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I type appraisals, work at my college, and I'm a student too. That's not when I'm saving the world, that is.
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I don't have an Xbox, so I don't really have any, but everytime I play Gears of War, I always get "Zen and the Art of Reloading". ^^ Both of 'em.
Anime Fan Since
3rd or 4th grade, whenever Sailor Moon & Cardcaptors started showing on TV XD
Favorite Anime
I'm always feeling like Cowboy Bebop. Greatest soundtrack ever. Period. XD
I'm going to be a high school English/History teacher "when I grow up". >.<
I enjoy writing, reading, video games, and playing piano ^-^
Well, I did manage to use 'vivaciously' in a sentence the other day.
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
I looked at the homepage for wallpapers today to see what kind of things were being featured, y'know...see how I measure up and whatnot. XD
They were all Naruto. o.O It was kinda strange.
I'm thinking, maybe if I made a Naruto wallpaper, the massive fanbase would like it.
I mean, seriously. You have to think about fangirls when you're making wallpapers.
My number one most downloaded wallpaper is the black and white one with Cloud and Sephiroth. And when I made it, I thought to myself, "This should go over well because it has Cloud and Sephiroth on it, and everyone loves them."
And it did. I'd like to think it's because it looks cool, and because I've got lyrics to 'One Winged Angel' on it or something, but I know it's probably just because random fangirls were like "SQUEEE!! SEPHY! CLOUD!"
So I was thinking...maybe if I made Naruto wallpapers, I'd get downloaded more.
At the same time, I'd like my work to get downloaded because it's quality (heh, yeah right) and not because it's appealing to a fanbase.
Because people can make really ugly wallpapers, but as long as they have something that a fangirl can oogle over...
Like, take Saikano for instance. Most of my least downloaded wallpapers are Saikano wallpapers. Some of them, looking back, aren't that great. But actually, one of the ones I like best only has like, 4 downloads or something. I don't think its because it sucks (it's the one with Chise/Shuji and the music in the background) but rather because Saikano's fanbase isn't too big.
All of this sprung off Naruto XD
I could make one. I read 6 of the manga, so I have a vague idea of what's going on in the series. (Vague to the extreme.)
Beats me. It was just something to think about for awhile.
And now I'll go to work.
aurae <3
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
So begins the research paper...
So, english 111. You know. Not really a big deal, I don't suppose. Research paper? It's due Tuesday, righto?
WRONGO! It's due tomorrow!
So tonight I will be writing a 5-7 page argumentative research paper on why students should be required to pass exit exams before leaving high school.
*cries like the little pansy she is*
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Friday, November 10, 2006
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Sunday, October 22, 2006
A post.
Because I haven't posted in awhile.
Anyways, I've noticed a trend in my wallpapers...they're slowly but surely getting more depressing.
But I have learned how to properly utilize my brushes on Photoshop, so things can only get better from here.
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
Deep like the ocean.
I downloaded 'The Lark Ascending' by Williams today. I hadn't heard it since my sophomore year, and it still brought me to tears. I was still incredibly impressed, and if you like music, I reccomend downloading it.
Aurae~ <3
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It came to me all at once.
The reason for loneliness is a lack of communication. I can no longer communicate my feelings to you, and I feel that we've finally reached an end. So this is this and that is that. I'll love you forever, but this is goodbye. The only thing is, can I ever say this? Or will the inability to just talk to you keep me from saving myself from this trap? Will I stay like this for the rest of my life? Tied to meaningless committments? Will that really be how it ends?
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Monday, August 14, 2006
2 hours of training and 50 ice cream cones.
Started training at Dairy Queen today. You'd be surprised...the balls of ice cream and the freaking curly? Harder than it looks. -_-;
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
I'm getting tired of the MFing snakes on the MFing....DDR machine?
I was talking to one of my friends today. We were talking about Snakes on a Plane and making a movie before it when I told her I wanted to take rubber snakes and take pictures of them on random things.
A DDR machine came into the conversation, and this was what resulted. >.<

Photoshop is fun. Please be sure to note the cheapness. The lines around the bottom, the way the snakes are just kind of 'on' the machine without me even trying to a 3D effect...Aurie got lazy. >.<
That's all. XD
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Thursday, August 3, 2006
There's MF snakes on the MF plane!
Snakes on a Plane comes out August 18th.

Spread the love.
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
It's fixed! ^___^ Sure the background isn't anchored down, and it repeats, and it obviously has quite a few flaws, but it beats what it looked like 5 minutes ago by a freaking long shot!
<3 <3 Aurie
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