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Member Since
Tendacy to scare people.
Real Name
O.o;;; making people scared
Anime Fan Since
I am able to remember
Favorite Anime
Inyuyasha,Trigun,Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, FLC...Etc
Becoming a graphic artist and also to get into a career with animals
Being insane, collecting knives, swords, anime stuff, and daggers
Drawing, writing and scaring people.
| AuriaAngelsKiss
Welcome to my domain... Please feel free to look around, sign my guestbook and add me as a friend, I will do the same for you!
WARNING: Insanity gets out of hand sometimes!
Thank you!!

She is so adorable

Made by: Foxlover73.
Thank you! ^_^

Wednesday, March 1, 2006
This is sad
Hey every one...Yes it's been awhile again.. Eh I don't think I am going to update anymore, but I am going to keep my site just like this.
This time I don't really have much excuse, like I said before though things happen. To much sometimes. Well I will still be looking at PMs,but that's it....
I hope everyone is doing okay? and I'd love to here from you all in the PM's or such or e-mail me at
This is a goodbye unless well you PM me or such. Everyone take care and be safe!
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
It's been along time
Hey everyone! Wow it's been such a long time!Okay, Maybe I don't have much excuse this time though things have been abit rough here. So much has changed in my life, in such little time... and I think it's taken me awhile to adjust, though they are things I'll never get adjusted to..
Oh well, how was everyone's christmas? Get anything neat?
My christmas was okay I guess, I got some cool things. Though to me that isn't what christmas is about. I would rather not get anything at all if I was able to spend christmas with my friends and loved ones... That's all that counts for me.. Though it didn't get to happen that way, but I did get to see some of my family.. which was a good thing I guess.
Seeing the innocent smiles of my younger cousin Hayden made my day though! He's absolutely adorable!
Well I got to go now, I hope you like the background pic? I wanted to change it to something that fits me at the moment...
I have put this on here before, but just as a picture. As I said before I do not own this picture, though I did edit it. I found a pic of the boy and a pic of the girl and put them together in my own way. ^^
Anyways I hope all is well for everyone!
Late merry christmas everyone!
Take care and be safe!
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Monday, October 3, 2005
Hmm... I'll start this off by saying a quick thanks to bladeofice for the club banner she sent me. ^^ It goes wonderfully with my angel theme!
Hehe, Anyways today at school was very annoying.. first just haveing little sleep and then being gave a test so early in the day.
I think teachers plan them carefully to make the life of students miserable XD.
This is going to be a pretty short post because I am having to go off and do something...
sorry that I haven't go to anyones sites.. well the ones who had updated recently x.x theres no way I could catch up with several months worth.
How is everyone?, and please leave a comment about my bg and stuff ^^;; I wanna see if you like the theme.
Take care, dream big and keep safe!!
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