Aurora Dragon
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Sunday, January 18, 2004
HA! EVERYTHING ON THIS PAGE MATCHES NOW! PUHAHAHA. Okay, yes, I'm hyper. But, I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out. I love pastels, as you can tell.
Bleh, I'm still alive.
Okay, I'm now going to rotate between the three blogs you see on this page to give veriety.
Go read my rant about DBZ. Well, soon to be a rant. I like to rant about things. But when I did that, I was low on time and I couldn't get it outta my system about that...... and lots of other stuff. I need a punching bag sometimes. Or just my brother back home. I think it's just that. Grades have dropped (okay, so, one C), since he left... I've cried more.... Got to MSNmessenger him last night though. That cheered me up. Oh, and Teri, I said hi to him for you. No matter how weird it was doing that. Also seeing my cousins cheered me up, though we only played GameBoy, watched TV, played dominos, and had a penny hocky tornament. Okay, so maybe that is a lot. Oh, and we had a Final Fantasy Tactics Advance tournament too - that was the highlight of my day.
Annnnnd, I just found out that I lost a 50 dollar bill. Go me. -.-''
PS: Tiger, you always have the best quizzes. ;)
 Innocenct Angel. Innocence. A true angel. Probaly a younger one. Not yet shown the real way of this planet. Lemme give you some advice, stay that way, for as long as you can. The pure make it.
What Element Angel Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a Best Friend, You always look out for your friend(s) and would do anything for them. Even if you only have one true friend, You still treat them like family.
What Kind of Girl are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Whee, I have the same as Tiger.
Now, Teri, nows your chance to steal some quizzes.
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Friday, January 9, 2004
Okay, updating, I'm still alive, sadly.
Now, I must go, for my mother wants to play her "Game" on the PC. I so want my own laptop.
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Monday, January 5, 2004
blog blog bloggedy blog. Just like log!
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Oh yes, log, log... how does the rest of it go? I think I shall change my blog every other time, because just plain Naruto ones all down the screen ish boring. So, thus, my two favorite anime!
yesh, I disappeared again, at gaia. AND AURORA CAN'T SPELL WOOHOO! used to, but, I think that ability has long since been lost.
wheeeeeeeeee I'm bored.
Oh, yesh, if anyone were to find me a Flonne (from Disgaea) blog, I would love you forever... and give you a drawing... or CG even... ;) Yes Teri, I have learned to CG puhahaha.
Oh, and Teri, I noticed that you don't have any new quizes up, probably because I haven't had any up. Quiz stealler. -.-''
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Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Puhahaha, I found a blog that I acually like!
That's all I have to say. XD
Oh, and for those of you who don't what this wonderful anime/manga is, It's NARUTO! I'm just wondering where Sakura is....
Oh, and I'm still searching for a new picture.I'll find one.... some day.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
here i am again
umm, yesh, I just went to a site from a link offa DJ's site I think, under their banner section er, they have my banner from OB that someone made for me. I mean, I'm glad they like it, but they could have asked first. should I email them? here's the link, it's the very last one on that page:
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Oh yesh, one more thing, if you ever listen to Akeboshi Wind (which you should it is da best), turn the bass up as high as you can and same with the volume, it is TEH AWSOMEST.
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errr...I disappered again. Probably because Gavin hasn't been updating either. *hint*hint* Yesh, Gav! UPDATE. NOW. Or else I'll continue to poke joo.
Umm, didn't there used to be a quote thing on this site? every time I go to update is disappears and comes back. I'm confused, as usual. well, my favorite quote is from Naruto, "I got lost on the path known as life today" just to let ya know o.O
Oh yes, if someone can find me the full downloadable version of "One Day One Dream", the Inu-Yasha fifth opening theme I'd love ya forever and possibly draw yew something since I got a SCANNER. PUHAHAHA.
Umm, yesh, I'm I only only one who found out this morning that the only thing on TV was a pokemon movie? o.O ;_; That gave me the perfect opportinuty to watch my Inu-Yasha BOXED SET. YES, SUCH THING EXSISTS.
I'm enjoying my break. playing music really loud. *evil grin* Right listening to "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride" XD it's a good song. And Lilo and Stitch is a good movie. yesh. I'm hyyyyypeeeeer.
Is the RPG on the seven still going on? if so, DON'T GIVE AWAY MY SPOT. *runs away to see if it's still there*
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Thursday, December 18, 2003
 Blue! Your eyes are the Blue of insanity! You make a lot of friends easily, and you're very carefree and easy going. Watch yourself, though, because responsibility is still a big deal. That doesn't mean you have to stop your flower obsession, however.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
Who Are You From Within? (Anime Images used) brought to you by Quizilla

Find out what anime series you belong in.
What Maiden are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 14, 2003
Long time no see.
Okay, been buisy at Gaia Online. If you join, say that ~Aurora~ reffered you, k?
I finally figured out the IMG codes here! I'm so slow.
My art will be up in January. Yays.
Just to tell you, I'm still alive. Gaia in down, that's why I'm here. XD
I'm taking a poll, WHO WANTS A NEW BACKROUND?
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Sunday, November 30, 2003
I'm on a roll.
 Guys just vulnerable you are!
What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3) brought to you by Quizilla
W-wait, I'm "vulnerable"? Eh.............
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