmed and I calmy accepted what i had to do and caught on very fast. I might not have to turn in all those worksheets after all ^-^
Shockingly as well, Language arts wasn't bad. I didn't have to take the test yet, and I looked over some stuff...yeah, it was not as bad as I thought it would be, I just didn't understand half the lesson (half the class didn't either) so I was okies.
Science, all I have to do is make up some tests and copy notes, easy A
Social Studies! OMFG, I got off TOO EASY! I got excused from almost ALL the assignmens because she wants me to focus on math and language arts (which I really need to do) so yayness (that was really nice of her)
Math is another story entirely. I need to make up tests, assignments, you name it. Marking period ends next week, not much time left. Come in Monday morning, try to get caught up. Take chapter two test monday morning in order to take quiz.
Lucky for math though, Drummergirl93 is coming over today to tutor me in what I missed. So yes...only problem is my room is a dirty horrible's gonna stress me out cleaning up. She''s the early type, so she's gonna be at my house at 10:30 to help me...I usually don't wake til 3 in the afternoon.....big problems, but I can manage, lol.
Well, I got's to go get started cleaning my room. I'll talk to you guys later, take care byeness ^-^
(no text box today, lol, to lazy/tired) Neji's Dance
lmao, this vid made my friends and my brothers crack up XD (me, too) it's awesomeness if you need a laugh ^-^