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myOtaku.com: Aurora

Friday, November 28, 2003

HOWDY MINNA SAN! HOW WAS YOUR TURKEY DAY?! MINE WAS PRETTY DARN GOOD! ^-^ well thats enough of the caps! XD i listenin to this ranma 1/2 music video with ryoga! i love ryoga hes so kawaii!
^-^ *sings with video* and i would walk 500 miles! and i would walk 500 more!... anyway XD my cousin comin over today and im typin with gloves on which ish kinda hard but i seem to be doin pretty okie at it lol er lets see well who saw the south park movie last night? i saw some of it..i got kinda sleepy and said theres always next time! oh does any one know where to get some ranma episodes cheap? i wanna see them but mah downloader aint downloaded em yet
-.-;;; ah that okies theres always christmas! >D ok thats all for me for right now anyway so peace inside!

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