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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
scareh day
^^ well I have to say.. as the subject says it was a weird and scareh day.. *sighes* well you should know that I wasn't doing so well so my friends..>_> wait scratch that.. the male part of my body of friends decided to give me problems today.. >_<
First of all I was sitting in the campus center the place where you go to relax and ... O_o play? heh...heh.. anyway out of nowhere a friend of mine who I haven't seen in so long appeared behind me and he started to feel me up. He scared the daylights out of me and I nearly swung at him. ^^ He claims since we haven't seen each other in a while he thought we should be reaquainted... WHAT BULL!! >_< As if that wasn't bad enough another of the male species I called a friend shows himself claiming me as his.. >_< WTF!?! Now he comes in and tells the world that I've been really down lately. So both guys Kev and Billy.. (he is a sex addict.. I swear!) >_< starts to glomp me.. (if you don't know what that means think anime..) anywho Billy says "we should make her feel better what do you say guys?" Now there were I think over 8 of us more guys then girls -__- Now at this point the girls all hate me saying things like "How could you take the guys from us like that! what are you doing?!"
I wanted to scream! It was all their fault!! >_< anyway they(the boys) drag us upstairs to the sleeping lounge and no one was there so they locked the door.. now I was scared.. >_> well kinda...
Me:: "What are you guys doing??"
Billy:: "Making you feel better"
Me:: "What??"
Kevin: "well the others are here so they don't get jealous and ..lonely"
Me:: "WTF!?!?"
at this moment the girls and I wanted out. I didn't think they were serious but then again I just didn't want to take the chance. Well at least none of the girls thought they were serious until the condoms were being pulled out and jeans were beginning to become unbuckled. I almost died! I tried the door but was dragged back. Us girls huddled into the corner and ofcourse I was pushed in the front.. >_> how mean... anyway I felt something hit my head and I saw they were using the condoms to play volleyball with. -__-;; eh..... wha... O_< <---- my face.. so um yea boy did they have a laugh so um yea I felt a hell of a lot better after that it was all a joke to begin with. >_< I hate people!! I know this might be long but come on.. I had to tell you all this. See this is what I go through almost everyday and it's also a part of college life.. FEAR IT!!! >_< FEAR IT MUCH!!!
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
ho hum..
Well, I apologize for my eh...behavior? yestorday anyway I'm a bit okay now.. I finally got my first article in my college newspaper puplished and I was told how good it was. Yea my day is brightening up quite a bit which I'm Very happy for. ^^ Lets just hope that it'll keep going. Now I changed my bachground again.. I quickly became frustrated with it.. not sure why @_@ just the colors and well..>_> the fact that I was very picky last night I really liked this one... then... but now that I see it I'm wondering if it's too bright >_< Geez... I'm waayy to picky.. XP anyway again thanks for putting up with me .. >_> just be glad that I'm not the type that would rant on and on.. ^0^ I'll be back later.
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Monday, February 14, 2005
okay ppl.. my life has taken a turn for the worst if you thought it was bad before god this is... >_< I don't know what to do.. I'mnot going to go into the details.. but it got so bad I cried for almost 2 days.. I just don't know what to do right now.. well I had an idea to hide under a rock for the rest of my life... it sounds really good to me.. *sighes* I'm about to cry again while writing this.. >_< dammit! I'm going to go now.. bai bai for now.
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Friday, February 11, 2005
Okay! Just to let you all know... Ed now knows that I have the biggest crush in the world on him! ^^ and he okay with it!! YAY!! not to mention that I have a...well.. erm.. double date kinda thing with him on Sunday.. omg! what to do .. what to wear.. >_< I got my hair done and I'm also on the strickest diet I've ever put myself on. I wonder how much weight I can lose in two days? @_@ Soooo Yep.. he'd better be gratful goddammit! ^^ J/K I was so happy knowing that he'll come *dances* well I'm guessing that's it other then the fact that I have no idea what to do nor say to him.. *butterflies* I hope I don't trip and fall... >_< that would more then suck please someone pray for me.. *cries*
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
well It's sooo early in the morning and I'm at school now though I know I'll be posting again today but still I'm more then tired. Right now I have these two guys who are so loud I just wanna scream and toss them out the window we're preety high up too heh..heh... *Horns starts to show.* Oops... *tucks them back in.* <_< ...... >_> Ooh k... I think that's it.. um.. yea.. that's it. ^^ Oh! I want to personally thank all of those who signed my GB! T_T *tears of joy.* I'm glad you like it. I'm sooo coming on here more ^0^ *oink*
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Yea!!! w00t!! XD!!!
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w00t!!!! XD!!!
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Hahahah my character is a guy.. I'm a girl oh well at least he's cute! XD!!
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Now today has to be the weirdest.. well kinda.. It had me going.. @_@ eh.... a few times ^^ Okay! I was talking to my good friend Crystal and she knows about my little problem with my guys..^_^ so this is our convo..
Crystal: "You have a quarter?"
Me:: "Um.. yea ..here"
Crystal: Okay now which guy do you see as heads?"
Me: "Um. I would think that heads means more serious and well very smart.. oh something like that!"
Crystal: "Okay and tails would be the opposite.. got it.. so heads for Ed ((serious, silent...sexeh ^^)) and tails for Rocko" ((the playboy ^_^))
Me: "Oh come on you can't do that!!"
Crystal: "Don't worry it's not what you think.. Now I'm going to flip the coin okay?"
Me: "whatever look I'm not going to let some coin tell me who I should be with!"
Crystal: "Oh Rocko was tails right?"
Now at this exact moment my heart felt like it was sinking. My mind screamed out nooo what about Ed!! It was just Ed I that came straight into my head.
Me: "But Ed... I won't make a decision like that!"
Crystal: "So it was Ed that your heart really wanted.. there you go problem solved."
Me"... @_@ eh.... wait I don't get it!! If you would have said Ed in the begainning I might have said Rocko!"
Crystal: "I never said that the coin landed on Rocko now did I?"
Me: Oh you dirty sneak!! what did it land on!?!"
Crystal: "You really want to know? Fine just to prove that it works.. it landed on heads.. So! that part of your problem is now solved Congradulations!!"
See.. wtf is that.. just coinsidence?? I just don't get it but maybe it works because Today I saw him and I almost died I even talked to him. Maybe It wasn't much of a convo but still he was there.. Oh boy!! I'm stil in need of help here!
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
-__- Bleh... I'm starting to feel a bit sick.. >_< Geez.. not cool. Anyway I have now really and truly noticed that I have a bigger problem... You see it turns out that I have two crushes on two different guys.. -__- Omg!! what to do what to do it's not like I kinda like one or the other it's completly equal and deep as well. One is like all serious and distant with people and god he's sexy.. you know those types.. but he's really cool with me and close friends. the other is like Mr. funny outgoing guy more of a people person he's also very sexy .. Aw heck they're both Hot!! I was just talking to Mr. outgoing ^^ He's great but the real down side to him is the fact that I know that I'll turn into a jealous maniac if I was his gf he could be easily mistaken to be a playboy. I mean what the hell one is too friendly at times and the other is just too damned quiet and serious at times.. yet if you were to merge them into one you'd have the perfect boyfriend!! *cries* life is really not fair... why oh why does this happen to meeee!!! -__- I was yelled at by my friend today. She got all mad and stuf cause I was talking to rocko (Mr. Playboy ^^)) so casually we hugged and stuff and she went off on me after he went to class. Did I mention that she already has a BF and was yelling things like "Damn you! I hate you don't talk to me ever again?! how can you be all friendly like that didn't you want to jump him?!?" Me::" ^_^; you have no idea... wait till you see the other one..." *cries* *hides under a rock and cries* T_T well that is how my life is going right now.. I want to confess but to who!?! @_@
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