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• lmattics2000
• 1988-07-13
• Scotland!
Member Since
• 2005-05-12
• Student
• I have some I guess....
Anime Fan Since
• Can't remember
Favorite Anime
• Er, Cowboy Bebop, FF, DBZ and more of course
• To be me 24/7 and achieve what I wanna achieve
• Hmm, yeh, I also have some of them...
• Being me!
Sunday, June 26, 2005
What a week!
Well, where do I start! During the week, there has been some bad news in my family and someone elses, but I will not go on about that too much and try and let it pass.
While being a Buddy at school for the two induction days, it was fun! Our Buddy group must have got the worst group of P7's there was! But anyway we still all had a good time trying to look after them!
After that day at school I had a party to go to, it was really great but I wasn't really in the right mood to celebrate, but overall it was good! Had fun in a way and got my mind off some stuff!
Another day at school, another day of running around after all the P7's, aww some of them are cute! After that day I was talked into going to another party that night by my friends, I wasn't going to go but I'm glad I did as it was a great night! Thanks to all those people who talked me into going lol!
Friday, a normal day at school, with three free periods in the morning so I went up town on a shopping spree with a few friends! After that, I went to a thing called Band Night at The Venue, where bands play and you sit and listen (obviously!). To begin with it was boring but later it was real good and very loud, my ears were buzzing all night!
And finally, the weekend, man I really needed this weekend, I was soo tired but I didn't get much rest on Saturday, I had to get up for work at 10am! A good quiet day which was ok but made the day go in more slowly.
And finally Sunday, wow I slept, went to bed at 11pm on saturaday and slept right through the night! All those nights out, took it out on me, and today I'm just going to have a lazy day!
Sorry if all that is boring, I shall go watch TV or something now, catch you later!
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