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I type appraisals, work at my college, and I'm a student too. That's not when I'm saving the world, that is.
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I don't have an Xbox, so I don't really have any, but everytime I play Gears of War, I always get "Zen and the Art of Reloading". ^^ Both of 'em.
Anime Fan Since
3rd or 4th grade, whenever Sailor Moon & Cardcaptors started showing on TV XD
Favorite Anime
I'm always feeling like Cowboy Bebop. Greatest soundtrack ever. Period. XD
I'm going to be a high school English/History teacher "when I grow up". >.<
I enjoy writing, reading, video games, and playing piano ^-^
Well, I did manage to use 'vivaciously' in a sentence the other day.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Spring break blues...
So, it's been hooooootttt for like a month now. It's been awesome. Every day, in first block physics, I can feel the sunshine and warmth coming through the window and hear the birds singing...
'Kay, so now that it's spring break, all I can feel is the THIRTY degree weather outside. Yeah, that's on the freaking fahrenheit scale.
And I keep having to go to english 112 even though my HS is on break.
But, regardless, I am still having oodles of fun.
And how is everyone else's spring going?
aurae <3
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Today's attempt at killing boredom. ^_^
Today, I magically had nothing to do.
Some of my friends were online, though, so I felt compelled to sit at the computer and chit-chat with them.
But that's not enough to occupy me, so I had to find something else to do on the interweb while chit-chatting.
To make a long story short, today, I joined an RP.
If you, too, would like to join, here is the linky.
It's a good way to kill boredom.
You'll know me if you join...I'll be the one with the best avatar/signature set. XD
Just kidding...>_<...
That's all for today. ♥
aurae <3
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Here's a post, there's a post.
I updated my friendliness list in honour of Valentine's day, even though it's a holiday that I don't hard-core celebrate. If I forgot you, don't take it personally. I'm a terribly forgetful person. ^^
But I do have HK valentines this year, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it♥.
Until then, Happy Valentine's Day!
aurae <3
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This, too, is it!
I do believe that this might be my favourite wallpaper that I've ever made.
I mean, I've got others I like, but they just don't look as pretty as this one.
Okay, fine, I know this one is plain and simple and generic and whatever, but...
I like it, okay? T_T

And I hope you like it too~♥
aurae <3
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007
On our way back to healthiness again! =D
I went to hospital last night after work because it hurt to breathe. Turns a small part of the pockets in my right lung was filled up with infection and collasped. o.O I've got a "touch" of pneumonia.
Well, that explains why I've been coughing so much lately XD Too bad it took going to the hospital at 2 in the morning after a shift at DQ for them to realize that and give me medicine XD
But hey, whatever. It's all good...'cept those 3 days I've missed in calculus. I'm never gonna catch up. T_T
aurae <3
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
Enough snow to cover the roads, but not the grass.
And, regrettably, not enough snow to get us out of school, although the parking lot was a nightmare this morning. Nobody could see the lines to tell where to park, and half the cars couldn't even make it up the hill XD
But it's supposed to snow more I'm hoping...enough to get us out of school? I'd be so happy! =D
aurae <3
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It's snowing...
When I left work, I left a trail of footsteps all the way to my car. There's not much snow, but it's still going! =D
I'll let you know how much we get tomorrow~
aurae <3
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Monday, January 29, 2007
I can barely stay awake in this cold weather.
And my calculus classroom is the coldest in the school by far, so it's incredibly hard to stay awake during. Like today. Instantaneous velocity? I didn't retain any of that information! T__T And the assignment is due tomorrow...
Oh wells...
I did my friend's senior pictures the other day <3 I hope they turn out well, considering neither me nor my camera are anything like professional...
Maybe I'll post a picture. =S She doesn't have to know XD
Well, I'm out. Later~
aurae <3
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Monday, January 22, 2007
Frickin' cold.
If it's going to be this cold, it should be snowing.
Well, actually, I did see a snowflake today. But it wasn't enough to count.
I'm crossing my fingers for tonight, though. For now, we'll call it a lesson in hope. <3
aurae <3
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
Wish I could prove I love you, but does that mean I have to walk on water?
I think I'm going to go to the eye doctor tomorrow. Glasses could be nice. Seeing could be great. Tomorrow already has a lot of potential. ^^
aurae <3
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