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Las Vegas
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Rachela [kela]
Anime Fan Since
5 years old
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Sailor moon, Gundam Wing
I gotza a few ^-^
to many @__@
....wanna find out?
Sunday, August 14, 2005
It puts the lotion on its skin...
~~A long time mother would tell me about the desert, for I was too young to see it myself. She told me of the rushing sand that would burry you alive, and the buring heat that could melt off ones skin if not protected. But here was one part that didnt make sence...the ghost that would guide you to the holy land...
So there I was kay, looking at this..ghost...And I was like. What? A ghost?
Then I remembered what my mother told me. And I went up to it and looked up. I was like. "HEY GHOST" and it looked at me and it...knew my name?!? It told me what it's purpose was, and how he knew me. I found out he has been a friend of the gerudo for years. I asked him if he could guide me to the land of Spirit. And the ghost was all. "Sure I can Attaia." Which creeped me out cuz he knew my name!!! ((>.
That sleeze bag probably disgused himself as someone else and came to get the Spirit medallian...and...
I knew I had to I asked for the ghost to gun it, and we were off to the Spirit temple..
I just hoped I would be quick enough....
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Hotter then fire, colder then ice
The desert surrounding me was nothing but sand blowing. Past the gates, is when one would come to see the desert..and when your in our can see a thing. Because the moutains are so high and so close they make the air down here always move, so the sand never stays still. It was said in a story once that if you stood without moving in this desert of moving sands you would be burried alive in less then 3 minuets.
I never wanted to take my chances on that story, so I kept moving...and I moved quickly. There is one way to find yourself out of the desert, and that is to follow the flags. There are red flags that a travler set up a long time ago. I followed them, one by one. The sand pelting me left and right, the wind pushing me around like a rag doll...
How I got out of there was a mystery to me...but I know one thing...I hd to be quick.
When I got out of the storms I remember seeing this...thing. Us Gerudo were gifted with the power of stelth..and the power of sight. And my eyes showed me...a..poe?
What in the world.....
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Into the desert...
Now, if you thought ditching my crew was hard, cha, no! I had to get passed the gates. There were so many gaurds there...oh man. It seemed impossible. I knew every last one...but I couldnt seem to find a way out. So, I used my hiding tacticts. I changed cloths...yup thats right. Old fashioned disguse. But the hard part wasnt the hiding, it was getting PASSED the gate. No one was allowed to leave...ever. Hell I was lucky I got even into the place without being killed. Now, I had to find my way out. There were two ways. I knew I couldnt go through, so my two choices where over...or under...
I knew the over would be tricky and it would give me away to easy, so I had to go under. I took out a small ball and got a shovle...I thought about that and decied it was just best to use a digging spell. It took a lot of time but I was out. And when they spotted me it was to late. I was already deep in the heart of the desert...alone...and ready to face anything...
Or so I thought....
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By myself...again...
I knew the next one we had to get was the Spirit Medallian. Kreg had told me that he was going to get the Shadow...which scared me, because I knew of the past he had with that place...and the dark magic that he learned. But I dnt want to go into that right now. You see, the one I am going to get...well the person gaurding my mother.
You see, she went off to gaurd it a long time ago, and now that I need it's power...I will get to meet my mother again. But I had to do it alone. So I made leave my crew behind.
I had to do it...alone.
Kreg parted from us with a long goodbye and me, Zonar, and the guy without a name followed. Zonar was cute...he reminded me of my little sister. It made me miss her very much. But I didnt have to miss her for long...because soon we stood before the bridge to my land. It was beaten and worn, the years have been hard to it, and those who used it only made it worse.
My crew looked at me and we all decied it best to go one at a time. First I went, I knew my way around it. Then Zonar, who was the lightest. But when the big guy tried, the bridge shook and acted if it was about to fall at that instant. He shook his head and stayed was for the better.
I walked along with Zonar and we got into the fortress. The blanket of night was upon us, and it hid us from the many gaurds that were scattered around it. My sisters...I knew they were my blood...but I also knew that they followed Gannonroo. They would kill me without hessitation. And Zonar was not any different. I tunred to him and spoke softly as we hid. I told him to stay here, to stay with the big guy, but then I got the water works.
"NO ATTAIA!!!" he screamed, and we nearly got killed...((little brat >_<)) I hushed him and tried to explain but the kid cried and cried. So I decied to hide him in the verry place he should stay away from. Una, my little sister would take care of Zonar...I just knew she would. So, I snuck my way in and low and behold...she was in her room. The two of them were loud and it took every ouce of hiding magic I had to get myself ot of that one...((-_-;;)) But she agreed and Zonar protested, so I gave him a knock out spell and left without a seconds waist.
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And then hope
We kept fighting, longer and longer. I was getting worn out and my buddies wernt doing do well either. But, then somthing really great happened.
You see, for some reason the wolfs backed down. Like the magic was getting weaker. That's when the big guy (I still dont know his name >.<;;) Came outta NO WHERE! And just BOOM! Smashed that thing to pieces and got the medallian back. Oh wow I was happy. And the best part of all was that I KNEW that Gannonroo was like...gunna be leaving us alone. And that was the treat of the day. So we found the true fair cave and put the medandllian there. The fearie was kinda...pissed off but hey. I would be too right? When we came out we saw Kreg.
Kreg!? I said kinda freakin out at this time. I was very impressed to see him here. Lucky he knew I was in detress...seemed that the system worked after all. Those little orbs I gave them, they all knew I was in troubble.
Hum, guess I'm not so stupid after all huh? *smiles*
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
So as I said we were traped right. Soon I heard this voice...I was either crazy, or someone knew we were here. The voice was low, and dark...a voice I knwe all too well. Gannonroo had us, and the mediallain...
Wait..OH NO! I thought. I ran over to grab it but a wall of ice stoppde me from getting to it. I was helpless. I traied to smash it open with my staff but that didnt work at all. The big guy and Zonar tried to get out but to no prevail. Gannonroo had us, and he wanted us gone. He told us "I will give you one chance, give up now and join me...or die in your frozen tomb to leave this world to crumble under your courpese." Now I was not about to give up, and nether were they. I stood up stright and told him. "Hit me with your best shot bub.." And me, Zonar, and the big guy all got up to fight...what ever it was.
Laughter faded off into nothing as two large snow Wolflose rose out from the ice. The ran at us and we took them in battle. They were easy, but then two more appered, stronger then the last two...
we didnt know how long we could last, but we knew...we would fight to the end...
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Me, the Kid, and the big guy got out of the water and climbed on this slab of land that had the entrace to the fountain. We headed in and another fairy poofed out of no where screaming her head off for no appernt reason. She lead us to the stairs, but this time we climbed up.
The stairs, again, went into a spiral. The further we went, the colder it got. Soon there was frost on the edge of the steps. And a bit later, the whole place was one big ice cavern. I only wished I had a jaket!
When we got into the room, it was very quite, and had a very bad vibe to it. Something wasnt right...
I walked over to the pedistal and placed the medialan on it. I smiled and turned to leave the room, but then a big ice door blocked are only way out. We were traped in an ince who?
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After a good nights rest,
We set out to find the fairy to take care of the water Medel thing...a-ma-gig.
Zonar got us something to eat and I cooked it. The big guy was our gaurdian, which was the only thing he could really do. We went back to the Zora domain and asked the King to let us talk to the sacrad Fairy in the foutain. He agreeded, after like..four hours of pleading, to let us go and place the Medalian in the safe hold of the fountain.
We had to swim there. Not a long way but a good distace. We all jumped in and had our selfs a little was fun. heh.
I just wish I would have known what was going to happen inside the fountain...
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The wetter the better
So me, the Kid, and the big guy were off to find the water thing. Yeah, I was stressed at this point...but oh well. You gotta do it right? Well we went to the place were we thought it would end up, the Zoras, who are the people of the water. Go figure...
So we travled there and talked to the big king guy. He told us it was in the temple under the water, which was clear on the other side of the land! And the only way to get there is if we had gills. Now I knew we were screwed...or were we? This werid looken Zora walked up to us and offered to help. She went down and got the mediallan quicker then anything.
What we didnt find out till later, was that she was the water SAGE! How friggen cool! Two sages all in one day! It took us a few hours to get the medallain, so we decided to find the fairy fountain later on tomorrow. We all needed rest, and I needed food. *sobs*
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Friday, February 25, 2005
Into the pits of hell
Well, it seemed like that at least. But actually that wasnt till later. It started on the climb up, a very, very steep moutain.
Up, up, up. It went on forever. Zonar floated and made it seem like a breeze. How the kid was floating...I dont know. He just was. Actully, now that I think about it, the kid was pretty magical...hum...
Well any way, I knew we were on our way. And when we fianlly readed the top, a big supprised poked our its, or should I say his, head. This big guy, huge dude, big muscles, bluging eyes, the works. Well he stopped us from going into the fire moutian to look for the mediallan of fire. What a jerk, right?! I mean who does he THINK he is?! Well I marched right up to him and said, "Hey, let us through or I'll mess you up." ....
Uh...maybe I didnt really say...that...but you get the gist of it...heh....
So I found out he was the guardian of he fire medal thing. I was kinda scared of him, but I talked to him and we went off to get the medal. This part was hard. There was fire everywhere in there! My whole body was melting! Well, not really, but it was hot!
We walked on, and on till we finally got to this place that had the medal. I tried to pick it up...well lets just say it ruined a good pair of gloves. Burned a hole right through them!!
So after my many long minutes of crying over my dead gloves I returned back out of the cave to place the medal in a fairy fountain that was but right next to the entrance.
We walked in anddid just about the same stuff that we did with the other fairy. We went in and dropped off the medlaian. Good riddens, stupid glove burning thing...*scoff*
After we sealed the medailean in the cave we headed down. The big guy asked if he could help. he knew what we were doing, and he wanted to help out. So I agreed and me, Zonar, and this new guy who I have no idea what his name is...still...were going off to find the thrid medlian, the medlian of...water.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Two of a kind.
Me, Saria, and the little tike Zonar headed off to the fairy cave down at the end of the feild. In no time flat we were there.
We walked down what seemed like a billion flights of stairs. Round and round and round. Soon we hit the bottom, I was a bit dizzy by then. Well we entered this cold underground cave. There was this strange light omitiing from this small pool of water. We walked up to it and I looked around confused. Before I had another second to think I heard this laughing. POOF!!! A fairy came out of the water. She was a bit on the reske' side, but non-the-less she was one of the 5 faries in the land. She opened this door and Saria walked iside. Me and Zonar stood and watched. I turned to leave but the little punk tried to stop me. Sayin' stuff like. "We cant leave her!" and "I thought you said you were going to protect her!"
Now I had a looooong talk with him, and after a good two hours he understood. I sighed and nodded, it was time for the next power...the power...of fire.
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Before I continue
Well I guess you all are wondering how Zonar knew Saria and all that stuff. Well I didnt want to go into detail, but since you
Zonar, like all Kokiri ((which are the childeren of the forest)), know Saira. Hell, they know each other. They grew up together, and were all supposed to live together. Now little Zonar here, he was great friends with Saira. There was only one other Kid who was this close to her, and he wasnt a Kokiri. To tell you thr truth, some say he was the hero who saved us from our old king, Gannondorf. But thats besides the point.
Zonar knew Saria from a ways back, and wasnt about to let me take her away. Now me and him got into a little argument. He told me, "Let her go you bully! I'm not lettin' a stupid Gerudo take her away!" Now I got real fusterated really fast. I told him, "Now look here kid, I dont have time for this. If I dont get her outta here the real bullys will get her... and trust dont want them to come around here." He was a little skeptic but in the end asked if he could a body gaurd just incase I dont do anything "funny".
So thats how I was stuck with the two kids. Now, I was kinda agitatied...but after a while...the kid sorta grew on me.
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