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Tendacy to scare people.
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O.o;;; making people scared
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Inyuyasha,Trigun,Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, FLC...Etc
Becoming a graphic artist and also to get into a career with animals
Being insane, collecting knives, swords, anime stuff, and daggers
Drawing, writing and scaring people.
| AuriaAngelsKiss
Friday, July 1, 2005
Finally! I post....
Sorry everyone that it has been so long!! Ugh... Lots of things have been going on.. and a few of these days.. I haven't felt like getting on.. Sorry for not getting to your sites!! Very very sorry...
Oh yea.. the day at the wild life santuary was pretty awesome! Though I had to walk everywheres, up and down VERY steep hills. My legs hurt for several days.. and my left one decided to give out of me the next day for a few hours..Very strange. I had fun though, my Trainer was cool... But he was 16 also. Irony was he had the same name as my boyfriend. So I call him Mr.Smiles( Because he has a very wide smile and he smiled alot!!)..Well not around him anyways. Goodness he talked to much though!
I got to see all types of animals. Bears- They were very silly, dipping their whole heads into the water bucket, and all of them took turns. Snakes- Agh!! They were soo awesome! they were huge, for example they had one that it's body length was over 15 foot. Deers- they... Were adorable, but they was one that nipped at me every time I turned around. Cougars- LAZZZZZZZZZZZZZY My goodness they were so lazy, you would of thought that they were tamed, but they are wild. Hmm They also had a falcon, hawks, rabbits, chinchilla, a groundhog that loves to nibble at shoes and fingers, a parrot- Peppy that tries to bite you at every chance he gets, fussy young bobcats and one bobcat that was blind and def.. She was very sweet though. They were more... But to many to type down. I help out sunday to raise money... I don't like being around people really... But I will for the animals.
Saturday one of my friends had a bike wreck and fractured her sinus and cheek bone... It scared the living heck outta me, for one she is like a sister... I've known her for probably over 10 years. I stayed with her from sunday till wednesday... I could have posted then.. But I was worried and in a depressed mood, I didn't want to try to type somthing in that state. She had her surgery today, and thank goodness she made it through ok!
Ooooh...I got my letter!! After several days of suffering waiting for sooo long. That made my day even more cheerful.. ^_^
Well I am going to go now..I will try to get to some of your sites real soon I promise, but I might be at my friends house again.
This is an odd pic... But observe closly to see what she is holding.

Well I think that is enough for now....
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