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Member Since
I type appraisals, work at my college, and I'm a student too. That's not when I'm saving the world, that is.
Real Name
I don't have an Xbox, so I don't really have any, but everytime I play Gears of War, I always get "Zen and the Art of Reloading". ^^ Both of 'em.
Anime Fan Since
3rd or 4th grade, whenever Sailor Moon & Cardcaptors started showing on TV XD
Favorite Anime
I'm always feeling like Cowboy Bebop. Greatest soundtrack ever. Period. XD
I'm going to be a high school English/History teacher "when I grow up". >.<
I enjoy writing, reading, video games, and playing piano ^-^
Well, I did manage to use 'vivaciously' in a sentence the other day.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Day 3...last for awhile.
Well, this is it, guys! Tomorrow I'm leaving! I'm sooooo excited~! =D
Let's hope my plane doesn't crash, cause, y'know, I can't swim >.<
love and peace TO THE MAX!
Take care while I'm away ^_^
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Day 2...
Still no call. Only 28 days until my application expires. Maybe I'm just being impatient.
In the meantime, I have this huge chemistry-movie project due tomorrow, and I think EVERYTHING just went wrong. Its currently on two memory cards--one won't read at all in my laptop, and the movie files I extracted from the other aren't 'compatible with windows movie maker'.
love and peace and whatnot,
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Monday, April 3, 2006
So nervous...
I applied for a job at McDonald's today...I'm so nervous! Once tax season is over, I'll lose my job at the Block...and then what?!
Well, hopefully it'll be a summer of french fries and cheeseburgers ^_^
I've kept my c-phone on and with me ever since I turned in my application, even though they might not call me at all.
Worst of all, I'm leaving the country on Thursday! THEN WHAT?! HOW WILL McDONALDS HIRE ME IF I'M NOT EVEN IN THE COUNTRY?!
I'm pretty scared, so cross your fingers that they don't call me until AFTER easter and that they WILL indeed call me ^_^
love and peace TO THE MAX!
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
The weather is beautiful!
It's like 70 degrees outside and I'm soooooo psyched~! ^_^ This kind of weather is just perfect! I hope it stays nice, I'd like to go for a walk or something. pretty...^___^
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Good day ^_^
I'm not sure whether this will make any of you happy, but I feel really well and I've had an excellent day. ^_^ Hope yours was just as wonderful.
On a completely unrelated note, I have a 98% in Spanish I, but there's a lot of words and it's starting to become difficult. I'm gonna start using Spanish all the time for practice...starting here XD We'll see about that.
love and peace TO THE MAX~!
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
So lately....
I feel like I'm in this total slump lately -_-; Like I haven't accomplished ANYTHING. I'm actually looking forward to school, just so I have something to do.
-_-; C'mon, something, inspire me...or at least get me out of here...>.<
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Updates and such
I noticed today that they've updated the system so I have a portfolio now =0 That's kind of cute, I suppose.
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Almost St. P's Day!
Friday's almost St. Patrick's day, and I've been trying to get in the spirit. Here's an ecard(?)/avatar(?)/banner(?)/something(!) attempt at some St. P's Day festive-ness! ^^

This is a little bit more humorous if you know that I work part-time as a paper-filer at The Block.
Have a great day, everyone! And go send one of my St. P's day ecards! =0 XD
love and peace,
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
So close, yet so far...
Well, we had WYSE team sectionals today. I took the tests in chemistry and English--English was my best. I got third place overall, and I was only 3 points away from tying for second. -_-; Guess I'm done for the year.
I'm going to state next year if I have to study english ALL YEAR!!!!!
Motivation ^_^
love and peace,
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
Rainy days...
All I see are dark grey clouds, in the distance moving closer with the hour...
The weather has been so depressing today...T_T
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