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Tendacy to scare people.
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O.o;;; making people scared
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I am able to remember
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Inyuyasha,Trigun,Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, FLC...Etc
Becoming a graphic artist and also to get into a career with animals
Being insane, collecting knives, swords, anime stuff, and daggers
Drawing, writing and scaring people.
| AuriaAngelsKiss
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
I told you I'd be updating more.
^_^... How do you like my wonderful full angel theme? The picture behind my text is better then the last... But I am still looking for one that suits it perfectly.
Hmmm halloween is comming up which means... I'm going to start getting ready for that! ^^ I thinking of either making it cutesy like... or the complete oppisite... or a theme on my fave bad guys... hehe all so tempting. But I really love horror so it might be pretty gory..hehe....
Anyways.. Today has started out pretty good, except for the fact my computer has viruses. Well I hope every one else will have a good day today!
See you later...Take care and Keep safe!
Hmm... I'll go hunt for pictures to put up on here now... For people to know so I wont get accused of claiming art as my own. ( Which has happened) I put up pictures on here that I like and such that I find off the net.

Ok I know this isn't anime.. and I take no credit for this picture at all!
I just found a pic of the boy and the girl and put them together... it came out awesome... but that's my opinion. It might be my back ground someday...

Poor angel...

This is really cute.
Well see you later.. And if someone replies to this one.. I might keep updating if not.. then what's the use?
Oh yea, It's been awhile.. and I need to start cleaning out my friends list. Please the ones who come and want to stay on here, or want me to keep visiting there site either comment or PM me....
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wow.. It's been awhile since I have actually updated on here... sorry everyone.
Hmm... Many things have been going on since I have not really been on here.. except for checking PMs. Thank you! The few that PMed me ^^;
Anyways, things have been going much better around here. I got a job now, which calls for me to work part time everyonce in a while. For some reason working has changed my mood drasticly even though I have only been to work about 3 times. I know this is weird to some people, but I really like my job. It's the first job I have ever had. Golden Rule BBQ. Which in my opinion is way better then a fast food restruant. Also I have wonderful managers and I work with most of the people that I know from school.
School on the otherhand is such a bothersome.. Today I took the writing test... Which I probably failed miserably. ~shrugs~... I guess I have till next year for it...
Finally I changed my background and stuff... though I'm not to happy with the picture under this text... I need to find something else for that.
Well I must go now... I hope people reply to this... How is everyone doing? I missed you all!!!
It's been so long since I have been to everyone's sites... I'm going to work on visiting you all almost frequently again!
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Hey everyone!... It seems I haven't been on here for a while..
To many things has been happening with me.. School, family probs, Myo not being cooperative and other stuff.. Anyways..I'm sorry that I haven't been around really. I don't really like getting on Myo overly depressed.. or angry. I've learnt the hard way that I do and say stuff that I really don't mean and I don't want to do that on here.
I'm going to go to your sites either tonight or tomorrow, depending if the computer gets taken over by my mother.
Unfortunately I might quit Myo for awhile or.. Still do what I'm doing and come once in a few weeks... I don't mean to do that.. Well people can PM me though! I can try my best to get to those frequently. It's up to you really..
I don't really blame for people not wanting to come here anymore.. I rarely update and such..
Once I get time... I'm changing this background... To what..? I don't really know yet..
I'm going to go now and get some book work finished.
See you all laters and take care!!
Oh yea.. I would like to know how everyones doing since I haven't been to sites much...
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Hehe.... I hate subjects..
These last few days I haven't updated because my friend/ sister.. Was over here!
Ok maybe this place isn't always the best to come over to... Since there isn't too much to do except get on the computer, watch dvds, play video games, watch TV... Etc...
Ehh we have some good times though.. Almost killing each other in the process. ^^;
Hah... The other night we were walking down a road. It was about 9 PM.. Or later since it was dark outside. Anyways, we heard somthing in the woods and turned to see what it was. After a moment my sis turned around and screamed as a bat flew passed her head.. Missing her by a centimeter. It was a kodak moment!!
Today.. Was pretty cool.. We went to North Carolina to my Grandmothers house. She has several cats there.. They are all very pretty, but only two of them were tame. XD I found out that the hard way. Sis and I waded in the creek for a while.. Getting in trouble for splashing each other.. Then we went hiking to go see my grandfathers grave.. That was a huge dissapointment. The trail growed up with weeds and such. They were almost as tall as us, yet I was determined to go until I came across a snake... That's when we turned back around and said forget it. I will next time when I have something to cut my way through. I absolutely love it up in NC... Everything is so beautiful.
As you can tell today I am totally refreshed.. For some reason when I got back in the mountians in NC, no matter how depressed I am.. I always feel 100% better. ^^
Well enough talking about me...
Hmm Well now I will get looking at everyone's sites.The ones recently updated at this time...Hopefully I can get to all of them.. If not I'm really sorry..
Here's some pics I found..

That's enough for now.. I hope everyone has a good day!!
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
Hey! Goodness it's been awhile..
I think I have gotten to all the recently updated sites.. if not I am really sorry for it. Things will change though now. I'm planning to work real hard on comeing to sites more frequently.
Well I'm finally off of those God forbidden pain medicine!
My sleeping habits and everything has been screwed up because of them. I sleep almost all the time now, without taking anything.. And my mother is ready to kill me for it since school is only like.. 6 or 7 days away.
Heheh... I get grounded if I try to sleep during the day.. My luck.
Also.. I don't look like a chipmunk anymore.. or like someone punched me in the face! So I am happy.. Bad thing was though, the stupid dentists had knocked my jaw out of line and I had to pop it back in place. Thank God! I can eat!! ^_^ It's great.. Though now I only eat once a day.. It's screwed my whole system out of whack. I've lost some weight also, which is a good thing I guess.
Well enough talking about me..
How has everyone been for the last few days?
Hmm I'm going to put up some pics on here finally

Well that is enough for now.. Take care all of you!
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
>.> Sorry everyone
Sorry that it has been awhile since I posted or even got on here... I wanted to post yesterday,but the medicine I was put on made me so sleepy, I like sleep every other hour now.
Yea I had my wisdom teeth cut out of my gums yesterday. >< That is so very painful, I can barely eat or anything. :( I'm on a diet of puddings, ice cream, milkshakes and soups for around a week or two.... That really sucks so bad cause that's too much milk! Well least I can eat some soup in about a day or two though..
That experience was ow! When I got there I had just only two hours of sleep, I was so tired when I got there,but I couldn't help it cause tuesday I slept all day till nine, finally went back to sleep at 5 somthing. My poor arm has a bruise on it from the evil IV.. There wasn't much I remember of the whole thing afterwards except getting a big mask thing on my nose and POOF... Out like lightening. Hehe after I woke though I had to get picked out of the seat and put in a wheelchair because I wobbled around like a drunkard. Boy, I tasted blood for almost more than half the day... Well lol every time I was actually AWAKE!
Goodness at first I was totally nervous about being put under, but about ten pm on the day before I went, a certain someone called me and made it soo much easier on me!^_^ He's a sweety.... Everything was so much better then it would have been if he didn't call, cause he gave me so much assurance about the whole ordeal.
Well sorry that I have to make this short people... But I am so dang sleepy once again and I need to leave before I pass out here.. When I am able I promise I will get to everyones sites as soon as possible. Just give me a few days... Or until I can go more than a hour before knocking out ^_^
Good morning everyone... And I hope everyone has had good days since I was gone. Well see you when ever possible!!
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Wows.... Sorry everyone!!
Sorry that I haven't been to everyones sites lately!! I will try harder I promise! Please don't get upset with me or anything..
I've been feeling down alot lately and I've either been on Gaia,been asleep,or watching movies...
I know that isn't an excuse.. :( ~Sighs~ This sunday I helped out the wild life rehab with a fund thing in HOT weather almost passing out ^^;; That would have been odd passing out in the middle of a parking lot.
After that.. Monday wasn't great cause I didn't get out like usually on the 4th and see the fireworks with my mom, cousin or friend.. That just felt really strange... Ehh yesterday and today I have had 3 fillings put in and been very.. Ermm moody. >< What I wouldnt give to drill the dang doctors teeth before the numbing stuff kicked in!! I have to go back on the 13th and get all 4 wisdom teeth taken out... And they havent even broke through the gums yet!... My luck..
Well I'm gonna stop babbleing now, but I promise I will try my best to get to everyones sites more often...!
this is gonna be really short... Well I think so anyways and heres a pic.

See ya...
Question: How is everyone summer comming along?
My summer will be up Aug 4th then its back to school ~ Mumbles~
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Finally! I post....
Sorry everyone that it has been so long!! Ugh... Lots of things have been going on.. and a few of these days.. I haven't felt like getting on.. Sorry for not getting to your sites!! Very very sorry...
Oh yea.. the day at the wild life santuary was pretty awesome! Though I had to walk everywheres, up and down VERY steep hills. My legs hurt for several days.. and my left one decided to give out of me the next day for a few hours..Very strange. I had fun though, my Trainer was cool... But he was 16 also. Irony was he had the same name as my boyfriend. So I call him Mr.Smiles( Because he has a very wide smile and he smiled alot!!)..Well not around him anyways. Goodness he talked to much though!
I got to see all types of animals. Bears- They were very silly, dipping their whole heads into the water bucket, and all of them took turns. Snakes- Agh!! They were soo awesome! they were huge, for example they had one that it's body length was over 15 foot. Deers- they... Were adorable, but they was one that nipped at me every time I turned around. Cougars- LAZZZZZZZZZZZZZY My goodness they were so lazy, you would of thought that they were tamed, but they are wild. Hmm They also had a falcon, hawks, rabbits, chinchilla, a groundhog that loves to nibble at shoes and fingers, a parrot- Peppy that tries to bite you at every chance he gets, fussy young bobcats and one bobcat that was blind and def.. She was very sweet though. They were more... But to many to type down. I help out sunday to raise money... I don't like being around people really... But I will for the animals.
Saturday one of my friends had a bike wreck and fractured her sinus and cheek bone... It scared the living heck outta me, for one she is like a sister... I've known her for probably over 10 years. I stayed with her from sunday till wednesday... I could have posted then.. But I was worried and in a depressed mood, I didn't want to try to type somthing in that state. She had her surgery today, and thank goodness she made it through ok!
Ooooh...I got my letter!! After several days of suffering waiting for sooo long. That made my day even more cheerful.. ^_^
Well I am going to go now..I will try to get to some of your sites real soon I promise, but I might be at my friends house again.
This is an odd pic... But observe closly to see what she is holding.

Well I think that is enough for now....
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
Today... I haven't really done that much except reading manga and waiting for a letter in the mail from someone... I wonder if the mail lady screwed up like she always does and puts it in someone elses box ><.......
Hmm..... I really can't wait till tomorrow!! I'm sort of nervous in a way. I'm not much of a people person that's why I specificly put on the form to work with the animals, though I have to interact with people in order of getting trained. I knew that they wouldn't let a novice even around the cages of wild animals with out some knowledge of what to do. ~ Shrugs~ I guess it will be cool, and it might be better for me to finally learn how to act around people also. It's better this way.( I think.) Well tomorrow when I get back.. and if I am able to get on I will tell you about the whole experience... Well there's nothing much else to say..
Oh yea... for some reason my midi stoped on here >< That really stinks... Well I guess I got to find another one.
Well ^^ Here is more piccys I found.... Enjoy!

Well that is all for now... Until next time.
~ Auria~
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Subject... I don't know...
Wow... This is strange, I'm sooo happy at the moment though I think I shouldn't be....
My father had a wreck today and his truck got the tail end almost knocked off. >< It's warped up at the moment. But it wasn't his fault! Which is amazing to me... Ermm anyways, there was a idiot behind him that was going 40 to 50 somthing mph over the 45 mph speed limit. He hit my father when he was turning into a gas station and spun him in a complete circle... He's ok though, well I think so anyways. The idiot is to stubborn for his own good to go to the doctor.
And yesterday...
Right when I got off the computer I got a call from the wildlife Santuary about the volenteer form I turned in. I start the training friday! ^_^ This is sooo awesome! When I turned the phone off... Hehe I danced happily around the room. I love animals.. And just because my dream will never be fullfilled doesn't mean that I won't atleast work with them in someway even if I don't get any money for it, well I also have to pay 35 bucks for membership and that sort of stinks... Oh well.
Last night... was very confusing to me.. I found out that my old teacher that always tried to perk my spirits up no matter what was going on.. Her son got killed over in Iraq... I didn't know him that well but I know her. He was her only son and her shining star. She is the type of person who would do anything in the world for you if she cared for you and always put her own feelings aside most of the time when a problem in your life came up. She would always try to be in a cheerful mood... though now I'm afraid she might not ever be like that again. My heart really goes out to her. Yea I'm not very close with many teachers, but she was a great influence on my life.
I really hate wars.. it rips families apart and takes away loved ones. Yet I know they are no such thing is peace, but come on. There is common sense. Yes this might step on some toes of the ones who are very supportive of US troops being in Iraq, though at the moment.. I don't care. Yea I know we were hit on 9-11... and yes it was very devastating. Though look what it is doing to the others also. Innocent ones are getting killed left in right and some of it are even because of our troops. It's hurting people on both sides, when will this stop?
Anyways... I hope My teachers son rests in peace...
Well that's enough of my babbling today... Heres some pictures I found.

Well that's it for now...
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