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Tendacy to scare people.
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O.o;;; making people scared
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Inyuyasha,Trigun,Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, FLC...Etc
Becoming a graphic artist and also to get into a career with animals
Being insane, collecting knives, swords, anime stuff, and daggers
Drawing, writing and scaring people.
| AuriaAngelsKiss
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Sorry that I haven't posted for several days... I've not been feeling to excelent... Though I have tried to get to all of your sites over the last few days...
I know I have not much excuse... I was just really down.. and though most of the time when I comment I don't show any emotions that arn't needed. Yet when I type on here... I let them show.
I really had no motive to type.. But I am back now and a whole lot better! ^^
Well for the last few days all I've been doing is usually keeping myself locked away in my room or go out on a walk at night, well unless I was needed.
I did watch Gungrave, X and ... I forgot the other's name but it was cool. Saturday night was kool also, getting to watch Paranoia Agent, FLCL,Scryed. Very very awesome!
Well I must go now... I will put some pictures up now... and hopefully after I wake up I will get to your sites.

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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Hmmm I got good news... My mother doesn't have cancer thank goodness! The news lifted a huge amount of worry off of my shoulders... But I still have some worry though about her..
I got sleep! Mwuaha! ... Ehh sorry I feel more energized... Yesterday... I kept getting woke up by phone calls so I decided to stay up.. Watching Dominion tank police until 3 am...Well I did absolutely nothing all today... Except sleep.
Last night I watched Dominion Tank police, new and old version. Ok... I'm not usually into things with tanks and police... And at first when I saw the name I was like ehh this will probably one of those dragging type of things. I was sooo wrong! The anime is awesome! It's funny and full of drama. I love Leona, especially in the new version because she has a stronger I don't care, kick butt attitude..
Gotta love it! Heres a small piccy of Leona

Oh yea about the new background... I like it on here, though I will put number five on here later when I get bored with this one because it had the 2nd most votes out of it.
Here's a reincarnated(sp?) Brandon Heat from Gungrave... Oh how I love this anime!

Well I guess that's it for now..
Question... How's everyone's summerbreak going... or are you almost out of school?
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I'm sorry everyone if I don't get to all of your sites today, but I will as soon as possible... Look down and you will see why..
... Today I am so very tired... I went to bed at 1 am somthing after I watched Gun grave. That is such an awesome anime! I will put some pictures of it up here when I get done typing. At 3 am I heard my mother call out my name and I reluctantly drug myself up out of bed to find her leaning against the wall... Looking like she was about to fall down any minute. God I was scared half to death. When I got her laid down... I gave her some OJ because I thought it was her Blood sugar.. Well it sorta was in a way. I nagged at her constantly so she wouldn't pass out on me until my father came.. Though fortunatly she is fine now just weak....Ehh I hate when things happen like that. I was shook up so bad I couldn't get any rest... And now I can't let myself sleep because I'm waiting on a phone call in 4 or 5 hours.. If I went to sleep now.. I'd never be able to answer the phone..
Hmmm I am thinking about changing this background soon... Though I will let you all vote on if I should or not. Like in previous posts, I like to hear other peoples opinion.
Here's some images I might change it to. Some you have seen, some you havent.
Vote please so I will know ^^
And also here's some pics of gungrave... Yea I'm getting obsessed with this one. Soon I might put a theme of it up... Maybe ^^;

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
... Ehh heh...
Heya... How is everyone?
I didn't get to post yesterday because I decided to go to everyone's site that was updated at the time and I had a time limit since I had to go to the store... >< I hate grocery shopping. Though I made a really good dish! Chicken Alfredo. It was so very good... I loved it..^^; And I think my parents did also. Hehe... I take very much pride in my cooking.
My mom got a burnt dvd from one of her friends, full of anime. ^^;; The new cutey honey and kekko kamen. Both... Erm... Strange.. But hilarious! Unfortunatly they had alot of nude women >< That's something I disliked, but ehh I had alot of good laughs.
v.v Oh yea... I thought I was going to volenteer.. but the place never gave me any call about the form I had to fill or when I will be able to come in. Ehh I don't guess it matters since I will be starting school Aug 4... I'd love to been able to though.. I love animals of everytype.
It's strange that today... I've felt great... Well for one thing it's almost 3 in the morning and another thing is... I spent a few hours talking to a certain someone.. Well from 10 to 12. ^^; Ehh I liked it.
Ummm.... I have really nothing much else to say on here this morning.
See you later.
Hmmm here's a few pictures I found quite interesting. ^^

Well that is all for now...
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Sorry I didn't post yesterday
I got to your sites yesterday, well all that were updated at that time... But I didn't post because I wasn't feeling all that great. Heck I don't even remember what I did much of yesterday. I think I drew somthing... Then fell to sleep or somthing and woke up at 11 somthing. I'm so glad to because I got to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre ( I think thats the name) then Anime! It was awesome as always.
... Hmmm there is nothing really else to say on here today...

This is cool...

Ehh... I need to go searching for more pretty pics to put on here
Now it's time for Gojyo ^_^

Well I hope everyone had a good weekend!!
Oh yea, What do you think of the new text background? It... was sort of cut in half for some odd reason, but I like it all the same.
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Friday, June 10, 2005
The smiley says it all.
Ehh what a day. Today I was reminded why I've always been reluctant to ride in the truck with my father. His eyes wonder off the road to look at passing cars and the surroundings. <.< Ermm He swerved on the wrong side a few times.. And my mother and I had to yell at him, but the last little incident he did today.. I will never get back in the truck with him unless I am driving of course ^^. Anyways... He almost hit a truck as he was looking at somthing going on, on the other side of the road. He blamed it on 'a dip' in the road. I've been on that road soo many times. There's no dips, curves, or potholes in the road.... ~ Shudders~ I think I want to keep my life a little bit longer.
The only reason why I even went was to be with my mother, she was very nervous and wanted me to be with her. I don't know how I am able to calm her down, but I do somtimes. We found out that she might have cancer and they ran another test today. Thursday is when we find out if she really has it or not. These next few days will be so long and agonizing for her and I. There's already one person in my life that was like a sister..Friend.. who succumbed to such cancer.. I don't want to loose my mom to it.
You know... I think it really changes a persons outlook on life when they have someone close to them go very ill or even be overcomed by the illness because they get to weak to fight against it. Through the past few years... I've had alot people in my life go into a never ending sickness.. And slowly die away... So I think people should always hug and tell the ones that are dear to them that they love them.... You never know when they will be forever gone from the reach of your arms... Ok..ummmmm...
Always got to think positive though right? If a person is going through illness and your all down and sad you won't be there fully to support them even if it hurts so bad to see them suffer. I've learned that the hard way.
Well I'm going to put a few pictures on here..
So cute!

This picture caught my eye...Very interesting..

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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Today is going to be really strange because it's my last day visiting my therapist... Ehh When I just got it into my weekly schedule to go there every Thursday. She helped alittle I guess, but I think I frightened her alot during it all.
>.> Maybe she is leaving because of that? Haha.. I'll miss her though, ehh I really hope I don't have to go to another therapist.. It takes me awhile to get used to someone poking and proding about my life. ><
Umm as you know about the volenteer thing, I probably won't be on here as much, if I am able to go.
Though I will make sure I will get to your sites as soon as I am able to do so. Hopefully I can every morning... Also I might be helping my neighbor out more... and stuff.
Ohh yea, about my question from yesterday.. I was just curious on what people think.. I, myself think long distance relationships can pull through if the person is determined to make it work and have enough patience to wait to be with that certain someone. Well that's how I see it anyways.. Since I am in one myself... Well thanks for giving me your comments.
Anyways.. Umm after I am done with typing here I might change the text background, and maybe even the main background.. I dunno, it all depends..
Hehe I found some cute things..

Heres an angel ^_^ heh

Ehh I found a really neat site and decided to put some stuff from there on here.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Ehh....I don't think I have to much to say today. I'm turning in a volenteer form today for a Wildlife Rehab... Hehe I love animals. It will be great because I will be helping mountain lions, bobcats, panthers.. Bears, birds,Etc. It will be awesome.
Oh yea I finished my Kilala drawing.. It's wow, amazing for me.. Though as usual I still think it sucks.
Ehh... Ermm... I don't think I have anything else to say, but I will ask a question. What do you all think about long distance relationships? It's a matter of a opinion, but still I would like to see others point of views about it.
Oh yeah.. Pictures ^_^

You got to love the skull in her hands... Well you don't but.... ^_^
Well that's it... And I've just realized that theres no angel pics this time eh heh ...Well There's a next time.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Evil summer.
Last night the storm here lasted for several hours. I really loved watching the lightening. It was very cool. Though right when the stormed stop my mom took over the computer so I was only able to get on this morning.
Right when I was going to peoples sites, the electricity went out... >< Ehh I thought my computer crashed and was having a panic attack, then I found out the whole house was out of power. So I spent my day drawing Kilala(sp?) from Inuyasha. To bad I don't have a scanner, I think I actually did good on this drawing. Well after all of that my mom told me to go check the mail and unfortunatly I didn't put my shoes on. Now I got blisters.. Ehh what a day?
Well time to add some pics now. If anyone gets annoyed seeing them, please tell.

^_^ Ehh I love these pictures..
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Monday, June 6, 2005
...Umm ^_^
I really hope I got to everyone's site..I wasn't able to check much of them yeaterday >.> please tell me if I didn't come to yours.. I'm very sorry...
For the friends from my old site, I thank you so much for comming to this one.. Unfortunately I have lost some friends because of deleting my old site... Though.. I guess things happen right?
Anyways.... Yesterday I spent most of the time watching movies with my mother, horror movies of course. Ehh it was actually pretty fun.
Last night I wasn't able to get on, for one my mother got on after the movies and two I got a call and talked for hours with a certain someone. ^_^; That was so awesome....
Erm... Enough about my life..
Umm I might not be able to get on for the rest of tonight or maybe even tomorrow. On the news ( Which I do not watch, I heard it from my aunt and someone who was hit by the storm her friend.) That there was a storm hit the mid-west and 40 tornados hit down over there. My aunt's friend said it caused lots of damage and it was a huge mess... They say it's heading down here in the southern states, Ga and such. I love lightening and thunder storms.. but tornados are a different story!
See you laters
Here's some pictures, yep this time it's a mix. Angels and otherthings that I've found interesting.

Umm... She's awesome
Nekos.. It's cute.. I just had to post this.

Ok well that's enough of pics for today...
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