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Tendacy to scare people.
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O.o;;; making people scared
Anime Fan Since
I am able to remember
Favorite Anime
Inyuyasha,Trigun,Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, FLC...Etc
Becoming a graphic artist and also to get into a career with animals
Being insane, collecting knives, swords, anime stuff, and daggers
Drawing, writing and scaring people.
| AuriaAngelsKiss
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
Sorry I didn't post yesterday
Yesterday,I almost slept all day which was amazing... And when I got on the net I was begged to play a game with some friends.
Last night I got to watch the new episodes of Inuyasha and Samurai Champloo... Gotta love them!
Well I have decided to put some pictures up here, I hope you don't mind.
Samurai Champloo..

One of inuyasha...

FLCL.. Which I forgot to mention before.

And of course... I can't forget to put some angels up here can I?

Ok She might not be an angel... But I love the skulls!

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Friday, June 3, 2005
Samurai champloo is a very awesome anime, I watched it last night. Ehh it's somthing else I will add to my favorites.
Well anyways.. I'm back to my angel fetish once again since I found some interesting pics.
Here they are.

I can't help but love these.. and now I will put some angel sanctuary on here also.

Well I hope you enjoyed them all.
I must be off now, everyone have a great day.
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
Hey everyone... Sorry that I haven't updated for a while... I really just haven't felt like it.
I've been out of school for a week and a half now.. Thank God... Well I only have two more years of torture from evil teachers. I really dread my 11 grd year in a way... Even though alot of things might be going on that year. ><
Well Anyways.. Last weekend I went with a few of my friends to the Renisance fest. It was so awesome like it has been for the last two years I've been, but it changes each time. I truely almost died this time because the swords,knives, daggers were so totally awesome. Ugh unfortunately I wasn't able to bring any money this time. It is quite sad because they were several quite unique ones that I would love to add to my collection.... Oh well there is next year. ^_^;;
Well I must bid you all a farewell for now.
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
Today I woke up from a very freaky dream. It was where I was helping my brother with the computer and he suddenly smacked me in the face. It was where I felt the smack... It was so strange really... I woke up and my cheek was stinging. ><
Heh finally I am out of school. Well friday I was. It was cool because I only had to take two of my finals, and had my friend over for alittle while.
Ehhh I guess I will stop rambleing now.
Do you like my post background and my normal background? I think it is quite beautiful.
Who says dark angels couldn't be as gorgeous as innocent angels?
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Monday, May 16, 2005
Hmm... My Angel fetish
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
 You need friends. You have been very lonely in your life and people have, for one reason or another, stayed away from you. The isolation is killing you inside and all you want is to feel a connection with somebody else. You now have little self-esteem left inside and have dark thoughts about life and relationships. However you still have that crave of friends inside of you, even if you won't admit that to yourself anymore. And even if you do have a friend, you still feel lonely because you have a hard time letting people in since you have been isolated so long.
What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics] brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Hey Myo, this is the first day this account has been up and I hope it is interesting and eye catching. I will change the pictures alot until I find one of my liking of course. Well Please sign my guest book and add me if you want!
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