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Tuesday, January 20, 2004
ho hum
well tomorrow starts finals for meh ;_; i dun wanna take finals at all though >.> umm lets see...ive been kinda busy because im working on a shamanic princess fic that is going pretty well actually and a fruits basket one that i havent worked on in a while i still need to finish chapter 6 of my maid inu fic also ><;; so many fics! @_@ if you wanna read my maid inu fic you can look me up on fanfiction.net under Demon-Aurora well i gotta go soon so cya soon! *waves*
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Friday, January 16, 2004
ah weekend
ive been watching shamanic princess this week! ^-^ i love that anime anyway tomorrow im going to my cousins house so i might not be on. oh that reminds me i made a shamanic princess fan fic too! i think its pretty good but ill have to wait for reviews the only way to really under stand the story is if you saw the whole series of shamanic princess well its late so im gonna go for now byes!
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Monday, January 12, 2004
*screams in high pitched sound that shatters glass*
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Friday, January 9, 2004
no shamanic princess yet?! but ya got some anime today?...go on
yeah shamanic princess didnt come yesterday or today ;-; they said it would take 7-10 days and when i told mom she said they probably ment bussiness hours
-.-;; well then it will come sometime next week most likely. anyway today we went to hollywood video and i got the third vol of one of my favorite animes Here is Greenwood! i also rented two vols of Vampire Princess Miyu i only watched one of em so far though. tomorrow im going to the mall with some friends and im getting mah hair washed and died a burgendy kinda color ^-^;; mom said that was the only color i could get *pouts* anywoo thats about it really cept my friends kept givin meh mangas to read over the week now ive got like three books well to mangas and a magizine to read XD oh well i can handle it >D
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Wednesday, January 7, 2004
1 MORE DAY i hope ^-^;;
I CANT WAIT TILL TOMORROW! *ish bouncin up and down* i wanna see mah shamanic princess dvd! *sighs* ok well today was a pretty good day ^-^ and tomorrow ill be scanning some pictures of me and my family at the library in our school! oh and today my shamanic princess music video finished downloading! *ish listening to it now* it goes along to the song Imaginary by Evanescence! its really good too
^-^ if i knew how to put music i would put up the song but i dunno if it would work cause its a music video *shrugs* oh well im just happy to be listening to it! right now im doing my geography homework XP for once im doing it at the right time and not before i go to bed XD well thats all for me today so im gonna go and maybe play inuyasha oh and speaking of inuyasha the rpg of inuyasha will be coming out some time this year! *ish savin up her money >D* cant wait muahahahahhaha
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Tuesday, January 6, 2004
2 MORE DAYS! or 1 *shrugs*
ONLY 2 OR 1 MORE DAY TILL I GET MAH SHAMANIC PRINCESS DVD! ^_^! IM SO HAPPY! if you dont know what shamanic princess is go to www.shamanicprincess.com and check out its official website i love this anime so much *squeels with joy* ah i cant wait! well anyway i had art club today and that was fun as it always is XD anyway umm lets see...thats really about it cept all our teachers keep talking about finals and im scared that i not gonna pass em ><;; that also reminds me i gotta look up some stuff for this project in biology...i should look up the stuff now cause i dont think it should be that hard to do weeeelp i believe thats it for me so im gonna go and look up this stuff
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Monday, January 5, 2004
yeah i went back to school. and it wasnt all that bad really XD i dont really mind going to school im such a weird child i swear ^-^;; well today my friends let me borrow lots of manga too! i finished most in algebra and gave em back XP well i got home work -_- i gonna do it later cause i dont feel like doin algebra homework ;;>.> well thats pretty much all for me so i cya later
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Saturday, January 3, 2004
howdy everyone! anyone speak l33t? well anyway i got saber marionette j vol 2 today and ill be gettin shamanic princess soon! shamanic princess is a really good anime and its one of mah favs ^-^ to learn about shamanic princess go to www.shamanicprincess.com i think thats right but if its not let me know and ill give ya the right one! anyway my dog is sittin in mah lap and keeps sniffin at mah sweatshirt o.O;;; umm *thinks* i cant think of anything else to say right now so erm happy new year folks XD
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
mah site ^-^
hey guys ^-^ ive been working on my site come look at it here i kinda need some ideas for stuff to put there but im workin on it
^-^ cya gonna work on it now
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Monday, December 29, 2003
this movie is one of mah fave live action movies of all time XD its halarious how they die and the second one was funny too! yes im a very weird child but thats ok well i gonna go back to watchin so heres a quiz for ya
 Your sign of frustration is....Swearing!!!! To you, swearing is the perfect solution to everything. The more frustrated you become, the more you swear. You have a very large vocabulary range!
What sign of frustration are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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