Aurora Dragon
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Oh, I screwed up my introduction thing trying to fix something. At the moment I'm too lazy to go re-do it or figure out how to fix it. Laziness.
Whee. New to-do list for my own uses.
-Ink Kakashi fanart b-day gift for Vashtya (30th)
-Finish inking/CGing Sakura pic (TOMORROW.)
-Neiji fanart for my own good XD (30th-ish)
-Bug brother about taking me to Sakura Festival next year/getting me a Neiji plushie (29th)
-Bother Trufflepig (24/7)
-Find April's Shonen Jump (???)
-Ink Gundam Seed sketch (SOON. It's only four months old. x_o;; )
-Lock in Friday @ 9pm-7am Saturday
-Find full version of "GO!!!!" by Flow (30th)
-Download manga chapter 213 of Naruto (23rd)
-Draw something and CG it for Teri's B-Day
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Friday, April 16, 2004
A Rant. x_o;;
You have been warned. The following... prargraphs I'll assume there will be, are based upon mostly my personal opinions, yet facts too. You are not being forced to read it, and if you don't like what I have to say, well too bad, this is my page.
The following is a comparison of Naruto and Inu-Yasha
Why compare them?
'Cause I can. Pfft. Spring break has gotten the worst of me, I've become bored. I've had too much time to think about things. This is one of them. I don't know what I'll ever do over summer vacation. And, Inu-Yasha was my first anime years ago now, and lately, Naruto is my new craze.
Naruto - PRO: A huge variety, vast difference between all of them. Each one is devoloped, well, might I add. Each one is different, no one is perfect. CON: What can I say? It's basically a male overpopulation. No means to get into that kind of stuff, but, all female genins are weak. Sure, TenTen, Ino, Sakura and Hinata have their times, but nothing is developed around them in the end. They all are strong, or so their sensei's say, but nothing ever is there to complicate things for them like things are for Lee, Sasuke and Naruto. It's like, "Oh, yeah, Sakura, gotta stick her in there somewhere... and we'll have Ino do something too." Sure, Sakura and TenTen have kicked some major ass, but not as much as the male characters do. Enough of this topic.
Inu-Yasha PRO: Arrg, not much here, really. You've got yer good guys in one corner, and yer baddies in the other. Wow. Amazing. I'm sure that took hours of work to figure that out. CON: Way too many things here. Basically, if you think about it, Kagome's like.... perfect. o.O No character is devoloped well. They each have a simple problem, brother turned evil, hole in hand, evil brother, a jewel shard. Wow. Another "amazing."
Naruto - PRO: D00d, seriously, wow. Whole new place, different things, new ideas. Everything is amazing. CON: Uhhh... nothing?
Inu-Yasha - PRO: Seriously, nothing. CON: It's Fuedal Japan, they sure had to think about that, didn't they? u.u;;
Winning Vs. Lossing (this area is not organized by pro & con)
Naruto - Not everyone always wins, that's what I like about it. You would have thought that all Leaf nins would have passed the chuunin exams, but they didn't, that's what makes it good, there are losses.
Inu-Yasha - Ehh, basically, good guys win, all the time. Boring.
Romance lmao. I do have that girly part to me, though no one ever really sees it, so, here's my two cents. (not organized by pro & con)
Naruto - Okay. You've got Sakura and Ino, both have a major crush on Sasuke. Sasuke completely ignores both of them, that's basically yer romance. Oh yeah, there's the love triangle too. Hinata likes Naruto, Naruto likes Sakura, Sakura likes Sasuke, Sasuke likes no one. Okay, maybe that's not a triangle. Close enough though. Well, Sasuke has his moments where he can care about Sakura, but that's only when she's like, dying or in danger. Yeah, that's basically it. Except the two sensei's whose names I can't remember at the moment... Kakashi seems to think there's something there. XD
Inu-Yasha - Basically, love hate relationships. Makes for funny moments.
Naruto - PRO: It's always twisting. Nothing is ever really the same. Sure, you have Orochimaru and his plan to take over the Leaf Village/have the Sound Village take over and how he wants Sasuke, but, the idea is changing. New problems occur often. The big picture didn't appear till what, chapter 70? Before that, it made you think it was all about Naruto and his dream of becoming Hokage, then it switched. Maybe next they'll focus on Sakura. She's still on they're team. CON: Ummm.
Inu-Yasha - PRO: Creative idea of plot, I guess. CON: The only plot that ever happens is the freakin' jewel shard, that's ALL. Think about it, yeah, there's minor things that last one episode, AT MOST. I could go on for awhile about this.
Music ahaha, yeah, I had to stick this in here.
Naruto - PRO: Everything? Possibly the best music I've ever heard comes from Naruto. "Wind" is my all time favorite song, a masterpiece in my mind. All songs from Naruto are original CON: The song "Little By Little." In the words of Tazmo from, "They sound like the smurfs." The only musical mistake in Naruto.
Inu-Yasha - PRO: The songs "My Will" and "Fukai Mori." They're very nicely done. CON: The unoriginality of everything. It's so boring after awhile.
Naruto - I fell in love with this manga/anime the first time I saw it, browsing through Viz's site, noting that ShonenJump was coming to the U.S. and learning Naruto was soon to join it. Everything is original. Ninjas no longer are those that are shrowded in the black cloaks, but normal people, in reality, just trying to make their way in life. I've always liked ninjas, but Naruto gave the name a whole new meaning.
Inu-Yasha - Rumiko, you seriously need to get some new ideas. All of her manga/anime never really has a good plot, just the same thing in each, over and over. It's become a bore for me.
Yes, there is a point to this, believe it or not. Inu-Yasha was the thing that got me into manga and anime, back in late 1997, i think it was. Back then, I thought it was great, but now watching it and actually stopping to think about it, it's a shame, really. To think that I wasted a lot of my time only noting Inu-Yasha. I've opened my eyes. Teri, believe it or not, you're the one who pushed me to write this. A week ago when you listened to Wind over the phone, you told me Inu-Yasha music wasn't that great. It made me think. And today, well actually yesterday now, when you called again I was 1/3 listening to you, 1/3 trying to solve that damn puzzle thing and 1/3 thinking about this.
I hate spring break. Makes ya think too much. Uggg, bed. Sleep. Now.
Now, I need to put up a to-do list or else I'm gonna forget everything. Goldfish memory. x_X;;
-Kakashi fanart b-day gift for Vashtya (30th)
-Pay fine for library book (19th)
-Finish inking/CGing Sakura pic (???)
-Neiji fanart for my own good XD (30th-ish)
-Email brother (29th)
-Bother Trufflepig (24/7)
-Find April's Shonen Jump (???)
-Ink Gundam Seed sketch (SOON. It's only four months old. x_o;; )
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Wednesday, April 14, 2004
What's this? An Update?! o_o;;
Yes, like omg, it is. An update. Who would have guessed? Not me. Nope.
I'm currently debating wheather to continue reading the Naruto manga. Because I want to be suprised in the anime of it. I don't know what to do and it's driving me nuts. I've missed over a year of the manga, and until today, I was reading it trying to catch up. Chapter 151 of 212. I want to be suprised at what the anime brings, but also I'll miss reading it. I can't download the episodes because my stupid computer doesn't support what they save as. I'm just hoping that my friend Sarah will come over here an tell me what I'm doing wrong... and maybe how I can save it as a zipped file instead. Yeah. x.X;;
Not much else.... I don't think. Probably by the time I post this, I'll think of something.
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Thursday, April 8, 2004
I live. Barely. Hoping that some day, Naruto DVDs/other stuff comes to the U.S. Yeah right. Bleh.
Witch Hunter Robin is on Cartoon Network. When did that happen? o.O;;
My rabbit died Sunday. Really unexpected. That's why there weren't any more crummy updates. I'm about ready to drop everything and take up something else... like... I dunno. Something besides all the shit I do on the internet. Annnnd, I've felt like shit ever since then. We had taken him into the vet, they said he'd be fine so long as we gave him a shot once a day, but he wasn't fine dammit! He wasn't... I've seen death before in my life, but this, this was so unexpected. I've been in a haze ever since. Like, nothing happened... but something did. And it's that which has been killing me the past few days. Nothing is the same. It never will be again. I've lost a part of me. I've opened my eyes, seen the terrors of the world, but nothing so terrible as death.
You still are blind if you see a winding road, cause there's always a straight to the point you see.
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Monday, March 29, 2004
Ummm.... yes, basically new everything here. I redid it a week ago, but wasn't completely satisfied with it until now. I still think I could do better, but for now, this is it. But now, I'm jealious of AniFreak's new layout. So very... airy~! >.<
Yeah... I've ran out of things to say... So, 11 random facts because I said so. >:O
1. I believe in flying chincillas
2. Often can be seen reading
3. I'm addicted to gaia
4. my favorite item on gaia is the fuzzy baby seal slippers
5. Spammers are stupid
6. I absolutely hate art theives
7. my favorite video game is Disgaea
8. I live off of microwave pizza rolls
9. my absolute favorite anime is Naruto
10. my favorite manga is Jing King of Bandits
11. Gavynn (Dragon Warrior) is a big lier. Some of you know why. XD
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Monday, March 22, 2004
holding highest G on clarinet for about 60 seconds + cramps + asthma attack + waiting for trupets to match your tone = PAIN AND SUFFERING.
My introduction is being redone. I hated it. I'll still hate the new one once it goes up... most likely.
I need anime. NOW. It is spring... for an odd reason I always get this huge need to watch anime. o.O;; The only other show I've been watching is Lilo and Stitch The Series. XD;; And some CSI. And I really NEED the Inu-Yasha Movie 2. O.O;; And I NEED to download some more Naruto - that is actually within my power.
Stuff that no one cares about but I type just because I can:
Today in science we were told to write down our name and something about us that we want the substitute to know about us because Mrs. Fortney has to have sugery and will be out... about a month I think. Danny wrote down, "I skipped the 2nd grade." Erin wrote, "Salt is my favorite food. (but my mommy tells me it's a mineral, not a food. Peanut Salt Logs are gross. Danny skipped the second grade.)" Courtney wrote, "I like flying Chincillas. Danny skipped the 2nd grade." I wrote, "I like chocolate. Danny skipped the second grade. He also doesn't believe in flying chinchillas."
Okay, Erin and I were in the In-and-Out mart this morning and we saw these gross peanut salt log... things. It was basically a giant roll of salt with peanuts around it. XP
We have a joking running between us all about flying chinchillas. o.O;;;;;
And Danny did skip the second grade; he never fails to remind us that every day.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004
That site FINALLY is up again. I love this thing. Oh yes, teh backround lives too.
Edit on the 18th. I hate to have about one post a day for some reason. xp
 You're Elemant is Wind. You're light-hearted, care-free, kind, sensative, and mysterious. You have friends and most absolutely love you. You can be calm and soothing one minute and ragging in anger the next so no one wants to get on your bad side. You're beauty is inspiring and magical.
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla
I would have guessed wind or water.
Blah. Pizza is here. |
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Friday, March 12, 2004
Teeeeeeeeeeerrrrrriiiiiii! You were grounded for so long I forgot your phone number! ;O; Call me up or email it to me! Also, are you still going to the lake in June or whatever? Because I'd still really like to go if it's okay with you and your family; it seems that it may be my only getaway from home this summer because the tuition for St. Ursula is outrageous! My friend said he'd miss me <.< >.> XD I luff all meh friend over at Washington... but you, YOU had to be home schooled! >:O
I keep on thinking today is Saturday... probably because I was home all week with bronchitus XP But now I'll have piles and piles of homework -.-;; I WISH it was Saturday... then the puri flat sale at gaia would be in six hours. XD I'm practicing my fast-posting skills, "The answer to the question is _____! One puri please!" Speaking of that... I still need to find inside info on what the question might be. I was hoping it would be something like "How old is Lanzer today? Be specific." That way, I may be the only one who says the exact years, months, and days he is XD And they're wild puries... I has a preview of one (silly KenKi... showing us the SNOW LEOPARD! like, omfg... I WANT THAT ONE ;O;). Gaia has taken over my life. ToT Annnnnd, I'm rambling on.
 You are Sakura Haruna!
You are strong willed and determined, but can, if you want to pull off sweet. Unfourtunatly, when Naruto's around, you only show spite. But your still a nice person...sort of...umm...And your obsessed with Sasuke!
Which female Naruto ninja are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Sasuke... <3 <3 <3 XD
 Sasuke Uchiha!
Which Naruto guy would you date? brought to you by Quizilla
<3 XD *laughs her ass off for no apparent reason*
EDIT/PS: I must post these XD lmao
And, for you, Teri <3 XD
Oh, and last one. Out of pure whim:
Gav, you know that you WOULD die by tripping and falling. XD <3
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Thursday, March 4, 2004
Okay, yesterday, my brother called us from Japan to wish my dad a happy day after his birthday. While we were talking to him, he mentioned that on the Japanese news, Bin Laden had been captured, but they claimed that the U.S. wasn't releasing it to the public till October - around the election time! So, in other words, to make Bush look like a hero in the end so we all vote for him! Omfg. I swear, if I didn't care about my life, I'd try to kill him. xD
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Monday, February 23, 2004
Okay, about last post, I was basically saying I spilt milk on the keyboards and I was cursing. I now have pulled out the old keyboard whick really isn't so bad, it has a COVER ON IT XD so, I won't be able to ruin it. It was not a case of .hack. xD
Yes... I've been in an extremely good mood today, I got to see my cousins yesterday, and I played against my cousin Patrick in FFTA and almost won. Even though his clan is like.... five levels ahead of me. Okay... so Marche and Montblanc were the only ones alive near the end, but that's not the point. x3
Gaia Rant *lalalala*
Today before the Terra Nova's started, I overheard my friend Courtney and Danny talking about That's all I heard. Danny said, "Yes, sasha dot go hyphen gaia dot com" First off, they are like the last people I would expect to be there. And, gaia switched severs about a month ago I thought, sasha is now bildeau or something weird like that. But of course, I forgot to ask Erin who I thought overheard them about it when we were walking home from the bus, and she'll most likely of forgotten my tomorrow, knowing her memory.
I'm off to play more FFTA... gah
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