Saturday, January 22, 2005
Tainted Sword Cover
Well here it is the cover to my comic i hope u like it please give me some feed back on it!
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Srry i haven't updated very much lately i've been busy and stuff well just a little update on the comic if you've been wondering the comic's cover is now...60% complete i'm going to finish it tonight and post it i promise! Also i plan to get the first page sometime next week
Well nothing left to say so i'll update later on tonight and visit your site c ya
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Srry i wasn't on yesterday it was a horrible day and couldn't get on. Actually today wasn't that great either. See what happened was i played varsity tennis last year i didn't want to but i was forced into last year. This year my parents want me to play this year but i'm not going to i mean i'm pretty good at tennis the problem is i don't like going directly after school every weekday for 3 hrs for 1 it makes a lot of stuff harder like school because i don't get home until then take a shower then eat the homework by then i'm so tired i go to sleep to do that till summer will kill me but my parents like to brag about how i'm on the team and stuff and i hate that! they want me to be on the team just so they can brag and some other crap!
well srry i've been ranting on how retarded my parents are... well besides that i've got some cool new drawings done that i will post up maybe tonight or tomorrow they are some cool sketches of my comic srry its taking so long to make but i want it to be as good as i can make it c u all later
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Good and Bad
Well i'm watching yu yu hakusho now those stupid cartoonetwork people started the series over again! I just hope they don't start over any of the other animes tonight well i'll visit your sites around 11 when i'm waiting for FMA c ya
Today was for the most part good i had a day off of school today! I played video games most of the day actually my friend was supposed to come over but he got sick. It was also my parents aniversary today we went out to eat and yea thats it i guess
Well its like 12:00am so i'll probably add more to this post when i wake up! Well i'm going to try and keep myself awake for gundam seed tonight c ya
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Hello...Pretty good day except for when i got home. So it was a normal day and it was going pretty well i guess. When i got home i looked in the mail box as usual. once again my shonen jump magazine had not come and i wondered why it wasn't here yet it should of came a week ago so i called the company. They told me that my subscription i sent in was 8 days late and i wouldn't get it till next month i freakin sent that in november to make sure i wouldn't miss any so i finally convinced them to send me it but they gave me a really hard time about
well nothing much happened besides that c ya
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Nothing much today happened...Yesterday i got some new shoes besides that nothings been going on i guess! I worked on my art but its not done yet.
I was playing kingdom hearts chain of memories i just beat riku and larxene and riku was hard it was the last time u have to fight him tho!
Oh yea i almost forgot to tell u guys i have friday and monday off so i have a 4 day weekend! i have friday off because its a in school service day it means all the teachers have to work and come to school but the students don't i'm not sure if any of u have it tho' and monday's martin luther king day!
well c u all later
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
well i got nothing to much to say! Well anime's coming on tonight so i'll be watching that i guess...
well i got inuyasha vol 20 (manga) its pretty good but still far behind the show on tv its with ryukotsei and the dark priestess tsubaki...
well i might get some of my art done today.
well got nothing left to say really i'll get to your sites today around 3 or so well c u all later
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Well i just noticed today i haven't updated in a few days so i guess i should update today!
well i woke up this morning and it was really really warm! It was 75 degree's january thats just really messed up! Well i guess thats global warming.
Other than that i read about appleseed the movie in animerica and i thought it sounded cool so i went to the website and the animation is sooooo good! Here i think i'll put a picture of it here
well thats it for today and i will make sure to visit your sites today well cya
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Monday, January 3, 2005
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Well i'm doing ok! I got some exams back today but not all of them i got a 95 in Social Studies and a 91 in Spanish (yes) I was suprised in spanish because i'm not good at spanish but i guess my studing paid off i guess...
Well besides that i got my animerica issue in today didn't get the new shonen jump tho but it should come this week! I was looking through it got some cool stuff in it like about samurai champloo and appleseed i don't really know what either of those are about but i guess i will! Also I found out they are going to sell the full metal alchemist manga soon!!! I can't wait till that comes out! I guess i'll get to your sites around 8 or 9 tonight well c ya
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